Hot springs – Chapter 5 [FF] [Lesbian]

Heres attempt 2… I did publish this yesterday but I removed it because I wasn’t very happy with it. But here’s the improved version! I’ve gone for a bit of a pov change in this chapter. It won’t be like this every time but I wanted to explore Niko’s character more so I can write more about her later on. I hope you enjoy it. :)

“Well,” Niko sighed, slumping down on the changing room bench, devastated, “that was a disaster of a match.”

The rest of the cheerleading squad followed suit, crumpling into the various benches, annoyed and exhausted, fanning themselves with whatever they could find and letting out long sighs. It wasn’t even summer, it was Autumn now – October. But the summer heat seemed to linger, and today was particularly hot and humid, despite there being a warning about a potential typhoon over the Kansai region last week.

Hot springs – Chapter 5 [FF] [Lesbian]

Chapter 5 – I found I couldn’t help myself, however, now it’ll probably be the end of the week before I can write the next one. ;-; Hopefully, it’s alright. This one focuses a bit more on character building so –

“Well,” Niko sighed, slumping down on the changing room bench, devastated, “that was a disaster of a match.”

The rest of the cheerleading squad followed suit, crumpling into the various benches, annoyed and exhausted, fanning themselves with whatever they could find and letting out long sighs. It wasn’t even summer, it was Autumn now – October. But the summer heat seemed to linger, and today was particularly hot and humid, despite there being a warning about a potential typhoon over the Kansai region last week.

So against all odds, the baseball match went on. And Osaka City University lost spectacularly 2:5. It had been a long-anticipated match – In fact, Niko reminisced, it was one of the biggest sports events in the region – almost 20,000 people turned up to cheer on the two teams, but no amount of cheering from the crowd or the cheerleaders seemed to change the outcome and, reluctantly, Osaka City walked off unvictorious. Niko had no idea what happened now – unsure of how baseball leagues worked – but hoped their team got to play again, hoping she got to cheerlead again before next year. But she didn’t know and had to watch enviously as the opposing team’s cheerleaders made out with the winning team.

Hot springs – Chapter 4 [FF] [Lesbian]

Sorry! This chapter is coming out kinda late because I ended up writing and rewriting it several times. But anyway – here it is :)

Yua woke up. She was lying on the right side of the bed, curled up in a fetal position, her hands pulled up to her chin and her knees bent slightly. Her head was on a thick, white, feathered pillow – which her long, dark hair was messily strewn across – and she was draped in a thin cotton duvet that, despite this, seemed to keep the heat in excellently. She finally came to her senses, opening her eyes slightly. As her other senses returned, she suddenly felt Asahi’s body, pressed against hers from behind: her hands wrapped around Yua’s abdomen; her legs pressing against the back of hers; her butt sitting nestled, touching, in front of Asahi’s crotch; Asahi’s breasts, her nipples, pressed tightly against her back; Asahi’s breath gently running over her neck with each gentle sigh.

She yawned, stretching as best she could without disturbing Asahi, before snuggling back up, waiting for her to wake. She thought about last night and could hardly help feeling her face glow red, but it wasn’t embarrassment as much as it was a burning passion for the person snuggled up behind her.

Hot springs – Chapter 3 [FF] [Lesbian]

Chapter 3 – this one is more erotic hopefully :) again I’d suggest reading the previous ones to understand the story. But it’s not vital

Yua and Asahi ended up spending the rest of the day exploring Kyoto. It was a hot summer day and the sun seemed to beat down on them relentlessly, but that didn’t seem to stop them (or anyone else) from enjoying the city. They spent hours, laughing and messing around, trying on Kimonos and trying various Kyoto street foods which, Yua exclaimed delightfully, were all incredible, as well as going to the top of the famous Kyoto tower. Yua suddenly regretting eating so much food when she looked at the height. But before long, the sun was setting. And although the warm, humid summer weather meant it was still pleasant, Yua acknowledged, disappointedly that she would have to catch the train home soon.

Yua and Asahi sat on a small bench in the now quieter city center, enjoying a pair of icecreams they had purchased from a small ice cream shop nearby before they departed. Yua sighed, yawning slightly.

“You look exhausted,” Asahi pointed out, smiling gently.

Hot springs – Chapter 2 [FF] [Lesbian]

Welp, chapter 2 is done. Hopefully, you enjoy :) I apologize I can’t post more in one go. It just takes a while to write. If you haven’t, I’d suggest reading chapter 1, although its not vital.

Yua woke up the following day. Despite being almost 10 in the morning the room was pitch black due to the permanently closed blinds over the windows.

She yawned, stretching to the point her hands hit the back wall behind her bed. Sighing, Yua sat up, rubbing her eyes before squinting at the clock next to her. It was unusual for her to wake up so late but then again, she reminded herself, she had had a late night previously.

She was still fully dressed, having fallen asleep in the clothes she’d worn the previous day and she sat up, rubbing her legs where the tight jeans had dug into her whilst she slept.

There was a loud buzz that made her jump and, looking for the source, spotted her phone on the bedside table – its screen illuminated with notifications.

Wearily, she reached out picking it up and squinted at the blinding screen to decipher the notification.

Hot springs – Chapter 1 [FF] [Lesbian]

This is my first attempt at writing anything like this… So hopefully its alright and someone likes it.

Yua checked her phone again: 21:28… It was unusual for Niko to be late at all, but 28 minutes with no explanation message? she looked around nervously – awkwardly acknowledging that people she had seen enter the hot springs were now leaving again. It was cold and at the very least the next bus that could take her back to Osaka was at 10 PM so, nervously and unsurely, she entered the hot springs.

15 minutes later and she finally slipped into the springs, waiting to the last moment before quickly removing her towel and submerging herself in the hot water. Conscious of her appearance, she had chosen the spot with the least people – over near the back – before getting in and curling into a ball as the churning water sloshed around her. She sighed and kept glancing at the entrance, hoping each time that Niko would be standing there, but no… She felt uncomfortable sitting there with so many groups of people sitting around the spring, enjoying themselves and tried her best to be invisible.