White House Secrets

Hello, this is my first attempt at this kind of thing. Please give honest feedback. Sorry for any formatting errors or any grammar/spelling errors I might have missed. Thanks and enjoy.

Edit: I see maybe this is a bit long compared to other stories on here. Maybe I should break it up into a few parts? Any suggestions on this also welcome.

White House Secrets

Donald sat quietly at his desk in the Oval Office, feverishly penning the last words of his final Executive Order of the day. It was merely a budget allocation for White House renovations, though Donald imagined he was signing an order to send his former attorney Michael Cohen to Iran on a “peacekeeping mission.” Just a fantasy, sadly, though he vowed to himself he’d one day have his revenge. Frustrated and tired from a long day of dealing with more fake news maligning his character, Donald put his favorite black pen down, placed his head into his hands, inhaled deeply, and slowly exhaled.