Crossing the line and the beginning of an illicit relationship Part 2 [MF]

Thank you to everyone that has given me positive feedback, you have inspired me to continue telling my story. Holding onto a secret this big and meaningful to me has crushed me. Being able to talk about it is helping me heal and move on. Again I am not a writer so please bare with me.

/////////////////Part 2//////////////////////

Now that Emily gave me the green light I quickly devised a way to leave the club. With all her officer friends around we needed to get out of there to be ourselves without the fear of getting into trouble. I asked her if she was ready to go and she mentioned that she needed to grab her purse. As I saw that slowly her friends were making their way up from the basement I moved quickly and approach the bar and asked for her purse. As we were leaving a mutual friend wanted to tag along when Emily quickly said No! She wanted to go with me and she sure made that her point. This was risky for her but my friend was drunk so he didn’t care and let us leave by ourselves.

Crossing the line and the beginning of an illicit relationship [MF]

This is the story of how the lines of fraternization between officers and NCOs were crossed resulting in an intense 18-month affair/relationship.

As a career NCO in the United States Army, many things are frowned upon. Fraternization is one of the ones that will end your career and jeopardize your benefits with the risk of losing it all. I have not been able to talk to anyone about this and to some degree, this serves as a measure of venting out in the search for closure.

Since this is meant to be a series of posts covering the entire affair, I’ll provide some background about myself. I am an enlisted NCO with plenty of years of active duty, I am what many would call a career Soldier. I have been married for pretty much the amount of time I have served, my marriage is not perfect but I have managed to keep it afloat through all the years. I began having more than the normal share of problems at home upon moving to a new duty station in Europe, this drove me away from home throwing myself into work to drown the stress of a failing marriage.