To All the [M]en who’ve [F]ked me from Reddit- Thank you.

To say that Reddit is useful is an understatement. Reddit is a trove of endless supply of useful information for *everything* anyone needs. I don’t like dating apps because chances are low that I’d find exactly what I want. I rarely search for porn anymore thanks to r/gonewildstories and live vicariously through *your* stories and will try to recreate similar scenarios in my life. For example, I read a story of how someone fucked their tinder driver. The details were so sexy. Mildly intoxicated and alone in one at 1 am, I proceeded to actualize a similar scenario. I flirted until the driver proceeded to give me full body massage in the back seat and we fogged the mirrors with a steamy makeout session. I cut things short though since there was a redditor waiting in the hotel room which I had to get to.

Anyways, this is why I am extra excited to be able to participate in this month’s contest. I’m super thankful for all my experiences from reddit that it was difficult to just pick one so here is an open letter to all the men who’s fucked me. I thank you.

How the largest dick entered my ass. (Long Wpics) [mf].

** The Next Day**

I’m frantically writing away because I want to remember all the hot details that encompass some of the craziest sex I’ve had.

This is our 6th time meeting. Our other encounters can be [found here.](

We met as gym partners and started flirting 3 weeks into our workouts. It’s been 6 weeks and I’m finding that we have a very good physical chemistry. It helps that we both try to be honest with each other regarding our expectations of the relationship. Another plus: we’re both really into giving and finding new ways to please our partners.

**It’s ‪12 AM‬**

It was midnight and I asked if it was okay to stop over his place to say “Hi” since I *happened* to be in his neighborhood. Thinking back on it, I had subconsciously made a series of decisions that brought me closer in proximity to him. 

Him: “Yes, I’d love to see you but I want to warn you that I am pretty tired.”
Me: “So I am, I just want a hug and to say hi. I’m actually pretty beat too.”

The Sluttiest of All My Days: 2 Cocks, 1 Throat. [fmm] (pics included for your imagination)

Prior to this, my most slutty day was over a decade ago when I studied abroad in Seoul, Korea. For Halloween, I dressed up as [Dorothy for Halloween]( and felt extremely cute. A group of 20-30 of us went to a huge party in Gangnam and I was sufficiently drunk before we even arrived. Everyone was flirting with each other, dirty dancing, getting on stage for the costume contests. As the night rolled on, the bartenders started pouring shots into everyone’s willing mouths. I remember dancing, stumbling and kissing at least 7 different men that night. I would be kissing one, and another who I kissed earlier would find me and try to pull me away. I remembering tripping a lot and barely remember pieces of the night. Maybe it was almost time to go but I ended up outside the venue and remember my friends asking if I wanted to go home, 1 guy asking me go back in the party, while the 3rd was pulling me the other way. I didn’t know this guys name but we ended up rounding the corner and fucking in the staircase against a door. I’m kind of glad that this reckless one is dethroned and replaced with one that’s more conscientious and willful.

Met a gym partner off Reddit and found a good fuck partner too. Chapter 1 w/pics [mf]

Soo this is chapter 1. I hope y’all enjoy our slow build up because I certainly have. It’s been 2.5 months since we’ve met and taking our time to learn about each other’s desires has definitely strengthened our sexual connection. There are more visual naughtiness in our post history.


Oh reddit- you lead me down so many adventures. I made an innocent post looking for a gym partner who lifted heavy in my city. A year later, I receive a message from him stating that he’s a certified trainer and he likes to help people reach their goals. I looked through his post history and he had a few pictures posted in r/ladyboners that showcased his perfect biceps, and abs -among other *things*. Amused by his photos, I replied that he looked amazing and it was obvious that he put a lot of painstaking effort into his body.