I’m a keen golfer and in the summer, if I’m not at work I’m usually on the golf course. A proud moment in my amateur career happened 7 years ago when I won one of my golf clubs major competitions. I was invited, along with the other major winners to collect my trophy and see my name of the honours board at the end of season prize giving. On receiving my invitation, I noticed it said my name and plus 1 to side of it. I was single at the time and naturally, my first thought was Louise.
Louise, for those who don’t know, was my rebound shag after Melissa broke up with me during sex. I’d met Louise in Ibiza and we immediately clicked and stayed in touch after the holiday. Eventually, when both of our relationships broke down we ended up fucking, quite regularly. We had a good thing going and didn’t want to ruin it by making our relationship official, so we decided that for the time being, friends with benefits suited us more.
I called Louise to ask if she’d like to come to the party and she told me she would be more than happy to accompany me. I think the free bar and 3 course meal swayed it for her.