[MF] Mid Term All-Nighter with my Best Friend

During my first semester of my freshman year of college my best friend was a girl named Rachel. We had actually gone to high school together too, but didn’t get close until we left for college and most of our friends went to the other state college that was closer to home. She had been held back a year when she was younger, so she was 19 and I was 18.

Back then, I had just finished 4 years of playing football as a linebacker and kept myself in good shape walking across campus every day with Rachel to work out. I lived in one of the dorms, but she lived in an apartment with one of her friends from high school. She’d drive to my dorm and we’d walk and workout. I’d do a circuit on weights and she’d jog the track, then we’d walk back. She was very fit. Tall, about 5’8”, and thin. She had long red hair and fair skin. She wasn’t a knockout, but definitely very beautiful in an innocent, girl next door way. I had been spending some more time with my ex from high school and Rachel had been seeing a frat guy she met at her sorority’s mixer, but we still worked out and talked all the time.