A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part eleven [M4F] Bernies dilemma

Bernie woke slightly later than usual it was gone seven. The house was silent. Her mouth was dry and her throat felt a bit tender, suppose it’s to be expected after having a six inch cock slid down it and swallowing God knows what he’d shot out of him, but she’d do it again, she’d do it right now if he walked through that bedroom door. She didn’t want to get up and face the day, or more importantly Niamh, Jesus it would destroy her if she found out, first losing her independence and then realising someone else had replaced her in the bedroom, her mother of all people. She got up and dressed, stripped the bed and through in a wash. It was after nine before she heard anything from Niamh, she went up and got her sorted. Padraig was in the shower and both went down stairs, Niamh using the stair lift. With it being a bank holiday things were different today because Padraig was off. They would have a bit of breakfast and Padraig would leave Bernie home, then himself and Niamh might head out a run somewhere.
After breakfast Padraig offered to take Bernie home and so went on there way, Bernie was still wearing them flimsy polyester trousers from last night and he wanted a feel at least before she changed back into her ordinary everyday clothes. Hopefully Cahir was sleeping it off or had stayed at a friend’s last night. As they drove Padraig started rubbing Bernies thighs and tickling her crotch playing with the zip. It was nice she thought. Padraig asked about last night and what she thought, she was stuck for an answer and said she didn’t know. When they pulled up he asked could he come in and she smirked of course. When they entered the hall, they could here Cahir snoring. Shit thought Padraig, Bernie just shrugged her shoulders in disappointment and they went into the kitchen. Padraig grabbed her arse and massaged it through the trousers, it felt good thought Bernie. Padraig took her by the hand keeping a hand on her bum behind the kitchen door, he then whispered what about a quick suck? Please he said, just put it into your mouth for one minute, she looked around and said ok, but just one minute. So she got on her knees and pulled his trackies down. She then started to pull him gently, she took and rubbed his tip around her face, over her eyes and nose before guiding him into her mouth, awwhh fuck that was good. Awwhh Bernie that’s good, he started to push gently in and out. Bernies tongue was lashing the side’s of his cock, running it over his helmet in a saliva soaked mess. Her mouth just gushed slobbers the minute she took it in her mouth. Wet wasn’t the word..He egged himself on, he asked could he finish off, he’d be quick, she just nodded. He knew if he talked dirty and got her to nod in agreement he’d cum in no time. He said aw Bernie imagine you and me and Terry together, she kept massaging his cock with her mouth, imagine him watching us at it, she groaned slightly, imagine us letting him join us, she kept sucking, he then tried something Terry said, maybe women liked it, Terry would know more than him, so he said imagine the three of us outside and she gave out a groan again and he felt her mouth go into overdrive, then he used Terrys line on himself, imagine that Bernie, outside, the three of us and me wearing your red silky pants, something stirred in her he thought, once he said it, she grabbed his two arse cheeks and let him deepthroat her with a gasping groan, it felt like she was going to eat the cock of him, she went at him like a woman possessed, a woman half her age, Jesus he was about to cum, he asked could he cum in her mouth, she didn’t answer, he just heard a gurgling sound coming from her throat and with that he put his right hand behind her head and pushed as hard as he could and blew what he had,keeping his hand on her head as emptied the last of it, the bag was well and truly empty. He pulled out, pulled his trousers up looking down on her. She wiped her lips and he helped her up. That was intense he said, you enjoy that? smiling she said, fuck yes. So we ok? She said in what way? He then said what I asked you while you were given me a blowjob, she nodded, unsure about it, but told him that it would have to be on her terms, Padraig agreed, of course Bernie, she’d have the final say on everything. She said it would have to be somewhere discreet, he agreed, obviously late night if it was outside, Padraig said of course, and she dictated what they could do to her, all on her terms and Padraig shook his head saying Bernie your the boss. He said he’d text Terry that they were on, she said hold up Padraig, he said ok? Was there something else? Yes Padraig, if this is to work, then I want you in my red nylon panties, whenever and wherever she wanted, oh fuck he thought, ok Bernie. What ever you say. She grabbed his hole and said she couldn’t wait to feel him up while he was wearing them. He took one look at her, smiled nervously and left. With that Cahir stirred and came down the stairs, are you making tea ma, she said yes and boiled the kettle, smiling on the inside. Yes, by God if there was a third she was doing it her way, things were going to get interesting, red panties and all..

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part ten [M4F] the bbq

The anticipation of Sunday had been building all week with Bernie. She couldn’t wait to get dressed up and have a nice relaxing evening and a few drinks at the bbq. She knew a few old neighbours were going to be there. She hadn’t seen Breda McGowan in nearly six months. A lot had happened since then she’d thought. She’d had another birthday, had started to go walking in the evening again, Cahir was edging closer to ill health, so bad that he wouldn’t be getting better, quite the contrary, she knew in all honesty Cahir was never going to get better and of course she was having a raging affair with her son in law. He was riding her and when he wasn’t, she was sucking him off and wearing sexy underwear. So yeah, a lot had happened. She’d had really sexy taboo thoughts running through her head, outdoor risky sex, not that it was going to happen though, fantasies were exactly that, fantasies. Best left to the imagination. So she’d thought that maybe Breda wasn’t having such an eventful time as herself but that’s life. So roll on Sunday till she felt Padraig’s cock, or tasted it, depending on what he wanted, she didn’t mind, she was here to serve him. It was her duty afterall.
Padraig’s phone buzzed on Friday night. Niamh grabbed it and shouted he’d had a message. He rushed in but she’d already opened it, who’s Terry? He snatched the phone fearing Terry had messaged something incriminating, Niamh was taken a back, Jesus Padraig relax,I was only asking, thankfully nothing was wrong with the text. It read can come on Sunday but can’t stop, have to be back in Dublin for nine. Niamh then asked why the panic, you’d nearly think you had something to hide she said. I’m sorry, just struggling with work and everything else that’s going on at the minute. She nodded but had a look of suspicion on her face. She knew her husband and something was up. She’d have to keep an eye. The bbq might help him relax, catch up with some old friends.
Sunday arrived and they all got dressed up and headed for the bbq. They picked Bernie up and when she came out of the house, she wasn’t lying about the outfit. Niamh remarked mammys looking well isn’t she, Padraig of course played it down. She was now wearing a navy cardigan with a white top with red and blue stripes, and yes you guessed it, a pair of trousers, but not any kind, a white pair, smooth polyester, so flimsy, and Jesus was he seeing right, it looked like her underwear was red, holy fuck, what the fuck? Terry sees her he’ll want to jockey her tonight he thought and Bernie had no idea about him yet. In she got and herself and Niamh started to chat and he drove away with a semi hard in his trousers.
When they arrived it had already started. They mingled, had a few drinks and eventually ate. Bernie muttered under her breath she’d have a hot dog and was hoping for more than one sausage tonight. Padraig wanted her and now. Then he just spotted Terry over at the fence, he was scanning the scene, when Padraig waved a hand and headed over to chat. Glad you made it Terry, I can’t stop Padraig. It’s a family thing. The ex isn’t playing ball. Padraig didn’t ask. Well were is this good looking widow sir? He pointed at Bernie who was talking to Mary Carr, Jesus not bad Padraig. Pity I’ve to go back soon. Padraig explained that Bernie didn’t know a thing. He just wanted Terry to see what he thought. Maybe go over and introduce himself. Let on he doesn’t know me. Just invited through work or something. So off he set.
Bernie turned to the man who said hello to her. Hello she replied. Terry struck up conversation as Padraig looked on from a distance. At one stage she looked about to see if she could see Padraig but couldn’t. She started to laugh during the conversation, and in a strange way, a slight jealous feeling came over him. When she dressed like this, it was for him. If Terry liked it, she’d probably do it for him. Now he felt like he’d made a mistake, something he was going to regret.
Terry headed for the car park and Padraig followed. Well what do you think? I’d fucking hump her tonight only I’m going home. You could spit through them trousers Padraig there that light, and I swear she’s wearing red panties, I’d fucking jockey that all night. To an inch of her life. She’d be raw for a week he joked. I got to go. Text me when your ready. I’ll make some excuse for that, and Padraig can you ask her to dress up for the threesome like tonight, insist on it. Tell her she won’t forget it. Tell her I’ll even wear them panties if she wanted him to he joked Padraig laughed, agreed and said he’d text when he got things in place. He went back to the bbq and played the devoted husband the rest of the night. When he bumped into Bernie, she for some reason blushed . This had backfired on him. He didn’t want to share her, but things were moving along and now he’d have to convince Bernie of the benefits and assure her of discretion. The night ended and they headed for home.
His horn now wasn’t as hard. The thought of watching her suck Terry’s cock wasn’t all bad, he just wanted her to himself all of a sudden. Too late, and he’d have to slip it into the conversation tonight, best while he’s bulling her on all fours. So as per usual Niamh headed for the bed and Bernie followed. He’d wait his chance..
Bernie sensed something was wrong, call it a woman’s tuition, but something wasn’t right. The time passed and she could here the down stairs lights go off. After popping his head in to check on Niamh, Padraig headed into Bernie, into jockey the fuck out of her. He’d loved to hammer the arse of her,but knew she didn’t like it,besides he had to get her on side. I’m still dressed, I know how much you like to feel me before we go at it she remarked. She then said are you going to ride me,or do you want me to lie down on my back and you can put it into my mouth, a blowjob Padraig said, his mouth watering, she said yes if that’s what you want to call it, but to me your more riding my mouth she said, all I do is put my mouth around you and you slide it in and out. Padraig said he’d rather fuck her to start and maybe finish off in her mouth, she nodded and then smiled. After some heavy foreplay, which included him inserting two fingers inside her and her breathing heavy, begging him to stick his throbbing cock inside her they went at it, doggy style. He had a wank in the shower before he left for the bbq so he’d last longer, and longer he did. He didn’t feel anything at the minute but was really enjoying her, enjoying feeling her wet plump fleshy insides, fuck it was good. She was groaning and gasping, she felt like she could feel the very veins in that weapon he was carrying. His bulbous end hitting of her spot. Then he thought it was now and never, he decided to talk.
What did you think of the man you were talking to tonight at the bbq? He asked, she just said ok why? I asked him down, down to talk Bernie. He likes you, she groaned and said it didn’t matter who liked her, she was his. Padraig liked this but carried on, he put his two hands on her hips and pushed hard, she moaned oh Jesus Padraig, that’s good, keep it going, he then asked her, Bernie what would you say to him joining us for a one off? And with that question, before she could answer he moved his hands to her shoulders and plunged, plunged deeper than he ever did, she let out a loud groan, ssshh he whispered, she then replied if you fuck me like that and his friend was watching from the corner, in all the pleasurable excitement then she’d think about it, she then said to him go harder Padraig, harder and faster, fill me with your cum, with this he felt the tingling, imagine outside Padraig, me and you and people watching, Padraig was starting to wane now, he knew he’d cum, and cum hard, do you want to finish in my mouth Bernie said, he didn’t have to be asked twice, he stopped and flung her around onto her back, and with that entered her mouth. There he showed no mercy, pressing as hard as he could, three strokes and he released everything he had, his orgasm was as intense as ever. A thrill like no other, better than the previous if that was at all possible, as he ejaculated his batch into her soft wet mouth he could hear her swallow everything he had, she loved it, she was cum hungry and he loved it. He then pulled it out and watched her lick his bell end clean and then giving it a kiss. Jesus he didn’t want to share this, it was way too good. They lay for a moment before he got cleaned up, before he left he turned and said would she think about it, she said yes and gave him a mischievous grin. He smiled and left.
Bernie lay there. She lay there thinking about what he asked. Jesus could you imagine she thought, Padraig railing her and your man in the corner stroking his cock urging the two of them on. It was a nice thought. What would happen if the situation changed and your man with the horn on him wanted a go, Jesus it’s risky. Risky but here fanny went from tingling to throbbing. A need to cum came over her. She started to finger herself and flick her clit. She was getting off on two men thing, she’d often fancied it, never another woman, it was always two men she liked and with that she finger fucked herself into a frenzy, grinding on her hand. Three fingers, four fingers, Jesus she’d probably get her whole hand up there, eventually with the picture in her head of getting spit roasted by Padraig and his friend she let loose, it was like a river. Wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over her, from her toes to her thighs, rising up into her body and arms, and after a few minutes the feeling ebbed away. The sheets were absolutely drenched in her juice. She’d have to change it in the morning and hope the mattress was ok, she dried off with some toilet roll,put a towel over the wet patch and tried to get some sleep. At least they’d get a lie in with it being a bank holiday, she then flicked the lamp off, rolled over and went to sleep..

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part nine.[M4F] Terry at the bbq

Bernie woke to find a pink stain in her knickers while she was changing and getting dressed. She wasn’t sore, more tender than anything. Padraig better be grateful, after all she didn’t want to do it, but did anyway. There was many a thing she’d contemplate doing, fantasizing about but anal wasn’t one of them. The dirty talk last night really turned her on though she had to admit. Talk was cheap and she’d never dream of having a threesome, Jesus at her age, it was just crazy, but she liked to imagine it. She had for many a year. Her and two strangers…Jesus snap out of it Bernie. Catch yourself on. She went down and boiled the kettle. Soon Padraig appeared and asked how things were, was she ok after last night and replied all’s grand. She asked if he enjoyed it and he told her how it felt inside her arse, how tight and pleasurable, he then whispered in her ear how she was like his own fuck toy. Bernie liked the talk. Niamh was her flesh and blood, she’d die for Niamh, so she seen this as looking after Niamhs marriage. Keeping Padraig happy, kept their marriage alive. She was turned on by names he called her. Fuck toy..made her feel slutty and she loved it. They talked briefly, talked about the end of summer bbq up at Donnellys on Sunday evening and was he working on the Monday as it was a bank holiday, he said he wasn’t sure what was happening. He’d leave it up to Niamh. Bernie said she’d love to see him there. She was buying a new outfit for it and said he’d love it. He grabbed her bum, squeezed and said I’d love to ride you right now, she said why didn’t he, Niamh was sleeping, but he didn’t have time. He’d better go. I’ll talk to you later Bernie he said. She replied with I can’t wait.
Terry Mc Starry was every inch the whore master. His promiscuity caused him his marriage and home. He couldn’t help himself. He worked as a sales rep for the meat company Padraig was at. While they didn’t know each other, he’d heard of Terry sexual exploits. He was there east and Midlands rep so he covered Offaly, Meath ,Kildare, Louth as well as Dublin and Wicklow. He was living in Dublin and only was down at the factory once a month to touch base with the bosses. Padraig made his way over to him in the canteen. Got talking, football and hurling to start and then women. He started to tell wild stories about women, married and single, old and young, it didn’t matter. He’d ride the harp of a halfpenny. Interesting thought Padraig. Padraig asked about age limits on how old would e g, he responded with if it’s a pulse it’s fair game. Jesus he was perfect. He didn’t know Padraig or his family. He didn’t know Bernie either. He was only down here for two hours once a month. He asked him would he fancy a one off threesome with a widow who lived in the town, he said no problem, just no gay stuff. Padraig agreed. He said about bbq on Sunday. He could meet her there. Terry said he wasn’t sure if he could make it down, he’d let him know by the weekend. Padraig explained he’d have to convince her and that it would only be a meet up to see if they clicked, Terry understood and passed him his card. Ring me on Friday night. Not a bother said Padraig.
He never opened his mouth to Bernie. He just went about his business, looked about Niamh that week. On the Thursday evening when he went to collect Niamh the three of them were all talking. Cahir was out on the lash, and Niamh suggested they go to the bbq for the craic. Even just to show there face for an hour. Padraig agreed. He then asked Bernie could he use her toilet and she said don’t be silly, he didn’t have to ask, he then said to Niamh give him a minute and then they’d head home. Ok Padraig. What was really on his mind was blowing his load. He needed to wank, so as he was about to enter the bathroom he changed his mind. He went into Bernies bedroom, he flicked the light on and went to her knicker drawer. He pulled out a pair of satin panties, then went to her wardrobe and found the navy trousers. He laid the garments on the bed and started to pull himself off. It didn’t take long before he shot the load over the trousers and panties. He wiped his dripping cock around the crotch of the trousers. He left everything on the bed. He then went down to Niamh, thanked Bernie for helping and the two of them went home.
When Bernie retired for the night she’d seen what he’d done. Fuck..it so turned her on. She stripped down to her underwear and climbed into bed. She got the wet panties and sticky trousers and rubbed it around and up her cunt, before massaging her clit and cumming herself, leaving the sheets between her legs soaking.. She couldn’t wait to the bbq, couldn’t wait to see Padraig’s face when she’d wear her knew outfit, it would be a Sunday evening as well, bank holiday weekend and getting his cock, what could be better, with that she fell asleep

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part eight [M4F]The pain of it.

There was no denying it Padraig was only a cunt. A using bastard that didn’t give a fuck as long as he got to unload his batch once a week into Bernie, should it be up her fanny, down her throat or in her arse. He didn’t care. Why would he? It was her who initiated it all, the Sunday late night meet ups, it was down to her, so now he was going to make it worth his while. All the things that he’d loved to ask Niamh to do when she was in better health but hadn’t the courage, was now on Bernie. If he wanted her to dress a certain way then he would. If he wanted her to meet or talk to a stranger, then she’d do it, or he’d walk away and he knew Bernie wanted his cock.
She wasn’t going to lie, she was for the first time dreading a Sunday night. The thought of it filled her with dread. She was game, always was, she’d let him put it in her every day, hadn’t she proved it already, but up her back passage as she called it, she squirmed in her seat thinking about it. Would she bleed? Vaseline would make it easier but she was straight up scared. Yes for the first time, Sunday didn’t seem appealing.
The week passed and the weekend came, and as before they went through the same routine. A bottle of wine, a bit of supper and bed while Padraig waited for Bernie down stairs. She’d tried to dissuade him a few times. She even wore her best beige trousers and ivory silk panties thinking he’d be happy enough to ride her, but no, Padraig wanted her hole and nothing was going to stop him.
About half one he tip toed up the stairs, checked on Niamh and then made his way into Bernie. There she was waiting for him. She looked apprehensive but smiled nonetheless, nervously but it was still a smile. She was still dressed. He asked her to get on all fours, she did and went over to feel her arse. Fuck the material against her skin was hot as fuck. Just feeling her wearing them, he could make himself cum without touching himself. She said are you ok? and he said the best. He went over to the wardrobe and started to undress himself. She moved and sat at the edge of the bed. He was hard now. He thought on something. He said Bernie I want you on your knees, she duly done what he said, he then took his cock out and rubbed her face with it. She said I can’t suck you yet, but I can pull you off and you can come over my face and tongue, but he declined. He asked her was she ready for her back door delivery? She said nothing, she just got up onto the bed and pulled her trousers down to her knees and got on all fours. He got up behind her. Her silk panties cutting the hole and cunt of her. She whispered “the Vaseline ” . He reached over to the locker opened it up, then he put his two fingers in and took out a generous dollop, and worked it around her opening, fuck she was small, had to be a virgin. She was tight. He massaged for a couple of minutes and finally slid a finger in. She recoiled and gasped. That sore she said. He then asked if he could try and ease his cock in. She said yes, just be slow and gentle. So he then guided his tip to the entrance, fuck he didn’t know if it would fit she was that tight. She groaned and said go easy, it’s still sore. With that he pushed ever so slightly in further. She groaned again, he didn’t want to tear anything, including his foreskin, so he was just taking things slowly. He’d move a little against her hips and push again. He didn’t know about her, but the tightness was great to feel. It was like his cock was getting squeezed in a fleshy wall, squeezed in a way that gave him intense pleasure. What a fucking thrill he was getting, what was it about this woman, everything she done with him seemed like his orgasm multiplied by ten fold. He was three quarters the way in and knew it wouldn’t be long. She pushed against him now with a lot more ease. For her it wasn’t one bit nice. The odd fleeting moment she felt a split second of pleasure, but mostly pain. A pain she could handle but didn’t want again. She said push on now Padraig, push it on in there. He did and felt the tingling, the tingling of climax. He asked her to groan as if she enjoyed it every time he pushed it in. Even though it was sore, she did what he asked. She started moan in a sexual tone, and started to talk. Yes Padraig, give it to me, give it to me hard. I love that big cock of yours inside me. Fuck my arse Padraig, fuck it as hard as you can Padraig. That’s it Padraig, give me your load. Padraig loved her talking. He replied with, your right Bernie. You’ll take it. You’ll take it and everything that comes your way. That tight fleshy wall was now squeezing on his cock. Like a clamped mouth. I’d love another man here Bernie, another man watching us, pulling himself off in the corner watching us Bernie, what do you think about that, she just groaned and said mmmm Padraig I’d love it. You fucking me and another stranger watching us, and with another groan she give, he felt her insides tighten around his cock. It was to much to bear. With his two hands on her hips he pushed, plunged as deep as he could go, God knows what he’d hit in there, but he didn’t give a fuck, here it come. Slowly rising inside him. Like an erupting volcano, his body shook and quivered, like a mild spasm, intense pleasure enveloped him. Intense wasn’t a good enough word. This woman was amazing. He felt himself shooting up her. He squeezed on her hips and pushed deep as he could, the cum just kept on coming, two, three, four, four times he think he felt. The orgasm slowly subsided. She groaned, a groan of pain, pain and relief. He pulled out easy and got of the bed. Are you ok Bernie? She said yes, but he’d better go, it was after two. He cleaned up and left. Bernie wiped clean, and got into bed. Ten minutes later she had to get up and wipe again as she felt the cold trickle of spunk running down her left arse cheek as she lay on her side. He must have blew the full bag up her. Good. She’d done good. She took one for the team. Padraig was going to bed with his seed spilled, and that’s all that mattered, his happiness. She finally drifted off to sleep as did Padraig. Tomorrow was another day..

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part seven [M4F] At his beckon call

It was the itch that woke him. Holy fuck, it was driving him mad. He’d stirred a few times in the night, but now it was driving him mad. What was causing it? Could he picked up an infection somehow? The only place he had put it was Bernies mouth and throat. Couldn’t be that could it? They do say it’s best to wear a condom for all sex, but where was the fun in that. Naw he’d wanted to feel everything. Her wet mouth and tongue licking and massaging his member. No way he was wearing a condom. Especially the way she had been dressed, her arse and hips clad in skin tight trousers, not a hope. He better get up and hit the shower. While he was in he pulled his foreskin back jesus the smell was fucking horrendous. He’d stuck that down her throat and emptied a full bag, it was lousy. You wouldn’t do it to a skank never mind Bernie. He scrubbed and cleaned and got ready for work.
She was already up and down stairs. She was standing at the sink when he went over and rubbed his hand over her arse. He kept rubbing it. He wanted to fuck her hard right there and now. Hard enough so she’dbe tender for a while. He then give her bum a slight slap. Her arse didn’t move, that’s how tight the trousers were. She turned around and smiled. He knew to look at her she was in discomfort. When asked what was wrong she’d said her throat was red raw and sore, and she could feel mouth ulcers forming, but it’s grand she said. He knew it was his stinking knob that had done it. He felt bad, but it was part and parcel of these rendezvous’s. Her mouth was a bit red, but he put it down to his pubic hair rubbing against her upper lip and chin. She felt his cock gently and stroked it. There was still a bit of smeg on her front tooth. They talked briefly and he headed of. Before he left she told him no blowjobs until her mouth and throat cleaned up. They both knew it was a good idea.
The week passed. Cahir had been arrested by the garda, he’d been fighting in Dohertys. Don’t know what he was doingin there anyway. Was a young crowd. Too young for him. Thursday evening and Bernie asked Niamh could Padraig take her to the shop. She’d forgot earlier and needed milk. It closed at half ten and she needed it for the morning. Not a bother said Niamh and Padraig duly obliged. On the way over he thought about Sunday night. He gave her his cheesy cock and full load and she took it. No questions asked. He began to get hard thinking about all the taboo things he could do with her, make her do. Why not? He pulled up and out she come. She was in a pair of dark plain trackies and her coat. She got in and thanked him. They drove there and it was small talk on the way. When she came out and got in to the car,she said it had been a rough week with Cahir and she just couldn’t wait to get home to bed. With that he thought he’d chance his arm, “Bernie you know what I’d want now?” She said no, what? I’d love you to pull me off now on the way home. Like now if you could, she looked at him and realised he was serious, she didn’t want to but what could she do? She said ok quietly and moved over closer to be able to get at him. He’d already undone his jeans and was hard. She held it and started to stroke it gently. Good? She said, he nodded and kept his eyes on the road. She started to talk dirty to him then as she wanted him to cum quickly. I love your cock Padraig. I wish I had it in my mouth Padraig. I wish you were fucking me senseless Padraig. It was working. Her touch was so gentle and tender. She massaged and pulled and stroked until he was squirming in his seat. He started to talk back. All the things he wanted to try on her. He wanted to fuck her arse, she kept pulling but looked at him, not speaking. He kept talking, he said imagine doing it outside with her, she groaned at that suggestion. Now that did turn her on. Imagine outside and another man caught us Bernie, imagine that, she didn’t know what to say. Imagine we see him and all you do Bernie is lick your lips Bernie and smile, then him coming over to us and standing there. Bernie was alarmed but kept on pulling his cock. He said keep your hand on it Bernie I’m cumming, she did and felt his balls rise and harden just before he shot the load, and with that he pushed her head towards her groin and blew all over face, her nose and eyes got it as well as her bottom lip and chin..Jesus Bernie I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. She sat up and said it’s grand. She opened the glove box and got some hankys and cleanedherself up. He changed the subject straight away and talked about what was happening in the town. Rumours of a hotel getting built and Bernie mentioned a barbecue coming up for a local charity.
As they pulled up he stopped her getting out of the car, he apologised for pushing her head down to cum over her face again. I’m sorry about that Bernie, she said forget it. It’s not an issue. He then asked about Sunday evening. What about letting him fuck her, she said of course with a broad grin. We all need a release Padraig. He then said naw Bernie, I mean fucking you in the arse? She froze. I’m, I’m not sure Padraig. I don’t know. Bernie if this is to work between us then you better need to step up. I need this. She agreed and said goodbye. Padraig started to look at Bernie different. It was like his own play thing and he carry out any kink or fantasy on her he liked.
Bernie brewed a pot of tea and headed for bed. Padraig was right. She was all he had when it came to sex and intimacy. She’d do what she had to, to keep him. What ever he wanted her to do, she’d do it

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part six [M4F] Padraig’s first one

Padraig awoke to his alarm and lay there. Last night happened and it was down to Bernie, not him. He thought about and felt his cock stiffen. Been a long time since he had a hard first thing in the morning. That was Bernie and he knew he’d be back for more. Fuck it. Why not? A handy ride beat him pulling himself off into Niamhs knickers. He’d rather slide Bernies panties off and fill her instead. Blow his batch in her and not worry about pregnancy. They’d just have to be discreet like Bernie said.
He hit the shower and by the time he went down stairs Bernie was already up and sitting at the table drinking coffee. Kettles boiled she said smiling. She got up to get him a cup. He walked over and grabbed her arse in her silk pyjamas. Fuck her hole was lovely. She turned around and cupped her hand on his groin. He had a new lease of life now. He felt like he could ride for Ireland. He knew they were beat for time because he’d have to be away in five minutes. He said you’ll keep and she replied I can’t wait. She said she loved his cock and couldn’t wait to have it again. He knew she had no panties on because he felt her arse. He quickly slipped his hand down her front and felt her bush. It felt trimmed this time. He slid a finger in. She was wringing wet. Two fingers now and fingered her slowly. She groaned and said he was amazing. He actually loved it. She was bound to be horny after last night. He didn’t lay a hand on her so to speak, and her looking at his cock probably got her juices flowing. Her legs shaked a little before she pulled away and said he better stop before she let herself go and climax. He said fair enough, washed his hands and said he’d talk to her later. She smiled and said not to worry about Niamh, go to work and everything will be ok. With that he headed out and went about his business.
He rang Niamh at lunchtime and asked how things were going. The best she told him. The home help landed in at nine on the dot, then mammy made her some breakfast and then they phoned Paddy Maher for the taxi and headedover to hers. Bernie was making her lunch now and then if it stayed dry they were going to the park for an hour, just to break up the afternoon. He said you do right. Get out and get some fresh air. After that it was all small talk and they said goodbye and she hung up. Roll on Sunday he thought. Roll on till he got into Bernies panties and shag the hole of her, or holes even. Jesus there was a thought. He’d drop it into the conversation sometime they were on there own. Ask her if he could fuck her in that sexy arse. He felt his cock stir. Imagine sliding it in, up her shit pipe as they would have said back in the day when he was younger and full of shit. He’d definitely ask her. It was exciting to think he had this sort of thing going with someone who had as much to lose as him. He went back to work and couldn’t wait to get home to see what the craic was.
When he got to Bernies to lift Niamh he was exhausted. A combination of the weekend drinking and early shout, he’d have no bother sleeping tonight. Mammy kept you dinner if your hungry? He said he was an got tore into it. Bacon, mince sausages and spuds covered in gravey. Bernie asked him could he take her to centra before they went home and he said no problem. Jesus what was he going to say. Of course Bernie. It’s the least I can do. Niamh said grand, she’d be ready when they got back. So they set off and it was quiet for the first minute. He’d need to work up to asking her. How could he get it into the conversation, then she turned and said to him, do you fancy taking to yours now? They could have a quickie and no one would be the wiser. Ahh Jesus Bernie I’m literally fucked. I’m wrecked. Could we leave it? No offence like. She said aye no problem. She just suggested it on the off chance. He thought about Niamh sitting her wheelchair waiting for him while he was balls deep in her mother..aw fuck it wouldn’t be right. They agreed to leave it and focus on Sunday evening. He left the question about anal. Maybe another time. They went and returned in about twenty minutes. Niamh was ready like she said and they headed home.
The rest of the week was pretty much the same. Nothing out of the ordinary. The weekend came and then Sunday arrived. Padraig got himself a box of beer and Niamh and Bernie a bottle of wine. He’d be watching the end of the snooker in the kitchen and they had the living room to themselves. That was the plan anyway. He’d be edging himself while he was wanking during the week. He brought himself close but never cum. He was saving it for Bernies cunt. She didn’t know it but she was going to get a hell of a load up her. Six days worth of spunk and he couldn’t wait. Bernie rang about seven and asked Niamh could Padraig come and get her. No problem she said and he set off. He pulled up outside and hit the horn twice. Yes sir,..He had a full bag and she had no idea. There’d be some mess after he thought. It would be running out of her for a week. With that out she come. What the actual fuck? What was she wearing? Aw she looked every inch the elegant woman. Padraig liked women to be feminine, and Bernie was that. It was mid summer now and a lovely evening. She was wearing a short red cardigan, very light and not something you’d wear in the winter. It came to her waist, and then he thought, where the fuck did she buy them? Did she know what turned him on he thought? It was a pair of navy polyester trousers. Pockets at the front and a little tab and button on her left arse cheek. Fuck… there was a shine of them in the evening sun. They were cutting the hole and fanny of her, could see her camel toe. He regretted not asking her earlier in the week if he could ride her in the arse, but more importantly not havinga wank. Dressing like this and he’d blow in record time. She hopped into the car and smiled and said alright? He nodded and said what do you think with a smile. Do you like my new trousers? Primark on special. Go feel them, there nice to touch. His cock was rock hard. His heart was racing. He pulled away and once they were down the road he felt her thigh. They were skin tight on her hips. He never felt anything as sexy in his life. That week of built up cum just doubled and he couldn’t wait to unload inside her, it might be a mess but who cares.
Bernie sat beside him and enjoyed his hand caressing her thigh. She was a size fourteen but deliberately bought a size twelve so they’d accentuate her curves, especially her arse. She was always complimented on her arse when she was younger. She was about to do something thatshe herself couldn’t believe. She pulled her zip down and pulled the trousers apart and said to Padraig, what do you think? She flashed a pair of red nylon panties, 1980s vintage nylon panties to be precise, that’s how eBay described them. Padraig’s eyes lit up. He swallowed loudly and looked at her and grinned. Yes I fucking do he said. She struggled to get them zipped up again. She looked and felt like she was sewn into them. They looked like they were sprayed on. She could see her camel toe and she felt young again. They pulled up and went in and the night went as planned. About ten o clock Padraig brought in a tray of sandwiches and pot of tea. They had the supper and went up. Bernie said she’d sort Niamh out for bed. You take it easy Padraig. Mammys here to help. Bernie agreed. She said save your energy for work Padraig. It’s a long week. As she turned she gave him a cheeky smile. Niamh headed for the stair lift, Bernie behind her. He had a dull ache at the base of his rod. He knew what it was. Once he cum it would be ok. As Bernie went through the door into the hall behind Niamh she rubbed her bum with her right hand, rubbed it slowly, he could hear her hand against the material of the trousers, jaysus help him. Why hadn’t he wanked before today. Too late now. After about twenty minutes later they both shouted down goodnight to Padraig and he said the same up to them. He made his way out to the kitchen, cracked a can and watched a bit more tv. He tried to blank out what he’d do later on. So Padraig being Padraig beat the cans into him. It had gone one in the morning now and thought he’d make his move. He threw two sausage rolls into the microwave and ate them up with a glass of milk. This was it. He hoped she was still wearing her clothes. He wanted to feel her bum and legs and thighs, he was so horned up now, his cock hurt.
Bernie lay on top of the bed. Listening, waiting. She could hear Niamh snore gently in the other room. Her night time meds and a couple of glasses of wine had knocked her out. She had unzipped her trousers and had been playing with herself. She knew exactly what she had to do tonight. She had to look after him. He had no one really. Just her. Her for his needs and tonight she wanted to show him what she’d do. She would serve him well. She heard the microwave stop and gave it ten minutes. She zipped up and waited. Sure enough within a few minutes the bedroom door opened slightly. His silhouette looking in at her. She put the bed side lamp on and he smiled and said are you ok? She nodded as he stepped in and closed the door.
He made his way over to the bed and lay down beside her. He rolled over to face her and started to kiss her. She loved the smell of stale beer. His hands never left her bum and legs. She was tingling through the trousers. Must have been the newness of them. He got a couple of static shocks of her and they both chuckled. He said how about she get on top and ride him. She said she had a better idea. He looked at her mystified. What was better than that for the both of them? He started to kiss her and slipped the hand down her unbuttoned trousers. He felt the panties over her groomed bush. Then with great ease he slid two fingers into her. She felt already damp on her pubes. She must have been playing with herself he thought. Fair play to her. His fingers travelled around the walls of her fanny. She was seeping juice everywhere. She moaned as if in pain. He said you ok? She just nodded and then started to thrust her hips against the rhythm of his fingers. He thought on something. What if he slipped a finger in her arse. Would she mind? There was only one way to find out. He gently took his hand out and pulled her trousers down. She squirmed and lifted her bum so he could get her trousers off. Them panties were teenage wanking material. Stuff of dreams. He slid his hand down and messaged her bum cheeks and then put a finger at her opening, she froze and stiffened up, no. Not tonight. Maybe another night she said. It was worth try. All the foreplay with her had helped him stave off spunked mess. She then said I’d like to do something for you. His stomach flipped. She told him to get on his knees on the bed. So he did as instructed. She then lay back with two pillows under her head. She told him then to move up in the bed towards her head. His cock was so hard now. It felt like it was splitting at the sides. He gained his balance by putting his hands against the wall. Then she said it. Put it in mouth and ride. He hadn’t prepared for this. Straight up sex is different. Your sticking it in a hole, but the mouth? He couldn’t wait, problem was his cock wouldn’t be the cleanest. He hadn’t washed properly..fuck it. She started to caress his arse and he thought he was going to burst. A dirty cock and a week supply of cum.. He then moved towards her face. He hit her nose with it. He then guided it into her mouth. What he felt was indescribable. Her tongue and mouth was warm and wet. Her tongue rolled around his member, swirling saliva like a hot wash. He then started to push gently in and out. Slowly and gently. He then built up a bit of a rhythm. In and out, slowly but surely building up a nice speed without pushing to hard. He felt a brief tingling deep inside him, and he thought to himself if he went hard now he’d blow a bucket full down her throat. It would be a lousy thing to do, wouldn’t it? and what about his cheesy bell end? It would be a low thing to do…but he might not get a chance like this again, full load and smelly cock or not. Bernie groaned as if he was fucking her cunt. He started to push deeper and her groan changed to a grunt. That grunt was like a green light. He pushed deep again, and again. Deeper and harder and her grunt got quicker, he could feel himself starting to climax. He then just let go and into over drive. It was like doing press ups into her mouth, faster, harder, she gagged and he just pushed deeper. He knew what was coming and asked her would she let him cum in her mouth, she breathed through her nostrils and nodded, there was just one more thing he’d ask her, could she groan again as if she was enjoyed it and she started, moaning and groaning, her body writhing as he pushed his bareback cock in her throat, and then it came out of nowhere. It was like a hundred souls ran there fingers over his entire body, starting at his shoulders and completely enveloping him, her mouth and throat were a sleeve. A sleeve that felt the wrath of his bag. He shot ivory ropes of spunk into her throat, pumping again and again and again. She gagged then groaned again. He felt her swallow against his cock and with that he pushed as hard as he could one last time. She choked and coughed, jizz coming down her nose, white cum coming out of her nose.. his orgasm started to ebb away, a high he never felt before and likely again. He pulled out collapsed in a sweaty mess beside her. His legs were like jelly. She was something fucking else. Imagine meeting her back in the day as a teenager? Bernie sat up and wiped here face with baby wipes she’d brought. Padraig pointed to the door and she smiled and nodded..He got up, made his way over to his own bedroom, closed his door and got into bed. No point even trying to rationalise things, he was a scum bag, end of story. Anything coming his way after this? He deserved.
Bernie cleaned up. She done well. He’d emptied everything he had down her throat. There was hard bits of a grit like stuff in her mouth. Had she cracked a tooth? She took a piece of her tongue with her finger. It was yellow, Jesus Mary and Joseph it was stinking. Her mouth was full of it. She then realised it was smeg. Cock cheese..So be it. It was a price she would pay. She rolled over in the bed and cupped a hand between her throbbing thighs

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part Five [M4F] Padraig’s oversight

With Padraig returning to work, he seen this as putting daylight between him and Bernie. Putting the whole sordid affair behind him. He now could try and concentrate on getting Niamh to a better place if that was at all possible and himself in a better place mentally. His first job was to quit the drinking seven nights a week, he could dress it up any which way he liked but it could be the start a slippery slide and as long as he was perving and sleazing over Bernie, then the likelihood was that the boozing would continue. So getting a routine was important. Getting back to work was important. Concentrating on Niamh was important. He was her husband. She was all that mattered and now the time was right to sort it all out. Besides Bernie had Cahir to think of. It wasn’t fair in a way, the children should be looking after her now, she’d done her bit, but life is cruel. Life is unforgiving and unfair at times, but as the old saying goes ” that’s life ” . Monday couldn’t come quick enough, back to normal, the craic in meat plant with the lads would be the ideal tonic. Yes everything was going to be ok again back to normal.
Bernie waved the rest of them off that Sunday afternoon. Padraig brought Niamh down to say there goodbyes. It was only a couple of hours up the road but it could be another couple of months before they could see each other again. Bernie asked them would they want a drop of tea before her and Padraig would head home, Niamh looked at Padraig and he said why not, it couldn’t hurt, after all everything that went on was now in the past. He didn’t want to raise suspicions by acting awkward when Bernie asked them something ordinary. A cuppa tae would be grand. The form was good today. He had a dozen cans in the fridge at home with his name on them, all’s good.
Bernie brewed a pot of Barry’s gold. Jesus it was refreshing. Niamh and Bernie sat in the kitchen so Padraig went into the living room to chat to Cahir. He was already on the way to being full. He sat there and answered Padraig with one word answers. So he gave up and watched the tv. After about ten minutes he heard Niamh say to Bernie, “Jesus mammy, we never thought of that ” and with that she called Padraig in. “We’ve a problem ” she said. Padraig didn’t like the way she said it. He asked what kind of problem. She explained how her and Bernie had been talking about the weeks ahead how she could help and it was all falling into place but there was one thing they forgot to consider, Padraig knew there was nothing overlooked. He covered everything. Hadn’t he? Bernie asked what would happen on a Monday morning, he was away from six..jesus he didn’t think it out. He was in such a rush to get back he forgot about Niamh on a Monday morning. Every other morning was grand, but Monday…how had he missed it. Niamh said her mammy had been talking and suggested Bernie stay with them on a Sunday evening and Padraig could head to work at six and Bernie would get Niamh ready on the morning. It would be just for a couple of weeks. Padraig’s stomach fluttered. A combination of nerves and excitement. Bernie was good. He give her that. She seen a loop hole in his plans and decided to pounce. Padraig said it wasn’t fair to Bernie but she steamed into the conversation saying it wasn’t a bother. They were family and all she was doing was helping, like any mother would. Padraig was on the ropes..for now there was no other way around it. He’d have to warn Bernie though, be firm. Tell her to dress down when she came over, he didn’t need temptation.
So after the cuppa Niamh asked Padraig could he take Bernie to centra before they went home. Bernie could drive but had no car and would be stuck otherwise. He agreed. It would be a good chance to warn her off. They drove and it was quiet. Then Padraig just come out and said it. Told her that it was wrong what they had done and it should be consigned to the past. Bernie didn’t agree with it all. Yes it was wrong, but as long as they were careful then what was the harm. But Padraig wasn’t backing down, and warned her when she came around later on, she’d better dress down, no dressing up making him horny, she reluctantly agreed and said not to worry, she and Niamh would go up at the same time. He’d have the down stairs and tv to himself. Padraig settled down after this. He apologised and thanked her all the same for helping out, she tapped his leg and said not a bother as they drove to collect Niamh at Bernies before heading home.
Bernie grabbed an overnight bag as Padraig got Niamh into the car. When Bernie appeared they set off and were in and settled twenty minutes later. Bernie and Niamh sat in the living room and Padraig sat and watched the Sunday game highlights in the kitchen. He lashed into the cans and made Niamh and Bernie a round of salad sandwiches and tea. This wasn’t bad at all. He could have his few beers knowing that they were happy watching whatever women watched. The beer was going down well. Too well. He’d need to remember six came early in the morning. Before he knew it Niamh and Bernie headed up and he was on his own. His mood was changing. The drink made him paranoid. He’d need to sleep it off. So he decided to take one more in the living room with a sandwich and head up himself. So he made himself a cheese and ham sandwich and took his can in with him. He turned the main light of and left the lamp on and sat down. Alcohol can do strange things. As he was eating he was fantasizing about his time with Bernie and the way she pulled him off. Fuck it. He needed a wank before he went up. He’d wake Niamh if he tried it up there, so he’d lie up on the sofa and do it down here. He went to the clean washing and pulled out a pair of her knickers. They weren’t great or appealing but they sure soaked up his cum good. He climbed up on the sofa and started to rub his bell end through his shorts. It tickled and felt good. He watched a bit of porn and started to pull and stretch at his cock. He was only semi hard and the more he pulled and watched the porn, his cock became softer and eventually limp. He give up. Curse of the drink. He pulled his shorts up and lay there. He’d just close his eyes for five minutes…
He couldn’t exactly say what time it was but it was the early hours. He stirred as he felt an extreme amount of pleasure. He woke..Bernie was leaning over him rubbing his groin. He jumped and she put her finger to her lips, ssshh you’ll waken Niamh. He lay back down. She smiled and slid her hand down the front of his loose shorts. Her hand was warm. Fuck it felt good. He pulled them down and she just nodded and smiled. She started to slide and rub his hard. He never felt pleasure like it. A young doll over at Dohertys on a Saturday night wouldn’t be as good. No sir. Bernie was experienced and absolutely the best at what she done. She whispered to him do you like that? He said yes. She replied good man.
Just you lie back and let me finish you. He opened her house coat and felt her bum. She let out a sexy sigh. She was wearing black silky pyjamas. Her arse was squeezed into them. Fuck her hole felt good. She was in the middle of asking him did he want her to kiss it and take his cock in her mouth when he felt a tingling sensation deep in his groin, slowly rising out of him covering every muscle and bone in his body, every pore on his skin, oh fuucck I’m cumming, I’m sorry. He shot ropes of the stuff. It landed on his belly, hot on his skin. The sensation started to fade. He never in all his years experienced orgasms like that. He’d had his fair share but nothing like that. Nothing like Bernie could give him. When he rid her he came in less than a minute, the previous wank she gave him was out of this world and now this, it wasn’t a fluke. Bernie was fucking amazing. She said I better go up, I’ll talk to you in the morning. He nodded and gave her five minutes before heading up and climbing in beside Niamh. Niamh his wife. There was no point in feeling guilty he thought, he’d knowingly done wrong and enjoyed it. It was just the realisation tomorrow would hit him hard. What had he got himself into…far from going there separate ways Padraig felt thing’s were only intensify with him and her mentally and physically

A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part Four [M4F]

The morning came all to quickly for Padraig. The bad taste in his mouth, the all to familiar headache and the pangs of guilt, it was shaping up to be a bad few days. He felt like shit both mentally and physically but wasn’t complaining. It was the least he should feel. He could smell Bernie of his fingers. Jesus what was wrong with him? His mother in law. He was a real selfish bastard to do it. The horn?? So fucking what. Head in to town and hire an escort for an hour like anyone else in his position. Nobody would bat an eyelid. But naw, not him. He’d have to
jockey the wife’s mother. It was like something out of a bad dream. He wouldn’t know what the end of it would be.
Bernie was up from six that morning. A full two hours before Padraig. She’d cleaned out and set the range and had just lit it. She felt great this morning. Empowered, strong and ready to take what ever the world could throw at her. She’d had her porridge and showered and was organising breakfast for her guests. She’d gathered up a wash to bring to the washing machine, her cum soaked trousers among it. The stain had hardened now, as she threw everything into the machine. She smiled a sly grin. She’d made him do that. It was her hand pleasuring his stiff hard that made him cum, and cum hard by the groans he made. Ordinarily it should have just leaked onto the ground, but a combination of his hand rubbing and caressing her bum in those trousers, her hand massaging and pulling his foreskin gently and her sweet whispers in his ear, he shot the batch out over her upper thigh, all over the leg of her trousers like a jet, his groans audible and his legs shaking against her suggested she’d done a good job. She knew she did. He cum hard and a lot. A boil wash would clean up the evidence.
Niamh had arranged for her and Padraig to go around for breakfast at Bernies to meet up with the rest of them. When they arrived there was Bernie doing her Irish mammy thing. Serving out all you could eat. Rashers, pudding bacon and eggs, fresh toast with a pot of tea and coffee. Padraig was in no form for it. No form to mix or eat. When Niamh asked why he wasn’t eating he just played it down. Bernie in jest said maybe to much beer last night Padraig, they all laughed but it was no laughing matter. It was more to do with him blowing his load down her leg last night and smelling her cunt of his hand first thing this morning. The same hand he wanked with in the shower this morning fantasizing about riding her. His head was a mess. It was surreal. One minute he’s doing the happy brother in law, son in law thing, the next he’s replaying what he’d done the previous night. She’d pulled him off a few hours ago and now here she was, doing her Mrs Brown bit. It was fucking crazy. The guilt was subsiding now. He just wanted everything back to normal.
Padraig’s going back to work Niamh said. Sure that’s great Padraig everyone said. Padraig said he’d have to. Niamh was not going to improve any time soon and the mortgage and bills still needed paid. It came to him last night lying in bed after the party. It was for the best. Probably see less of Bernie this way he thought. So he’d rang Tomas this morning and told him he’d be back on Monday. Monday was the only bad morning. He’d have to start at six because the weeks delivery came at that time but the rest of the week was nine, so it was all good. Everyone agreed it would do the two of them the best, as it would get them back to routine. Bernie wasn’t expecting that. Not after there little tryst last night, but it was something they both had agreed between themselves. It was out of her control. She’d be there for Niamh along side the home help that was in place but couldn’t help feel a little bit down. Less time seeing Padraig. Less time making him cum. She’d gladly let him spunk over her. Over her body and breasts, the trousers she wore, her knickers and bra, up her cunt, over her face, even in her mouth. Jesus she hoped it wasn’t over between them. It was a nice little side thing they had going and while it was wrong, she’d become addicted to the attention she was getting. She needed to think, and fast..

A mother-in-laws unexpected journey Part four [M4F]

Bernie wasn’t sure what Padraig was thinking. But she sure enjoyed the prancing around and getting the attention she craved tonight. She waited for Padraig to use the bathroom and seized her opportunity. She gave it five and made her way upstairs ensuring no one was there. Padraig flushed the toilet, washed his hands and went out into the hall. Bernie was waiting. Ok Padraig, how you enjoying it? Not to much beer she laughed, naw Bernie, not me. Going to take it handy tonight. I’ve got Niamh to think about. When we get home I still have to get her ready for bed. Bernie looked sympathetically at him and said, sure let me help. We can get the disabled taxi over to yours and I can give you a hand. Then I’ll phone Mary or Sean and they can lift me. What do you think? Padraig’s heart started to race. No problem. That would be great. As he passed her on the stairs he put his hand on her bum and gently rubbed it. He never felt anything as sexy. The material against her skin was divine. He rubbed it and gently tickled it and then walked away. She smiled and entered the bathroom.
The night carried on pretty much without incident. Cahir had a moment when he accused a neighbour of insulting him in his own house, but it was quickly diffused by Mary after telling him to get a grip. They ate well. Dympna Breen done most of the catering. Lasagne, chicken curry and rice, chicken goujons and then the usual sausage rolls, salad sandwiches and cocktail sausages. They sang some old trad songs and before they knew it, it was heading for 1.00 o clock. They’d have to ring the taxi now, as Paddy Maher knocked off at half one. Bernie reassured Niamh that it wasn’t a bother to go back and lend a hand and so things began to wind down. Except for Cahir of course. But he’d just drink till he fell asleep. It was actually Mary who volunteered to pick mammy up. It would give her a chance to tidy up here. Sorcha was going to bunk up in Mary’s old room and Mary and Seamus would take the big room. Siobhan and Liam were stopping at the Bannigans. So everything was going nicely. Paddy Maher arrived and they set off home. Once in they got Niamh ready for bed and settled in. At this stage Padraig was rock hard. Niamh lay down and Padraig said he’d wait for Mary to pick her mother up. Niamh was content and drifted off to sleep.
Padraig’s first words to Bernie was Jesus Christ Ber6,you want to ruin me? She didn’t reply. Just a a faint laugh. Her stomach was in knots. He turned the kitchen lights out and grabbed her. They couldn’t ride here? Could they? Before she knew anything his tongue was in her mouth, his hard pushed against her soft belly. She could feel it all. Bernie I wanna ride you here right now, but it wouldn’t be right with Niamh upstairs sleeping, Bernie said she’d never know. That’s right. She was dressed up sexy as fuck and she wanted his cock again, but his head wouldn’t let him. He said how about you wank me off and we can rearrange for another night. She didn’t push it. With that she unbuckled his belt, pulled his zip down and reached in and pulled his cock out. He couldn’t take his hand away from her bum. He tickled it and rubbed it and then slid his hand down her front. He felt her bush and then worked a finger in. She wasn’t as wet as before but he’d soon put that right. As he started to finger her she gave out a quiet groan. She was loosening up. He could feel it. Meanwhile she began to slowly pull him off. It was good. She knew what she was doing. It wouldn’t take him long. He could feel her juices run up the back of his hand. Her juices were really flowing now. A second finger was in with ease. There was now a loud squelching noise now. She kept whispering in his ear how she wanted his cock again. It was a turn on. He kept his other hand on her bum and could feel himself starting to climax, he asked her would she keep her hand around his cock while he cum and she whispered yes and with that answer he let fly. His whole body spasmed with pleasure. As he fired his load Bernie true to her word kept her hand on his cock. As his climax receded he shot three or four jets of cum out on to the leg of her trousers. Shit Bernie I’m sorry. Not to worry. Worth it as long as you enjoyed it she said. Oh Jesus I did. I’ll get you a cloth. She asked him to ring Mary while she cleaned up. Within ten minutes Mary was there. Padraig seen her out and Bernie got in the car, Mary was driving and commented on how good a night it was. Before the courtesy light went out she asked Bernie what happened to the leg of her trousers? There was a stain on her leg to which Bernie replied she’d knocked a bottle of shower gel in Niamhs en-suit. She smiled at Mary and said she couldn’t wait to get into bed. Mary was right. It had been a good night. Meanwhile Padraig could hearNiamh stir. He thought he’d done enough damage for one night and decided to turn the lights off and climb in beside his wife and go to sleep. Sleep? What a joke. How could he. Especially with what he’d just done. In his defence though he never dipped his cock into her. He just fingered her and he emptied his load into her hand. It wasn’t full on proper sex. Was it? Naw. It was wrong but it wasn’t full on sex. That might make it easier to drift off but he didn’t think so.Either way he felt he’d be awake a while replaying things over in his mind..