Girlfriend’s Mom Really Open About Sex [MF]

My Girlfriend and I have been dating for years, so I’ve become pretty close with her mom who recently got divorced. I go over a-lot and have noticed how open her mom is about sex. She’ll make comments to my girlfriend like “you’re the only one getting it around here,” or “uh what I would do for sex,” and will comment on guys on TV saying “I wish.” One day, my girlfriend and I were home alone she texted me saying “I’m coming home soon so no sex!” She then called me and said she didn’t want to walk and see us “on the kitchen floor.” The craziest thing above all, was that my girlfriend and I were cleaning out her bathroom, and she gave her mom her old electric vibrating toothbrush and she said “this will be good to put in my,” and caught herself before finishing her sentence.

I’m not sure what to make of this, is she just really comfortable around me or is she interested in more? I’m pretty sure there are no men in her life so she must be crazy horny, but I just don’t know how to read the situation.