[MF] Cheating with the roommate. How it all started.

(Disclaimer, I am not the best writer but I will try to be better.)

I first met Jennifer through craigslist, her boyfriend responded to our “roommate wanted” ad that we posted. My girlfriend was the one talking to them so I had no idea what to expect. After introductions I was able to take her in a bit more. Just a bit taller than five feet and nothing but skin and bones. Days go by and we all find out how much we have in common, yada yada. Same movies, games, TV shows, dirty sense of humor etc. All that stuff that makes roommates more tolerable to live with. One thing we found we all enjoyed was alcohol! So we started to have drinking nights and most of these were while her boyfriend worked nights so she wasn’t alone and bored. At this point everyone has become comfortable around each other so we were having a lot of fun chatting.