[FM] I Gave a Friend a Footjob During a Movie

One of my all time favorite movies is The Boondock Saints and I always try to get my friends to watch it with me at some point in our friendship, especially if they have never seen it before. So one day I am hanging out at a guy friend’s house when I find out they have never seen the movie. Of course I tell them that we have to watch it right away.

We both get comfortable on the couch, laying on different armrests. We were just friends, so no reason to be cuddling. We start the movie and he seems pretty into it, but I start to notice that more and more frequently he is checking his phone. Around halfway through the movie he seems pretty into playing on his phone than watching, which annoys me.

As a threat, I took my foot and shove it between his legs, pressing on his cock and balls. I was barefoot at the time and he just had on shorts, but I didn’t really think anything of it other than a way to get his attention. “You better start watching the movie or next time this will be a kick,” I say as I press a little harder.