There was a moment back in the early winter of 2019 where I was hurting and lonely, starved out on a lot of levels, feeling rejected and denied, thirsty and needy. I was struggling with feelings of unworthiness and rage bricked behind a thick wall of pent up lust and frustration. My head felt like it could have imploded with everything I was feeling.
But then I walked past the main room mirror on the wall. I stopped, looked in the mirror, and saw myself. I walk pass this mirror everyday, this is a small flat and I’m practically a hermit, and every day I see my image walk across it with me.
In previous years, I winced at what I saw. There were days where I saw a shadow of what I used to be, a ghost or a zombie, something not quite alive, not quite there. There were days where I saw a fighter, someone who needed to always be alert to protect what mattered most. There were days were I saw a failure, someone who failed to save their family, someone who failed to end the cycle of abuse for so many people, someone who was failing to properly take care of the one they cared about the most. There were days where “I” wasn’t really there at all, something looked into the mirror and something looked back with twisted facial expressions and wet, wide, red eyes.