[FM] Cheating in my minivan in a bar parking lot

I was actually married for 4 years. That was obviously not going to last! After two kids, my now ex-husband thought drinking was more important that working or fucking, so I had to do hold up my end on my own.

After a while I had enough and signed up for an Ashley Madison account. It was mostly terrible, but I did meet one guy who was worth my time. He and I exchanged messages and then texts and pictures. We met for coffee one day when we were both crunched for time, and he was cute and friendly, so we kept in touch.

Once Sunday evening, out of the blue, he texted to ask if I could get a drink. My husband had already had a few and was dozing off on the couch, so I told him I was going to target to get some diapers and other things.

I met him at the bar, we had a drink and talked. Laughed, joked, had a good time. The bar was pretty empty at the time, which was a relief.

[MF] Bringing me (24f at the time) coffee turns into more

I had been chatting with this married guy I met on Whisper for a few weeks. It was mostly innocent, some flirting, but I had told my self no more married men.

He texted me one morning, I had just woken up. Normal chitchat, what are you up to blah blah. He was pulling into Starbucks drive thru on his way to work. I joking said “mmm I’ll take a caramel macchiato!” He said ok, where do I deliver it to? I wasn’t expecting that, but thought he’s a nice guy, we can have coffee. So I told him.

I quickly got out of my PJ’s and into some normal clothes. He knocked on my apartment door, and I let him in. He was attractive, fairly fit, and looked just like his pictures thank goodness. He handed me the coffee and gave me a hug.

[MF] My boyfriend and I let an older guy watch, but things didn’t turn out as expected.

When I was younger (I was 22 at the time) my bf and I were into some interesting things. We had sex at least daily and were hot for each other. We were both attractive and broke, so we had an idea – we charge people to watch us fuck. We posted an ad on Craigslist when that was a thing and got a ton of responses very quickly.

We emailed with a guy who was in town for business. He was willing to pay what we asked. We talked with him on the phone to make sure he was serious, and then we headed over.

We chatted for a minute, got comfortable, had a drink, and then got down to business. I did a sexy dance for the two men, who were seated in the hotel room chairs both with their dicks out. The business man got hard right away, but my bf was having trouble…which was very unlike him. I focused my attention on him trying to get him hard. Gave him a lap dance, sucked his flaccid cock…nothing. He was too nervous with the other guy in the room. I was pissed, I told him we couldn’t accept this other guys money if we didn’t put on the show we promised. I tried a little more, but still nothing. So I told my bf, if he doesnt get hard, I was going to fuck the other guy.

[MF] Car wouldn’t start. He jumped my car, then jumped me.

The current cold snap bring back a memory from 3 years ago, when during a similar storm my car would not start before work one day. It was 7:30am and I was stuck.

I sulked back inside and was resigned to calling in for the day and facing the repercussions at work. Right on cue, though, I got a text from this guy I had been texting with for a few days, just saying good morning and asking how I was. I told him about the car…and he offered to come and jump my car, what a gentleman! I joking/not-joking said “then you can jump me!” and he said “you read my mind lol”.

Well he came over, jumped my car, and I extended the offer to come in for a cup of coffee. It wasn’t 15 seconds after we took our coats off that we were making out and groping each other!

Things continued to move quickly, I loosened his belt, unzipped his pants and unleashed his cock. Slightly above average but not scary big, which is perfect for me! I took him in my mouth, me still fully clothed, and attempted to keep my teeth off his dick, lol.