First public sex [FM]

The first time I had sex in public was when I was 19, second semester of college.

I didn’t have a boyfriend, but did have a few guys I would regularly sleep with. One night, I was visiting “Andrew” in his dorm. His roommate, though, would not leave so we could fuck. After a while, I whispered to Andrew that we should leave and find somewhere else. Neither of us had a car though, so we really didn’t have a plan. My roommate had an assignment due so my room wasn’t an option either.

We decided to just go for a walk. It was late-ish, 10pm. We walked past a house party a few blocks off campus, and decided to duck in. We didn’t know anyone but no one seemed to care.

We paid for our cup, got a beer and sat down on the living room couch. We were very touchy, giving each other kisses and brushing each other when we could, trying to not be too obvious. I got up to go to the bathroom and grabbed Andrew’s hand.

[FMM] getting double teamed on a hotel balcony

If you’ve ever traveled for business, you know that hotel bars are weird places. You could be the only one in the bar, or it could be a full blown party. It all depends on what’s happening at the hotel that day, what crowd is having a conference or meeting or whatever.

At the time of this story, I was married. My marriage wasn’t long, for obvious reasons. But after a day of product demonstrations, working out, and catching up on things, I headed to the bar for dinner and a glass of wine.

While I was eating, the place was empty. It was me, the bartender, the waiter, and one old man sitting alone at the bar. I was at a table, just minding my own business. As I finished my food and ordered a second glass of wine, I heard a roar coming towards the bar. It grew louder and louder…apparently a conference’s happy hour had just ended and the group moved the party to the hotel bar, as people do.

I kept my table and did some people watching. It was what you’d expect…mostly men, dressed not in full suits but sports coats and office attire. Women looking professional but cute. The group seemed to be fairly drunk already.

New neighbors expressed concern… [FM]

Most of my stories are from before I entered into a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend, however this story is a recent event!

This week I got some new neighbors right next door. I live in a townhouse condo, so we share a wall.

Well last night, by boyfriend came over, and when it came time to get down and dirty, we didn’t make it to my bedroom. I’m normally loud, and we tend to be rough…but in my bedroom, the headboard is bolted to the wall to keep it from slamming against the wall.

The living room couch, though, is not….and I was riding my bf and we were making the couch slam against the wall over and over….so much so that the neighbors came over and knocked on the door to make sure I was ok! I answered with a throw blanket wrapped around my body, and they quickly understood was was going on. We moved to the bedroom after that to finish.

Just a funny moment I wanted to share!

Wedding hookups [FFM]

I was a bridesmaid in a friends wedding, and we all know what happens at and after the reception!

Well at this reception, I had a few drinks, and started dancing and flirting with one of the groom’s friends, Dan. He was not tall, but taller than me. Very muscular, and so sweet to a drunk bridesmaid lol. You see, while dancing, I slipped and fell on someone who was holding a beer, and it got all over me. He took me to the hallway and got some paper towels and cleaned me off. He was smiling and being so sweet the whole time. I told him, I would thank him later if he was staying in the hotel. He said he wasn’t, yet. Lol.

I said well in that case I better thank you now! We walked to the parking garage and got into my car, where I gave him a drunk sloppy blow job. I of course swallowed, and we went back to the reception. My friend “Kate” asked where I was, and I whispered to her what I just did. She gave me a half smile half disgusted look. Then she said “you know I dated him, right?” I had no idea! As far as I could remember I’d never met him before! Of course the next thing I asked was, how was he in bed? Kate replied “oh my god you slut!” And never answers the question.

COVID boredom lead to two guys in the same night [FM] [FM]

Before I started dating my now-boyfriend, I had a free week during last summer’s COVID lockdown. My ex-husband had the kids for a week of vacation, I was home alone and BORED. Bars were closed, I’d watched all of Netflix, twice, and needed to do SOMETHING (or some one).

I usually had a few guys I’d been texting with who I’d met on Tinder, so I hit up a few. One guy, let’s call him Travis, responded pretty quickly. We’d texted before and he was sweet, funny, and important for tonight – also bored. I suggested I come over, and of course he didn’t object. I got an Uber and headed over.

He greeted me, we hugged and sat on his couch and had a drink to break the ice. He was cute but not hot, which was fine. He was as sweet in person. Recently divorced, and was getting restless with COVID too.

After our drink, he made a move and kissed me. Nice soft lips, but still a firm kiss, his hands were rough but he knew how to touch my body. Our clothes flew off, and we headed to the bedroom.

The time I (24f at the time) fucked 4 guys in one day [FM] [FM] [FM] [FM]

This was unexpected, but one day I woke up to a text from a regular married FWB of mine (the guy from this story –

This wasn’t unusual at all, he would stop by Starbucks and text me while in line to see what I wanted, bring it to me, fuck me, and go to work. He had a silver tongue and could make me cum in under 2 minutes. He was a perfect fuck buddy lol. He came over, did his thing, and went to work. Always a great start to the day!

After that, I headed to the gym. I got on the stair climber machine, and it overlooked the weight machines. I noticed a guy I’d seen there before. He was in good shape. Maybe a few years older than me. We had made eye contact before, but never spoke. Just a polite smile. Maybe I was glowing from my previous orgasm, but today he approached me. Complimented my outfit (which was nothing special). He asked what my plans were for they day, I told him I was off work and had no plans. He asked if I wanted to get coffee or lunch after working out. I told him I’d already had coffee (ahem) but would he happy to get lunch.

[FFM] First threesome with my (21f) roommate (21f)

I wrote about the time my roommate and I both slept with the same guy within 12 hours of each other – []( That lead us to plan a threesome between all of us.

My roommate, Heather, and I had both been in threesomes before just not with each other. We were both very promiscuous for our own reasons. After Kevin from the previous story left and Heather called me a slut, again, we started our plan. Here’s how it went…

Heather invited Kevin over for some drinks, and I’m sure he assumed they would have sex again. I was in my bedroom upstairs when Kevin came over. I was to wait 20 minutes before coming down stairs in just a robe, so that’s what I did. I can’t speak to what happened, exactly, until I came down, but when I came down stairs, I saw half full mixed drinks on the living room coffee table, and Heather on her knees sucking Kevin’s cock. I acted surprised. “Kevin! Oh my, I’m sorry! I havent seen you since that day we fucked!” Heather pretended to be surprised. “You did what?!? You knew I was interested in him! You whore!” Heather pretended to move towards me. Kevin stepped in front of her, his cock sticking straight out, looked at me and said “You said it would be fine!” I walked to Kevin slowly, and grabbed his dick and said “Gotcha!” and Heather and I both laughed. I dropped my robe and I got on my knees and so did Heather. We took turns bobbing up and down his cock. Kevin must have had a sensory overload, because he blew his load all over Heather’s face as I took him out of my mouth and Heather was about to start again!

[FM] sharing my roommates coworker

A few days ago I told y’all about when I fucked a guy (23m) my (21f then) roommate (also 21f then) had just broken up with (

As I said, he wasn’t the last guy we both slept with.

My roommate, let’s call her Heather, and I were both very promiscuous. We had our own reasons for sleeping around, but let’s just say our townhouse was full of fun.

One night I got home from work, and there were about 8 people there hanging out – a mini party. Drinking, smoking weed, listening to music. Heather had invited over her coworkers for an after work get together. It happened every so often, no big deal. I made myself a drink and joined in. I was familiar with most of the people.

There was one guy, though, that I didn’t recognize. Let’s call him Kevin. Tall, lanky, cute. I introduced myself in the kitchen, and Heather immediately ran over to us to butt in. She let me know he was new at the restaurant they worked at. We chit chatted, and Kevin went to sit down in the living room. Heather whispered to me “I’m going to fuck him tonight!” And laughed. She then went over to him and sat very close.

[FM] My [21F] roommate [21F] dumped her guy [23M] so I fucked him to make him feel better.

This was a long time ago, but it was pretty hot. My roommate was dating this guy who was funny and sweet, but she had her eyes set on this really hot guy she met at work, and wanted to dump her bf to go after the other guy.

She told me the night before that she was going to break up with him, and how she did feel bad since he was legit a nice guy. I jokingly said maybe I should fuck him to ease his pain, and she (maybe jokingly) said thats a great idea. Well the next night she had him over, and she broke up with him. I was in my room, and I could kind of hear it happen from my room. I heard him open the bedroom door and walk down the stairs, so I got out of my room and followed him.

[FM] [FM] [FFM] Vegas business trip fun (26f at the time)

Hey remember business trips? My first business trip to Vegas was memorable :) I’d been to Vegas a few times for fun, but never alone and never for work.

The first day I told myself I’d be good, just hang out at the pool after my training/conference and maybe hit the slots. That’s lasted…not even a day.

I got in late Sunday night so I was good and went to bed. I made it to the conference and everything. And after I went to the pool, wearing a conventional two piece. I was sunning myself when a very attractive man caught my eye. Fit, salt and pepper hair, handsome. Our eyes locked and he approached me, so he was confident. We chatted, just small talk, and then he offered to buy me a drink and I accepted. We finished it off, and we jumped in a splash pool, one of those little pools off to the side. We started getting touchy and flirty in there…and I knew my goal of being good was finished.

I invited him to my room, and he did not flinch. He got out, grabbed his towel, and followed me.