The love of my life, and the time I took her anal virginity [MF]

I’ve gotten a bit of hate for the first few stories I’ve posted about my experiences being the “other man” so I figured I would take a turn and instead tell you about the one who got away.

Like any good epic, I’ll start *in media res*. For background, I’m 6’2″, a former college athlete, with brown hair and dark eyes. I was in my mid-20s at the time.

What you need to know about Jess boils down to one simple interaction. We had dated off and on for years, since high school in fact, but it had never stuck. The first time I met her was almost biblical – she walked into the room I was in and I was struck deaf. It sounds ridiculous, but as she approached me (we had been set up by mutual friends) I heard nothing, saw nothing, thought nothing aside from her stunning eyes and her beautiful face.

She was tall, 5’10”, and a former model who chose college over NYC contracts. This story comes years later in our relationship, after that first meeting. We had dated in high school, and at the beginning of my college years (I was a year older) but broke up due to the distant. This story finds up the beginning of the summer after my sophomore year.

The time she [F] kissed her boyfriend hello with my [M] cum in her throat.

This is another story about Sarah, the woman in a long distance with whom I was carrying on a torrid affair. Warning, this one is long, but if you enjoy it, I have plenty more stories to tell.

As I said before, I’m 6’2″, a former college athlete, with brown hair and an athletic build. Sarah was brunette, what most would call busty petite, and had incredible 32DDD tits.

As I had met her through a mutual friend, James, it wasn’t uncommon for us to end up at the same bar together when we all went out. It was convenient, because if her name ever popped up on my phone it just looked like we were coordinating drinking plans.

One Friday night the group of guys I hung with, including James, won a happy hour at a local bar. After a few drinks we all started texting girls to come join us, which obviously included Sarah.

James reported back that Sarah wouldn’t be joining as her boyfriend was flying into town for the weekend and she had to pick him up. Buzzed me was a bit disappointed but wrote it off and moved on. Fast forward an hour later and guess who shows up at the bar? Turns out Sarah’s boyfriend’s flight had been delayed and he insisted on meeting her and her friends out at the bars.

The time I got blown in a stadium stairwell [MF]

I’ve had a lot of fun lurking here over the years, so I figured it was time to give back. For background, I’m 6’2″, a former college athlete, with brown hair and an athletic build. Depending on the feedback I plan to post a series of stories from my past, but figured I’d start with a short but fun one. DMs and questions are always welcome.

I met Sarah through a mutual friend at a 4th of July party. She was working in my city but had a boyfriend back home who she was maintaining a long distance relationship with. I’ll save the story of our first hookup for another time, but here’s the story of one of my favorite nights with her.

One night a few years back, a couple of friends and I had tickets to see the local hockey team play. They had been doing well that season and we anticipated a great night of tall boys and fights. After the first period I went to get another round and bumped into Sarah at the concessions. We had hooked up a few times prior and fell into an easy conversation in line. She was at the game with her roommate, someone notoriously known not to enjoy fun, and as such was understandably a bit uptight when I started flirting with her. We got our drinks and went our separate ways and I chalked it up to a missed opportunity.