Coming Back [PART 2] – How I learned that sex can make you happy [MF]

*Start at Part 1 – the context is what makes this whole story meaningful.* [](

*There were so many kind and caring comments on part 1.* ***Thank you. All of you.*** *After it went up the positive comments often outnumbered the upvotes. Even accounting for Reddit’s stat lag, it still suggests that for those of you who liked the story, you did because it was really meaningful to you, not just something fun to read.*

*And a reminder in case it wasn’t clear already that this story is a bit deep and not for everyone. It’s not your typical carefree display of libido for light reading. It’s a bit heavier, but I think you’ll agree, worth the weight.*

And on that topic, remember how I said that sex with my ex was a psychological clusterfuck? Yeah.. the reasons were… so much worse than I’d described last time. There’s this concept in storytelling that the darkness gets the greatest just before the dawn. It has to be that way or dawn would just be another sunrise. The shadow is what gives shape to the light.

Coming Back – How I learned that sex can make you happy [MF]

Ready for the psychological clusterfuck that is my story? Strap in. It’s a rough ride, but it turns out better than I’d hoped.

This is going to read a little differently than everyone else’s stories; no “skip to the steamy bits” or porn-grade displays of wild abandon. I’m no sex god. I’m just a normal, overly-trusting guy who’s gone through some stuff. While the bad parts lasted longer than half of you readers have been alive, coming out the other end I finally learned that sex can be something that makes you feel happy. This is that story. All personally-identifying details are changed. The story though is very, very real.

Until this point, I had never, even once, been in a healthy romantic relationship. In my family growing up, if you were kind and accommodating then everything always worked out. It always worked. Always. As an adult, I naively assumed that my love life would work the same way, making me a target for girls who take advantage of boys. I tried to resolve conflict by being a better boyfriend, and later, by being a better husband. I fixed things by fixing myself, by admitting that I was the problem, accepting responsibility for everything that was wrong, and changing myself — my behavior, my thoughts, my desires, everything — in response to my girlfriends’ (and then wife’s) concerns. So I never understood that my marriage was full of abuse. For 20 years I had no idea. I confidently believed that the problem was me. I was so certain.