The Red Witch (Part 2) [MF] [Fantasy] [Slow Burn]

*This is Part 2 in the ongoing series about the titular Red Witch. To get caught up, check out the previous parts listed below.*

[Part 1](


Hours had passed and Alan could still not begin to understand what was happening to him. He had flipped the sign on his storefront to ‘closed’ in order to compose his thoughts. He had studied the inky black panties before him repeatedly, only to be continually more dumbfounded with each revelation.

Firstly, his initial observation was confirmed. The black lace was blacker than any black that he had known. It was almost unnatural how absolutely no light escaped the inky threads that composed the panties. He even compared it to the specially-ordered black paint in his shop and it couldn’t compare: The panties were darker still.

Secondly, the red fiber that ran along the trim of the panties appeared to be several finer strands threaded together, yet bound tighter than the work of the seamstress from the village. Whoever crafted these undergarments was a master at the craft. Further, as he observed more, he could see single fibers of the same red threading had been interlaced throughout the panties. The designs created by the thread were surely intentional, though he could not decipher their meanings. The curves and turns of the lines made some sense to him in a deep part of his subconscious, but he could not describe what it was that he was understanding.

The Red Witch (Part 2) [MF] [Fantasy] [Slow Burn]

*This is Part 2 in the ongoing series about the titular Red Witch. To get caught up, check out the previous parts listed below.*

[Part 1](


Hours had passed and Alan could still not begin to understand what was happening to him. He had flipped the sign on his storefront to ‘closed’ in order to compose his thoughts. He had studied the inky black panties before him repeatedly, only to be continually more dumbfounded with each revelation.

Firstly, his initial observation was confirmed. The black lace was blacker than any black that he had known. It was almost unnatural how absolutely no light escaped the inky threads that composed the panties. He even compared it to the specially-ordered black paint in his shop and it couldn’t compare: The panties were darker still.

Secondly, the red fiber that ran along the trim of the panties appeared to be several finer strands threaded together, yet bound tighter than the work of the seamstress from the village. Whoever crafted these undergarments was a master at the craft. Further, as he observed more, he could see single fibers of the same red threading had been interlaced throughout the panties. The designs created by the thread were surely intentional, though he could not decipher their meanings. The curves and turns of the lines made some sense to him in a deep part of his subconscious, but he could not describe what it was that he was understanding.

The Red Witch (Part 1) [MF] [Light Fantasy] [Slow Burn]

Women, especially single women, were quite the oddity in this day-in-age. That’s why when Courtney found herself living in this new village she got every sort of strange look from busybodies and Nosy Nellies alike.

She had purchased her small cottage and the roughly two acres surrounding it on the edge of Essex Wood legitimately. The old owner told the few curious enough to ask that she had told him the money was from an inheritance. Everyone took that to mean that it was what her late husband had left her.

After only a few days, the villagers began to engage in the usual niceties with Courtney any time they saw her in the square. The ones that saw her most were the proprietor of the general store where she purchased her groceries, as well as the seamstress, whom she visited nearly just as often.