[MF][BDSM][SM][MC]A Really HARD Day – Based on the Prompt By u/lovelyladylover


“Ugh.” Ed moans as he slams his alarm clock. “It’s time for class already? It felt like tonight was such a short night.” He brought his hand to his head in an effort to stop the throbbing. “Did I.. party last night? I don’t remember going to a party. But I feel so… dizzy.” Ed stood up, thinking nothing of his rock-hard erection. It’s just another typical morning with an apparent black-out drunk hangover. Though, he was grateful he didn’t have to worry about the nausea. Still, he had to remember what had happened. The college freshman walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like a mess. “Must’ve been a hell of a party,” he bemoaned, starting the shower. He took off his boxers and noticed that he was still pretty erect. “Well, I guess there’s no problem with a morning jerk off. I’ve got time.”