Want to have an idea of yours written into a story?

That’s about as clickbaity as I’m willing to title a post. But anyhow!

Yes, I’m indeed looking for ideas, prompts, concepts, whatever you wish to call them. I figured I’d assimilate a bit of external influence into my next piece, meaning ideas spawned from the minds of other people.

Feel free to throw any ideas you have at me, but I will say that I’m in the mood for something fantastical. As in, stuff you’d find in fantasy stories. DnD stuff, monster girls/boys, devils and angels, anything in that ballpark has a slightly higher chance of catching my interest, but I’m not a picky eater so more mundane (or even horror-y stuff, with some traces of Halloween hanging in the air) flavors are all good too.

And speaking of not being picky, the pairings don’t matter all that much to me either. Guys, gals, enbies and anything else, I’ll write any combinations of peeps having good times together.

So leave a comment or throw a DM/chat my way if you have those ideas!