Long-time lurker, first-time contributor. This true story takes place late this past July. (For reference, I am a bang-average 5’7 white guy in his late 20s, with an oddly nice ass and 6” at full mast.) I was a single guy at the time, having nope’d my way out of an abusive relationship about a month and a half prior. In that time I had gotten together with women from OKC and Tinder for a few dates, some of which were successful (intimacy-wise) and some of which didn’t end well. But at the same time, I was perusing Fetlife – which I’d been on for about 8 years – and keeping an eye out for like-minded people around my area.
Rene was someone I had kept an eye on for a while, even before I was single. She was an absolutely exquisite-looking African-American gal in her late 20s – about a year older than me – who posted lots of photos that were right up my alley. I would be surprised if Rene hadn’t been a model of some sort in the past – she has gorgeous big brown eyes, an alluring smile, and a curvy figure that took some effort to attain. Whenever I found something especially good-looking in each of her photos, I was sure to leave a constructive, not-overly-thirsty comment. Unlike most people who I followed on there, however, Rene actually seemed grateful for the comments and always sent a “thanks hun” my way.