[MF] How I Met Emily and Our First Time Together

*This is a story of the first time with my ex-girlfriend from a few years back. Not sure why it popped into my head after all this time, but thought it would be fun to share with you all here. If you don’t like deep background and are just looking for the action, feel free to skip to the “page break” below. Enjoy!*

I first met Emily on the second week of my new job. I had just taken over the management of membership and fundraising at the local arts center and was in that familiar phase when the novelty and excitement of onboarding with a new organization was starting to fade and the deluge of responsibility of the actual work ahead of me was threatening to overwhelm. So I may have been a little uncharacteristically short and distant when Emily came to my office to introduce herself and inquire about the program offerings and schedule of the upcoming season. 

“It’s not set yet, come bother me next week” I said, with an obvious air of impatience, not even bothering to look up from my screen. I heard her turn heal and leave without another word. 

[MF] After Being Forced Apart… We Came Together. – Recent Sex With Co-Worker

A couple weeks into working with Carol, I was sure that there would never be anything sexual between us. It wasn’t that she was unattractive – in fact, when she had first settled into the desk across from mine and introduced herself, my initial impression was that I would have work hard at not coming across too flirty. That notion had quickly faded as Carol checked box after box of irksome co-worker traits; talked just a little too much and too loudly, ate food that smelled a bit too pungent. She finely walked the line, not so bad at that anyone would feel justified calling her out for it, but just enough to slowly get under your skin.

When the people involved are good at heart, time tends to dull these minor annoyances, and so was the way with Carol and as the person underneath the irritation emerged we grew into great collaborators with an adequate friendship.

[MF] Her clothes said “Let’s Chill”, Her eyes said “Fuck Me”

*Writers Note: I am just getting into this as this experience I am about to describe is something I just feel I need to let out. I highly enjoyed writing it and would love to continue to share other past experiences if people are interested. I would LOVE feedback, especially from female readers. I am a man and can only write from a man’s perspective but want EVERYONE to be able to enjoy my stories. Feel free to DM me if you don’t feel comfortable posting in comments (I swear I wont take that as an opportunity to DM blast you into eternity which I know is a concern among female readers, I’ll respond with a nice “Thanks for the feedback” unless you explicitly state you’d like to have a conversation, which I am also open to.) I mainly want to know if this helps get peoples rocks off (men included). ENJOY!!*

This is a true story (name’s are fictional) that happened this last weekend. Every time I’ve thought about it since (and that has been a lot) I’ve gotten fully aroused and have even needed to excuse myself from conversations just to go breathe and lower my heart rate. I am no newbie to sex and have had a few long-term girlfriends in my life and, while those romances have been beautiful and life changing, none of them has ever left an impression tantamount to my night with Sarah.