How I (then 19m) continued to fuck my cousin (then 19f) for five years (part 2)

For the first part of the story you can go here:


When I got back home after that cabin trip things with my girlfriend went back to normal. Secretly Lisa would send me dirty pictures or she would fuck herself with her hairbrush while I jerked off over Skype. Eventually it died down because her boyfriend, Josh, was accusing her of cheating even 5 seconds. We weren’t in love this was purely lust. As far as we were concerned it was like masturbation so we could live without it.

About half a year later Lisa got accepted to university close to my house and it worked out that my sister had moved in with her boyfriend Lisa came to stay with us to save of tuition costs.

By this time I was head over heels for my girlfriend so Lisa was just a memory which worked out great for about a month. Lisa and Josh broke up while she was on my side of the country and she soon became lonely. At first I didn’t really notice because she never overtly came on to me. But slowly I noticed she started teasing me with her body. For instance I would walk into the living room and she’d be sitting on the couch in short shorts and spread her legs gently to reveal she wasn’t wearing panties. Or bend over in a short skirt. Running from the shower to her bedroom in a towel but letting it slip a little as she got by my room.

How I (then 18m) started fucking my (then 18f) cousin for five years. (Part 1)

Every year my parents would drag my sister and me to a cabin on the lake with my uncle’s family. My cousin my sister and I would basically run around the woods and swim all day while our parents got drunk.

My cousin Lisa, for the sake of the story, and I are the same age and we always had fun. My sister on the other hand is a few years older and she hated babysitting us.

When 16, on the last night of the trip, my sister was trying to bond with Lisa about boys. My sister was kind of slutty and was probing Lisa about if she had had sex yet. Lisa said she had made out with a guy and let him feel her up. Right at that moment I looked at her in a completely different light. Her in a bikini wet hair and small breasts, sitting on the dock in the moonlight.

All I could think about was how bad I wanted to fuck her. That night I jerked off three times thinking about her.

That year I lost my virginity and my mind wandered away from Lisa.