Drunken sex with my coworker for the first time (m/f)

I will preface this by saying I am 18 years old and male. My coworker (lets call her Steph) is 24.

Yesterday was Canada day, and 5 people were over having beers on Steph's rooftop. She had previously invited me to crash on her couch because I lived far away from my work and we both needed to be there early. After 12 beers and some tequila, our friends decided it was time to head out, and after we walked them to the door we decided we would keep drinking tequila while watching some Game of Thrones.

We turned on an episode and I sat on her couch, but when she came over she told me she wanted to cuddle and asked me to lie down. I obliged and she was quickly on top snuggled into me. Soon after that she looked at me and we were making out. Hard. I shut her computer and she wanted to move to her bedroom.

Once we got there I drunkenly fell/jumped into her bed (which broke the bed), and when I turned around her shirt was off and she told me to take off my pants. I got them half way off when she yanked the rest off of me with my boxers as well.