Fucked [M]y [F]emale trainer

At the start of this last New Year I pulled the stereotypical “I’m going to diet, exercise, and get in shape” resolution. Surprisingly, I have stuck with it to this point and have lost 25 pounds.

Until two months ago, I had been only dieting to lose the weight…but eventually I plateaued and realized I needed to start exercising regularly. I’ve always hated exercising more than dieting. The sweat, the soreness, the breathing pain…for me it has always weirdly been easier to just skip on the desserts. This all changed when I started talking with the girl who would soon enough be my personal trainer.

We had been Facebook friends through having similar acquaintances, but had only met maybe once before in person. However, through my creepy Facebook stalking, I did see that she was very much into exercise (crossfit, yoga pants, etc.). I had “admired her photos” for months, but never knew how I could start conversation, find an excuse to hang out, or even just message online. Then one day, the gods opened up a wonderful door for me.