[FM] The time I pulled a train at a party of strangers.

**TLDR: A guy at a party leaves me unsatisfied, so I find my satisfaction elsewhere**

***Cross posted from sexconfessions, somebody suggested you guys might like it?***

So, after my last post, ***go look it up if you want, seriously, validate my slutty behaviour, I thrive on attention,*** several people have asked me to tell the story of how I pulled a train at a party. Well sit back dear readers, and prepare for acts of depravity you’ve never heard the like of before!

It started in my first year of university. I was a fresh faced little 19 year old baby slut, enjoying my first taste of freedom and promiscuity. Unfortunately, my best friend who I’d known since I was three didn’t go to my university. She went to one across the county, the bitch! ***Ash, if you’re reading this, firstly, how did you find this account, secondly, I love you really and you know I do.***