Father and Daughter hide out in the storm (FM) – part 3

[part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ibna2h/father_and_daughter_hide_out_in_the_storm_fm/)
[part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ic4u34/father_and_daughter_hide_out_in_the_storm_fm_part/)

We drove for a bit longer in silence, neither of us wanted to say anything. The rain had let up but was still bad, but we could see at least. After a few more minutes, my dad pulls over hands on the wheel and starts to speak.

“Jamie…..about….what happened” He starts to speak slowly, I turn to him as he turns to me. I jump and start to kiss him; he returns the kiss. My hands snake into his pants to feel him getting harder, dropping my face down to start sucking him. “Oh fuck baby” he moans as he starts to drive. We drive for a bit when I feel him pull in somewhere.

“I’m getting us a room” he says pulling me up as he gets out. I look out and see we are at the shittiest motel I’ve ever seen. I watch him run in as I look around, there is a woman wearing a jacket and what appears to be fishnets, smoking a cigarette staring over at me. “Oh god” I said out loud as I realized she was a hooker and probably wasn’t liking the competition. Another one came out, even more haggard as the first pointed at me. This place was practically a whore house and we would be staying here.

Father and Daughter hide out in the storm (FM) – part 2

Both me and my dad were on the couch now, almost touching but trying to separate ourselves. I glance at him as the scene of the young girl getting fucked by her coach plays on the TV.

“This is so weird Dad” I tell him, “Yea it is Jamie” he tells me. He does not dare look at me, I only catch glimpses of him, not wanting to see how hard my dad is in his wet boxers. I try not to look at his cock and think about how good it would feel in my hands, in my mouth, inside of me.

Maybe it was the gummies or the excitement from the night, almost dying a few times out on the road, but I felt closer to him than I ever had before. My body felt hot, while I felt cold. My mind was swirling. “Dad don’t look” I tell him as I get up to take off my wet shirt and ring it out into the trashcan before hanging it up. I start to walk back and decide to take off my panties as well, I might be able to get new ones here. I strip out of them and hang them up, stepping back as the next scene begins. It is a girl studying some schoolwork.

Father and Daughter hide out in the storm (FM)

We had been driving for a while now, it was late. I had looked out the window as the rain kept coming down. I turned to my father, “Dad maybe we should stop?” I ask, looking at him. He had the same idea, trying to keep the car on the road in the storm “Soon as we find a place, Jamie” he told me.

We heard the weather report that a storm was coming before we left the college I was studying at, to drive home. We decided it would not be that bad, we were wrong. Now we were in the middle of nowhere, hadn’t eaten in a while and barely able to see the road.

Then it happens, we start to hydroplane. “Shit” my dad yelled out as he righted the car “sorry about that honey”. My dad wasn’t the kind to cuss, but that was fine in this case “its ok Dad”. I assure him.

My car had broken down about a month ago, so we scrapped it. He volunteered to drive me back. It wasn’t too long of a drive but we had already been on the road for a while, much longer than we should.

Greg or Eight penis tentacle hell beast seeks nice woman for walks on the beach [F-monster] [Tentacle] [romance] – Part 2

Beth waited for Greg to show up. He usually dropped by to see if he had anyone interested on Thursday, in the hopes he’d have a date for the weekend. She was glad she could give him the good news for one, he always tried to act not disappointed when she had to tell him no. She heard someone outside yell “Holy shit!” Greg was here.

“Hiya Beth! Got you those cookies I promised” He was carrying a Tupperware container, setting them on the counter.

“You are such a dear” Beth takes out a cookie and bites into it “what’s your secret you have to tell me”

“You know I can’t” he turns around to fake like he’s looking for spies “Its just a hint of cinnamon” holding a massive cock up to his mouth and her ear to whisper. Beth shivered, if only she wasn’t married and well lots more reasons.

“You have a match” she says proudly, sliding him a tape and a card with into. “Really?” Greg asks looking her “really?

She points down the hallway “booth 5 is open for you”. Greg goes down the hallway to watch the tape.

Greg or Eight penis tentacle hell beast seeks nice woman for walks on the beach [F-monster] [Tentacle] [romance]

The video starts up

“Is it on? oh….Hello My name is Grezebealan but most people call me Greg. I’m single and looking to find a nice woman to spend time with. I know what you’re thinking ladies. ‘It must be my lucky day!’

8 massive cocks enter the screen as if they are hands to hold up for a joke “I’m kidding of course, hahaha. I work as an Actuary for an Insurance Company. I mostly work from home so it can get a bit lonely. But don’t let my … Let me tell you a bit about myself. I love all sorts of fun things like long talks, cuddling, cooking”

holds up a pan and spatula with a beefy cock arm “Yum Yum!”

“and toy trains”

close up of a toy train with a cock on top if it, the shaft larger than the train

“Choo choo!”

“Salsa Dancing!”

Greg’s massive form struts around with an invisible partner as he makes salsa music with his gaping maw, the elephant trunk like cocks moving around

“I also…ummm….ummm” puts glasses on to read off a note card

The Corruption of Sophie [MF] – part 3

Sophie looked up at Jack, her married lover and beamed. She had just managed to get him hard with her mouth and she wanted more, the look on his face said he wanted more too. He had been in charge but tender this whole visit, she was ready for some nice deep love making, it had been something they had played out online, well one of many, many things.

He helped her to her feet in front of him and lowered his head to kiss her, it was a wonderful kiss. Sophie could just melt in his arms, as she stroked him. She needed to keep him ready, she needed to have him inside of her. How was he going to do it, lay her down and climb on top? Maybe he’d lay down so she could get on top, he said he never gets that? Sophie pictured all the ways she had thought about this, anxious to find out how she would please him.

The Corruption of Sophie [MF] – part 2

Sophie sat in her bed, in the position Jack had wanted her. She was trembling uncontrollable as she tried to will her hearing to capture every detail of what was going on in the other room. He was here, he was here in her apartment. He was for her, to make her submit to him, to fuck her. The apartment was silent, she hadn’t turned on her music yet, she’d do that when things began. How would he do this? He hadn’t mentioned what he was planning. Did he even have a plan?

Would they talk first? Maybe have a drink? She had gotten some vodka, he liked vodka. Maybe he brought some wine, she liked wine. She had prepared more for this than any first date she’d ever have, but now it was a date with a married man who stopped by on his way home to his wife and family for one purpose: to fuck her. She stared at her doorknob, listening as closely as she could from the bed.

The Corruption of Sophie [MF] – part 1

Sophie looked at her body in the mirror, trying to see it from all sides. She was in her light green panties, with little strawberries on it. Some of her regular “cute” panties. God, she hated being seen as “cute”. Turning to the side she can see her plump ass in the mirror, poking out around the sides of the panties. It looked big, she thought, was it too big? Wait would it be big enough? Would he like it? Jack had said he liked big butts, his wife had one, at least he said she did.

Her ass wasn’t the biggest worry, not by far. She turned to the mirror and cupped her tits; far smaller than the C cup she had said she had. What she told him long before she wanted to meet him, back when it was just chatting. Back when he was just another person to share a story with. She liked creating sexy stories with strangers, it gave her an outlet for what she wanted to do. She never thought…she never thought she’d actually do anything like this. Sophie released her chest and watched as they gave just a bit of a bounce. She sighed; Jack would be disappointed for sure.

Math grad student is surprisingly experienced [FM] – part 3

Ashley undressed. It had been one rough day, between hard tests, a night out for drinks. Oh, and the fact that Jack, her friend that she friend zoned was some kind of secret sex god who was probably still fucking two college co-eds too hot for him, and it was their idea.

She was down to her panties and looked at herself in the mirror. Small girl, small tits, barely any ass; she looked the part of a mousy math teacher. Jack looked the part too, but the male version, tall, glasses, and a bit chubby. ‘What the hell does he see in me…did he see in me?’ she asks herself.

Ashley collapsed on the bed, enraged and horny and sad. Why didn’t she get there sooner, maybe if she went straight over, she would have tempted him from those sluts. Would she have tempted him away, if he was given the option? They were sexy, while she was ‘cute’ at best. They were adventurous enough to ask them to fuck them, together. She couldn’t even bring herself to touch herself.

Math grad student is surprisingly experienced [FM] – part 2

“You think he made all that shit up?” Mark asks, talking mostly to Katherine. “Has a good imagination if he did, sounded real” piped in Ling, she had said she had been with 2 guys, both long term boyfriends.

Ashley wasn’t sure if Jack had made up his stories or not. She wasn’t sure she cared either way, what she did know that he sounded far more confident with women that she previously believed. She unlocks her car to let her passengers in. Ethan and Ling climbed in the back, joined by Mark and Katherine, she sat on his lap to have enough room. Miranda got in the front to join Ashley. The radio was on playing some pop song from the local pop station.

The drive wasn’t long, but there were more than a few cars on the road since the bars had let out. They talked about how much grading they had to do, since most of them had just given their own tests. Mark and Katherine were talking lowly amongst themselves; Ashley could see in her rearview mirror. Their numbers were going to go up tonight. “Dammit” Ashley groaned to herself, hers could have gone up too.

Categorized as Erotica