Friends Mother Pt 3 [MF]

Friends mother Pt 3 [MF]

[Part 2](

It had been only a day since my last encounter with jacks mother, and I already missed her. This time I was going to call her.
I found her contact in my phone and listened as the phone rang, she answered and said “what’s up?”. Then I uncovered a problem, nothing was up I just wanted to be with her, have sex. “Nothing” I said unsurely. I had to make something up on the spot. “Want to go… get something to eat?”. “Sure, when will you pick me up?” She said. “Right now I replied with excitement”. I said bye and hung up before she could rethink. On my way there all I could think about was what always happens when I’m near her.

Sisters Love [MF]

I started the day like and other morning, got up, got dressed, went to work. I had to leave quietly on this occasion because of my sister Jenna in the other room. She was staying there for the week after her house got too flooded to live in.

I went to work at my construction job, It was hot but the pay is high. I came home to see my sister in the living room, she was sprawled out on the couch playing on her phone. “Work fun?” She asked, knowing the answer. “Hot and fun” I replied sarcastically. I took a quick shower. I got dressed and went back to the living room.
“Hey Jenna, busy day?” I joked. “Yeah, I looked for a new house all day” she said confidently. “Good luck with that” I said as I turned my head to her for the first time since entering this room. She was in a skirt and t-shirt, I could see her nipples poking through the shirt. She had also moved to a position where I could almost see up her skirt. I stared for a bit not acknowledging that this was my sister, then I snapped back to reality and looked away.

Friends Mom pt 2 [M/F]

[Part 1](

About a week after I had my first event with Jacks mother, I wondered if that would ever happen again. That night was the only thing I could think about every day. I just wanted to re-live that night.

I of course never told jack about what happened and will never. I would never try to ruin our friendship.

I had given jacks mother my phone number, in case she ever needed help with anything on the last visit to his house. I wondered if she ever would use that number. Fast forward a day and I get a text at around 7:30 “I need some help cleaning out my attic if you don’t mind” it was her. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that. I quickly replied “ sure! Is Jack going to be there?” She replied “No, it would be best if he didn’t come, he’s got to get settled in his apartment” I thought this was strange, Jack had been there more than a week, I knew he was more than settled.

Friends Mom and the Movie night [MF]

I had just woken up when my friend Jack texted me, “ Hey man I need some help moving out of my house can u come over” Jack has just recently decided to move out of his moms house to live in a dorm. We were both in college. Both of us were very keen to move into the dorms and on our own, but he couldn’t get himself to leave his mother until recently after she told he needed to be on his own.

I texted back “ yeah sure what time?” To this he told me about 6 pm.

The rest of the day I went to classes and just went on with my day. Then came 6. I made my way over to his house. When I got there he had already started loading his room into his car, we both pulled his boxes of stuff into his car for about an hour. Once we were done his mom came out and told us she was making dinner, she insisted I stay to eat so I did. I figured I would stay to eat and then go help jack get to his dorm.
I went inside to wash up and his mom was by the sink . “ Thanks for the help” she said while turning to move away from the sink. “No problem” I say in the same tone. We had a little small talk for a minute while the dinner was cooking. Jack was at the table already.