A Strange Compulsion Chapter 02

This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.
All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.
The situations described in this story are for the sole
purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are
completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are
purely coincidental.


A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 01


This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.


A Wolf’s Rage Chapter 01

This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.
All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.
The situations described in this story are for the sole
purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are
completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are
purely coincidental.


When Matt woke up on Monday, he didn’t know that that day was going to change his entire life. Like all the other Mondays, Matt dreaded the week ahead. It started like any other ordinary Monday. He came down to have breakfast with his parents. He also had an elder sister, but she was pursuing her Bachelors in a college in the nearby city.

His mother dropped him off at school. His first class was Math. Matt was very good at Math. In fact, his nickname was “Math” Matt. While he was very attentive during the class, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander towards the Eriksen sisters.

Daniella and Joanna Eriksen were two of the hottest girls at school. They were identical twins. They were both very smart, consistently ranking near the top of the class. They were also very popular. They were part of the cheerleading team.

A Strange Compulsion Chapter 01 [M/F][Inc]

This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.
All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.
The situations described in this story are for the sole
purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are
completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are
purely coincidental.