[mfm] military, barracks threesome

So the year is 2016. Me and my friend were almost finished with our contracts in the military. We were having some drinks one night when my friend (we will call him nick) brought up the idea of me and him tag teaming a girl. I was half drunk so of course I agreed! We had been best friends now for years and we were both getting out of the military soon, so what the hell.

Fast forward to the next morning. He calls me up and we meet in his barracks room. He tells me he found a girl! Me just now recalling the conversation from the night before, I reply “oh yeah? Who?” He then gives me his phone and shows me where he had been messaging this girl. I start to scroll through the messages and see where she agrees to having a threesome. I then ask him “where did you find her at?” He replied “she was a match from tinder.” He then shows me her tinder profile. (Let’s call her Sam) she seemed cute enough for this. She was 19 and was enrolled at a local community college. Although she didn’t have many pictures of her self it was still obvious that she had some big tits. I must have showed a grin or something because Nick grabbed his phone and went back to texting her.