Chapter 3: A Night in the Garden [18F F/F] [Fantasy] [Lesbian] [Masturbation]

Things had progressed well since our time with the baths. Lily, Anneta and I had become somewhat of a thing in the weeks since. Though the baths after practice still worked as our usual meeting ground, we’d tried to be more careful since our last close call; which meant two unfortunate things: only two of us at a time, and we had to be quicker. In my case it meant I still wasn’t able to let Anneta go down on me, whereas Lily seemed to be getting more and more frustrated by how little time there was for us to simply be together. She was most at peace post climax with someone to lay with for a while, which I enjoyed. Now that a month had passed we were free to spend our time as we liked, though we were expected to use it honing our various skills, be it alchemy or combat based on preference. The lack of oversight made things a little easier but finding somewhere outside the baths where we could be alone and undisturbed felt like trying to catch falling arrows. As terrible as war was, it made peacetime in the Sisterhood feel like a prison sentence. In war we’d either be marching alongside an army or we’d be set up in small groups scouting some distant village, which would mean plenty of time and opportunities to sneak away together. What I really craved though were the Sisters Vigilant. In war only a few cohorts would be allowed to join, usually no more than twenty sisters in total from the hundreds spread out over the thirty something chapterhouses that dotted the country. They were given special dispensation to travel the lands in times of war and maintain order, allowed to dole out justice as they saw fit. They could rally town militias, and could even lead small armies if they chose to. They were the posterchildren of the Sisterhood, and the greatest source of the rumours of promiscuity that shadowed the order. Whilst I didn’t believe many of the rumours, particularly the ones about Vigilants fucking there way through whole towns, something turned me on about it, the idea of being treated like a goddess by outsiders who held only the veinest hope that I’d prove those tall tales true. Though that dream seemed so far away. If I had learned anything from copying ancient texts it was that things were the most stable that they’d been in nearly a century, and the last holy war ended three centuries before that.

Chapter 2: Sword Practice [18 F/F/F] [Lesbian] [Fantasy]

It had been a week since Initiation, yet the only thing I could see whenever I closed my eyes was that night. Anytime I thought about it I’d feel myself start to get wet; while training, while reading. It kept me up each night and no matter how much I touched myself I just couldn’t be rid of this burning need for more. It didn’t help that Lily and I had been eye fucking each other ever since. As fully fledged members of the Holy Sisterhood we now were far more free compared to before, but we still slept in small cohorts with no chance for more nights of empty beds. Every other time it seemed we’d either have too little time together or we’d be too likely to get caught. Eventually it just boiled over, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to feel her against me again. I’d awoken something in me that night and it felt wrong to just ignore it while it tore me up inside. Thinking it through I spotted an opening. After sword training since we were recently initiated we were given an hour in the baths to clean ourselves up before moving on elsewhere. The training groups were often small, so as long as we were careful we’d be fine. Next morning at breakfast after prayers I was able to grab a spot next to Lily, and brushing up against her I whispered

Chapter 1: Initiation Night [18F/F] [Fantasy] [Lesbian] [Oral]

The tiled floor was cool under Cassia’s bare feet as she carefully made her way down the dark hallways of the monastery. The stone halls were lit only by the subtle light of the moon and the occasional lamp carried by the vigilant Nightsisters who guarded the halls at night. Cassia did her best to avoid them as she made her way towards the southern dormitory. It was quieter now than it had been as it was near the end of the initiation week, with Cassia being one of only a handful of initiates left. While she had made plenty of friends during her training, one in particular had been especially friendly. Lilianna, a quite tall and lean girl, had first caught her eye a week ago when they were both changing after sword practice. Cassia had found herself drawn to staring at Lilianna’s glistening body as they cleaned themselves up, but she had the distinct impression that Lilianna had been doing the same to her. Playfully she’d joked about them being more physical with each other to test the waters, but what had started as gentle probing quickly became flirting whenever the two were alone together or among trusted friends. Whilst the Holy Sisterhood frowned on any kind of physical relationship of any kind a union between two members was particularly taboo. They barely tolerated members taking care of themselves in that regard.