Nowhere. You’re adrift. You forgot a powerful word. No memory.
Arrived. You regain your senses. Silence. Warmth. Lavender-scented fabric and a soft touch.
Your straining eyes see nothing in the darkness.
Feeling good. Rested. Relaxed. Comfortable. You’re on your back. Light fabric hugs you, gently caressing your skin. You’re nude underneath. The only sound is your heartbeat.
You understand you’re bound. Wide arms and legs. If this is a bed, tie each limb to a corner. You pull against the padded bonds and think you could escape if you tried. Don’t. Still.
You inhale. Your nipples stiffen against the sheet and your legs feel warm.
Another person enters the room.
Motion is the only response. Someone rise? Your heart races.
“Hello,” a deep male voice replies. It’s unfamiliar.
“Who’re you?” Unanswered. Ask again. I’m where?
“What are you going to do to me?” you ask, less worried than expected.
“What if I leave?”
“Want to leave?”
You hesitate before saying yes. Why won’t you leave? Why don’t you fight to break these bonds? Curious?
“What’s up?”
Silence. He says one word when you believe he won’t.
Warmth seeps between your legs. Wet. You don’t know him, but you desire him.
Show yourself.
Darkness ignites a match. As he lights a candle, a stone wall frames his black back. Long hair, big shoulders, and tall. He’s naked and the light shows his firm bottom. You look down as he slowly turns toward you. A form curves down in the shadows and faces you. You look up and find a plain black mask over his eyes. His powerful chin and determined mouth are unfamiliar.
You almost suggest removing the mask. If you told him, he’d do it, but you already know. Look between his legs again. He must toughen. Tough. Show him who you are.
“Take off my sheet,” you say.
He approaches the bed silently. Despite your request, his approach makes you nervous. You hear blood pounding.
He watches you from the bed. Your nipples protrude. He slowly lowers the sheet. The subtle fabric movement electrifies your nipples. He stops before revealing your breasts.
He teases? Is he offering another chance to stop this madness? Careless.
Don’t stop.
The sheet moves again, slower. You gasp when the candlelight reveals your nipples. His stare presses on your chest as he admires your breasts.
His cock grows in the shadows between his legs at your sight. To see more. Legs get warmer. But you don’t want to stop.
The friction is delightful as the sheet keeps falling. Bared belly. Moving sheet. This mysterious man will soon view your wet pussy.
Sheet stops again. Your cleft just touches the sheet’s edge. You refuse his second chance to halt.
“Keep going,” you say confidently.
Moving sheet tickles. You stare at his dark cock with eagerness. Arousal drips across the bed as the sheet gently moves. The shadow between his legs jumps when the sheet moves. He saw your wet, candle-lit pussy.
He carefully lowers the sheet, staring at your legs. As he sees more of you, his shadow between his legs rises.
It’s off. He sees everything. He sees all your beauty. He’s hungry. He’s never wanted this much. His eager stare takes in your luscious sensuality, making your hunger intense.
Touch me.
He glances at you before turning away. Devastating disappointment. You thrash against the bonds, desperate for touch. He’s back, over you. Optimism replaces disillusionment. He dips his fingers in a little basin between your legs. If only…
He holds your feet. Strong, warm, and gripping. Your legs tingle as his thumbs massage oil into your feet. He massages each toe on the tops of your feet. Ankles. His fingertips trace your skin’s contours, leaving satisfied flesh.
His touch relaxes and stretches your calves. Oil makes your skin crave his touch. He touches your outer thighs while kneeling. You spread your legs as far as the ties allow, desperate to open up to him. His hands return to your knees and climb your inner thighs. In anticipation, you feel another surge of warm desire, but his hands veer up and over the outside of your hips at the last second.
He climbs the bed holding your hips hard. He kneels between your knees, his cock straining for you. It’s tough and risky. He feels your strength. You don’t know him, but you know his innermost secret: You’re all he wants. Your hands are restrained, yet you want to touch his cock and feel his need.
He climbs again. They softly press your belly. They now cover your ribs. Your breasts lift and your nipples tighten. Waits.
He slowly lifts your swelling breasts till your firm nipples are under his warm palms. Gasp. Your breasts, legs, and back thrill. He’s pinching, rolling, and massaging your nipples. You want more.
He grabs a nipple and sucks it in, his tongue tasting you. When it gets too much, he changes breasts and you moan in delight. His soft mouth gave your breasts the most pleasure. You want to hug his head, but you can’t move. His clean hair fragrance relaxes you.
His mouth feels amazing, but once your breasts are filled, you focus on the raging desire between your legs. As if reading your mind, he releases a wet breast and kisses you down your body.
His tongue darts inside your belly button as he pauses. Sharply inhale. He descends. He stops again, his lips against your pussy, as his chin brushes the top. Before things escalates, he’s offering you another chance.
Continue! “Touch!”
“Tap me! Please!”
He insists.
“My pussy!” “Cuck! Please! Touch my wet cunt!”
He strokes your inner thighs. He kisses you. Finally, his hands touch and you gasp. He stares at you with his hands over your open vulva, still. Your hips push him, wanting more.
His hands finally move as he lowers his face between your legs. His fingers stroked your outer lips. You feel him exhale against you, knowing his every breath is flavored by your excitement. To smell you. He should taste you.
He squeezes your clitoris and twitches your toes while you moan. Pulling up and down. Up. Down. You sway. Though tethered, you move in response.
His fingers open you. Your exposed pussy is shimmering in his eyes, calling to him in the faint candlelight. Slowly pressing, fingers circle your opening. His thumb lifts your excited clitoris. You groan and exhale.
His fingers push your opening while his thumb presses your clit. You gasp as he enters and touches you. He pulls out, then back in with a second finger, stretching you beautifully. He pauses, enjoying you. He pushes hard, making you envision his cock entering you.
As his face lowers, his fingers twist and he pushes up, touching you perfectly. His lips touch the top of your cleft. Your hips thrust against him, opening his lips. His tongue strokes and explores your clitoris bump.
You want this stranger, this mystery beneath a mask, to taste your most personal area forever.
Cry softly. You can’t control them. You only want to follow him.
He kisses your inflamed clitoris and draws you into his mouth. He pulls you in despite your hips pulling back. He touches you inside. He knows how to touch you and the pleasure intensifies. Your hips accelerate as he lets you set the tempo. You’ve never ascended the pleasure mountain without orgasm. You’re waiting for the most powerful one of your life. He elevates. Higher. You’re buzzing with stress but not ready. Uncertainty. Really?
Only the scorching core of ecstasy between his lips remains. You’re weak in his grip, fantasizing of relief but hesitating. You’re hindered.
He notices your face.
“Cum,” he says. “OK.” Simple words, but confident and polite. Correct. You stop hesitating.
He kisses your eager clit again. As you’re overwhelmed, his slow, steady actions become frenzied and his tongue moves like lightning. Your bound limbs thrash, your voice wails, and your back arches. As you cum for him, you are surrounded by sensations.
You return to the room, bed, and body after an eternity. The unknown man softly releases you and sits up, laying a flat hand over your sore pussy. You’re sweating and gasping. He patiently observes you in the dark light. Your heart and breathing slow. Leg heat returns. Though impossible, you desire more. Look at his leg shadows.
“Show your cock,” you say.
He ascends with you. His erection is massive. It strains, pointing skyward. His heartbeat shakes it. He tenses as you exhale and tease his cock. His powerlessness is apparent.
“Kiss it,” you say.
He lowers his straining rod with a trembling hand and you raise your lips. Kiss the tip gently. You kiss the head while he holds it. He grumbles. You taste a drop of his arousal and drop your head on the bed. That taste makes your legs needy. He’s unknown to you. Don’t go too far!, but you’ve already lost.
You repeat what the masked man wants to hear, looking up at him. “Fuck.”
Patience, restraint, and kindness are gone. His hands are on your body again, but no tenderness. Now he takes, not gives. He gropes your skin insatiably.
He unties your feet and hands and pulls you down to the bed. Your limbs are free, yet his frenzied force is unavoidable. He grabs your thighs, opening you up. His desire overpowers you. He will take, use, and consume you regardless. He wants and needs you and won’t be refused.
As he lowers his cock to your needy cunt, you feel heated again. He drags the solid head up and down, thrilling your clit. Each stroke you hope he’ll push into you, but he doesn’t. He repeatedly gouges, teases, and denies you. Your only hope is his clenched-teeth grunts.
Full. His forceful thrust rips through you instantly. You gasp when your pussy wraps around his cock. You only feel his shove inside you afterward, like an echo. He pauses with his hips against yours. He grunts.
He pulls out and slams in when you recover your breath. You hug him and experience bliss. He’s amazing.
He grabs your breasts, pinches your nipples, and then proceeds down to your join. He’s pressing hard on your clitoris and you’re moaning too. He strokes and thrusts into your clit. He draws you closer and closer with heavy breathing. This stranger will burst inside you any second.
He falls on you and covers your head. Your nipples pierce his chest as he presses you against the bed. As he kisses you, his nails touch your scalp. His tongue enters your mouth. His hips pound your pussy as he pours his wild energy into you.
He thrusts incredibly fast. Each pump sends you higher into ecstasy as he grunts and loses control.
“Cum me,” he urges. “Mine. Display!”
Helpless, you must obey. As you fully succumb, your body clenches around his thrusting cock. He aggressively lurches against you with a yell, claiming, filling, and marking you forever. He yells a single syllable inside you.
The orgasm makes your body thrash. As you tumble through space, farther from consciousness, everything fades to darkness, and you slumber happily for eons, the ecstasy seems endless.
* * * * *
The pleasant dawn light wakes you in your usual bedroom, bed, and pajamas. You extend your arms and legs, amazed at how rejuvenated you feel. Your dream is just a hint of warmth between your legs and a voice speaking a word you can’t quite remember.
When you roll over to sleep, you open your eyes to see something on the pillow. An unexpected thing speeds your heart: Simple black mask.


**Pat was 76 but had the libido of a 50-year-old. My only regret was not fucking her sooner.**
**Hannah, a 69-year-old widow, hosted us weekly at her house. She, too, had a strong sex desire. I called them wrinkly, ripe, and randy without their knowledge.**
**My sex sessions had become virtually daily while Susan was away caring for her divorced mother, who had injured her arm. Hannah, unmarried, witnessed more action than Pat.**
**My wife called Monday morning. She would return late Friday afternoon.**
**I heard a knock while arranging a special homecoming. Pat smiled mischievously.**
**”I’m here for a fuck,” she said.**
**My semi-on before answering the door became a full-blown erection. My loose joggers showed it.**
**Pat looked down before looking up. Nobody spoke.**
**Pat wore a silky dark purple blouse. A lighter purple, lace bra supported huge white breasts underneath. A long dark blue dress had a tight red belt. Bright crimson lipstick complemented the belt. Her powerful, costly perfume assaulted my nostrils and caressed my erection.**
**Pat’s blue eyes were dilated as she slowly stroked my swelled member, alternating between my face and crotch. She occasionally stroked my balls.**
**Pat broke the silence by whispering in my ear after licking my neck.**
**”I’ll tell you.”**
**Her voice and breathing were excited.**
**”Hannah caught Andy and Chrissie in bed.**
**She spotted them in Andy’s house. Unlocked back door. Hannah escaped after witnessing them. She said she was turned on by it and has been fingering herself crazy since.”**
**Hannah’s children, Christine, who was in her third marriage, was known for her promiscuity, and Andrew, who was single and considered a wimp, surprised me.**
**”Fucking? Brother-sister! I said.**
**”Hannah spotted them sleeping with three or four opened condom packages by the bed.”**
**While she spoke, Pat moved her hips, ground herself into me, and panted loudly. I took her by her upper arms, twisted her so her back was pressed firmly to the wall, and pushed into her with a humping movement. Pat closed her eyes and crushed her lips against mine. An eager tongue probed my mouth.**
**Pat whispered:**
**”More. Hannah wants me to fuck Andy. “Tell her everything.”**
**I stepped away to slip my hand between her thighs and slide two fingers inside her while Pat spoke.**
**I want to fuck Hannah’s daughter.**
**I talked with my fingers, matching Pat’s breathing.**
**”You’ll get me off,” Pat snarled.**
**When I sensed she was close to climaxing, I homed in on her button and pressed hard. Pat erupted.**
**”Fuck! Good. “Fucking great.”**
**Pat’s screaming, yelping, and grunting orgasm continued as I squeezed harder.**
**After one last groan, Pat said “fuck” at least 20 times in a monologue full of sexual intensity. I expected a fuck or one of her top-notch blow jobs, but Pat shocked me.**
**Can we hang fire? Visit me at eleven.”**
**Although I was about to blow a load, the new arrangement had its perks. I didn’t want Pat’s aroma on the bedclothes when Susan returned.**
**”Yes,” I said.**
**”But I’ll still be around at eleven.”**
**The pause allowed me to shower before checking my emails.**
**The tremendous surge of warm water in the shower soothed me but did little to lessen my erection, which was red, rigid, and proud. Looking beyond my eleven o’clock promise, I imagined Susan’s homecoming and all the fun we would have.**
**By five to eleven, my erection had mostly subsided. When I closed my front door on the way to Pat’s, familiar stirrings reappeared.**
**I was surprised and disappointed to see a small blue hatchback on Pat’s drive. A bigger surprise awaited.**
**I rang the bell and closed the door, figuring it was broken.**
**I tapped Pat’s living room door before entering.**
**Pat was sitting on the settee with Hannah’s children, Andy and Chrissie.**
**”You told me you wanted to fuck Chrissie. She’s here. Tell her yourself.”**
**Chrissie’s eyes were locked on mine as she smiled, showing a set of teeth with a pronounced gap between the middle top ones. She wore black high-heeled shoes and a plain white blouse buttoned up to her neck. As I stared back, she slowly and carefully unbuttoned the cuffs.**
**I spoke gently despite my racing heart.**
**Open your legs, pull your cunt flaps, and let me eat your pussy. I want to taste my fuck.”**
**Pat murmured, barely above a whisper, as I waited for Christine.**
**Andy, will you attack me? You’ve never licked someone my age. It’ll satisfy. Bring me off and you can fire spunk up my wrinkled slit.”**
**While Pat spoke, Chrissie rolled a pair of skimpy black panties down her legs, picked them up off the floor, and placed them on the arm of the settee. I stepped forward and knelt down in front of her, my face six inches from her knees. She lifted her skirt and parted her thighs, slowly covering her shaved heaven with both hands.**
**Chrissie and I were ready, but Andy beat us to it. In seconds, he unzipped his erection, ripped Pat’s underpants off, and pressed his tongue hard on her 76-year-old glory hole. Pat didn’t mind.**
**”Lick faster, nasty little bastard. Make my cunt painful, nasty fucker.”**
**Chrissie, unlike her brother, was in no rush. When she opened her beautiful pink pussy, she did it carefully as if she were opening the petals of a delicate flower. Kneeling in front of her, I lowered my head, ready to home in on her bud. My tongue was close to making contact when Chrissie replaced her hands, blocking access.**
**”Titties before clitty,” she murmured, waving me away.**
**Her breasts were a good handful and firm with dark, noticeable nipples. I teased her by trailing the tip of my tongue around each nipple, barely touching her skin, which was turning a deep crimson on her upper body. Bra, skirt, and shoes followed.**
**Christine was two years into her third marriage and a year from reaching 40. When she married her first husband, George, a young lawyer with strong religious beliefs, she was sexually naive.**
**Christine rapidly overcame her inexperience with George, a devoted Christian with a powerful libido.**
**After four years of joyful, monogamous marriage, George was slain instantaneously by a hit-and-run driver who was never caught.**
**After six months of celibacy, Christine had a string of affairs and one-night stands before marrying Robin, an accountant two years her junior. Two days after their honeymoon, Robin came home drunk and hit Christine, who threw him out and filed for divorce the next day.**
**After years of playing the merry widow/promiscuous divorcee, Chrissie settled for husband number three, Tom, a laid-back bohemian art teacher who believed in open relationships. The arrangement seemed to work well for both of them and had provided untold pleasure for many men and women, young and old.**
**After licking Christine’s nipples, I moved my mouth to her stomach and probed her deep navel with my tongue.**
**”Down,” she said.**
**”Down. Lower me.”**
**I stepped up and took a step back to undress, watching Pat writhe in ecstasy as Andy continued his cunnilingus frenzy.**
**I was untying my joggers when my phone buzzed in my pocket with a text message.**
**I checked my phone, cursing myself for not turning it off, and saw a message from my wife, Susan:**
**Taxi. 30-minute return. Prepare for long fucking.”**
**The other three ignored my whispered text message.**
**I gave myself 10 more minutes in Pat’s house to watch and compose myself.**
**Andy was kneeling astride Pat, his bright red cock inches from her belly, having called time-out on his muff-diving.**
**”I’m blowing,” he said.**
**I’ll quit. Spunking. Where? Where should I shoot? “**
**Her response, with flaring nostrils and cherry-red cheeks, will stay with me forever.**
**”Shotgun your sister.” Spunk her.”**
**Surprised and extremely turned on, I dropped to a crouching position and squeezed the base of my erection tightly. Emergency flash flood prevention accomplished, it was time to decide: text Susan back with an excuse or leave the party. I chose expediency, made my excuses, and left. As I closed the door, I heard Pat’s voice.**
**”Andy. “Fuck your sister’s cunt and I’ll fuck her face.”**
**I don’t know what happened next, but neither Andy nor his sister yelled.**
**After returning home, I splashed cold water on my face, inhaled deeply, and closed my eyes to calm down.**
**By the time the taxi arrived, my breathing, color, and erection had returned to normal. When Susan got out, I grew hard again.**
**She was wearing tight jeans and a loose white blouse tucked in at the waist, and her shoes had low heels that highlighted her shapely, well-toned rear. The taxi driver avoided my eyes when I paid him the fare and a modest tip. I carried the two large suitcases across the threshold and placed them near the stairs.**
**Susan closed the door and began a slow striptease when I turned around.**
**Susan undid the top three buttons before reaching behind her back and closing the floor-length curtains by the glass panelled front door. After carefully unfastening the other buttons, she straightened her arms, gave a little shimmy, and let the garment fall to the floor. Her bra was tight, well-fitting, and generously filled, but its decorative fabric was thick, revealing her hard nipples.**
**Susan softly massaged her breasts after unbuckling her belt and loosening the top of her pants.**
**After two or three minutes, her fingers made the return point and her right hand pressed down inside her black cotton underwear. She closed her eyes and enjoyed.**
**Her gentle but strong hand and finger movements were definitely arousing her.**
**I was about to grab her when Susan opened her eyes, grinned, and pushed past me to gently ascend the stairs. Halfway up, she turned and revealed her palm. I hesitated to follow.**
**After she turned and continued to the top of the steps, Susan gently turned and called me up, only to stop me halfway up.**
**She unbuttoned the top of her trousers before reaching behind and slowly unfastening her bra. Her enormous breasts trembled seductively, and her nipples were rock hard.**
**Unable to contain myself, I climbed the remainder of the stairs and joined Susan on the landing, thrusting my right hand down the front of her loosened trousers and squeezing her pussy.**
**After two slow thrusts, I withdrew my fingers, put them either side of her clit, and gently but swiftly frigged her.**
**I sunk to my knees and pushed her jeans down to her ankles as Susan was ready to climax. I wanted to suck pussy and fuck even more.**
**Susan groaned when I entered her and pushed all the way in. I stiffened my legs and didn’t move, suppressing the temptation to ejaculate. Pat, the septuagenarian, was very outspoken during sex.**
**I wanted to tell Susan that I’d been fucking and eating the pussies of two seventy-year-old women, but I resisted the desire.**
**I started thrusting with slow, methodical strokes, but soon I was in passionate overdrive, quick, hard, and rough. Susan pushed back equally hard and fast.**
**I pushed in all the way and froze, trying to delay my ejaculation, but I flooded her like I had never flooded her before, causing more involuntary jerking and passionate shrieking.**
**I grabbed Susan, whose jeans were still about her ankles, by the wrist and dragged her into the bedroom where we both stripped and collapsed into the bed. Ten minutes later, Susan got on top and we made love again. Susan spoke for the first time since returning in a casual tone.**
**”Good and awful.”**
**I’ve invited my mother to visit and she’ll arrive tomorrow.**
**She paused.**
**”Good news. She wants you to fuck her, which is wonderful news.**

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Please Don’t!

I awaited my spouse on a flower-decorated bed. I never imagined marrying a 60-year-old man in a few months. After becoming engaged, my eyes flooded with tears. I’m a married 19-year-old. I’m not against marriage, but I can’t stomach it with an old pervert.
I don’t feel like talking about my past or appearance. His manliness will fill my femininity tonight. Tomorrow, I will lose my treasured virginity. I will lie naked, spread, and copulated on this red silk saree-clad bed. My in-laws, mom, and sister outside will hear my nighttime whimpers, groans, and cries.
It’s customary for women to surrender to their husbands. Do not resist. Before leaving, my mum told me to cooperate and it will be over soon.
Please see my appearance. I don’t want to describe my features, but I think it’s fair to know what kind of lady the horrible beast will eat. I’m 5’3, tiny, with small, round breasts capped with brown nipples, a handful for a man, a curvaceous, narrow waist, smooth skin, and flexible legs. I’m brown like an Indian girl. I fear my dark beauty doomed me. He made a deal using my family’s poverty. to marry me and care for my mother and brothers.
I found it indecent. Marrying an elderly bald man? How do I get close to him? Betrayed, I cried…
My 5’11, average-built new hubby entered. He was impatient. I was also silenced. Despite being fully clothed, all I saw was his mischievous smile and shining eyes feasting on my vulnerable flesh. Despite feeling guilty, a man’s lusty stare made my legs tingle. He lay between my knees and humped me for a moment. ‘Oh….God….’ I said. I realized my guilt. Nevertheless. I’m a passionate young girl.
He spoke formally next to me. I always thought he wanted to know my clothes, not my emotions. He touched my hips uncontrollably. As his warm hand stroked my saree, the area tingled. I was psychologically and physically prepared for my first sex.
He pushed me over the bed and rolled over me, proving his stamina. His heavy cock touched my thighs. Size… It was big. For me and thicker than expected. Dimmed the lights and stripped above the top. His hairy, toned chest surprised me at his age. He unhooked my top, saree, and jewellery. He expertly nuded my shirt, exposing my delicate breasts. He kissed me quickly. My never-kissed lips felt great and new. He bit my bottom lip and nibbled.
He clamped my tits. It was so hard that I whimpered in the slightest pleasure.
“Oh…don’t. Can’t, “I could only say with his lips clamped on my stiff nipples. He sucked and milked it till I was done. I was moaning and flailing in bed, gripping his hair in my hands.
My former hubby then stripped for the next part of our night. His cock scared me. He returned to the bed to reveal my virgin body. I didn’t resist as he stripped me. I was fully exposed to my husband’s sight, my erect nipples wet with his saliva, my pussy leaking, and my lips twitching in anticipation.
He resumed kissing me quickly. He kissed me passionately while holding my tits. Pleasure invaded my young body. After a moment, he asked me to suck his firm cock. Though unskilled, I tried. I slowly swallowed his cock. I accelerated with him holding my head and penetrating my mouth.
He breathed hard and enjoyed my sucking talents as he removed his cock. He then separated my legs. I wanted him in my pussy. He removed the blankets covering our nude bodies and pushed his cock in my pussy. Slowly, his cock entered my virginity, causing searing pain that made me scream.
Stop, please. Painful.” I shouted and thrashed his back to escape hell. His cock was searing my insides. He persisted till his pubic hairs touched mine. I relaxed and rested after my initial penetration.
As he fucked me, I held onto his shoulders. We kept fucking despite sweating, panting, and gasping. His massive cock tore my pussy, fucking me forever. I’m his wife now and will please him anytime. My orgasm built up and spasmed in a minute. He plundering my tight pussy reached my womb.
He gave me one last kiss that left me breathless. I returned his kisses and firm hugs. He slept well after touching me all over. I lay staring at the ceiling, remembering my first night with my husband, whom I misjudged. He was a hunk in bed and would make me happy in and out.
I cuddled up to him and fell asleep, satisfied.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

“Caught in the act” [FICTION]

It’s another Saturday morning, and I wake at the normal time, naked and happy I don’t have to work. I recall the dream I had. We finally kissed. Full-on kissing. And I think, wow, he’s a good kisser. Almost too good, but that’s what dreams are for.

I’m getting a little turned on thinking about him, and I reach down to touch my pussy to pleasure myself. As I slide my hand down to its lips I can feel it’s been shaved on the underside and remember what happened the day before…

I was working late and was the only one left in the office. It’s in a pretty isolated area, and there are no windows. My plan was to go for a swim right after leaving work. I hadn’t trimmed my bikini line and had brought a battery-operated personal groomer, figuring I’d complete the task in the locker room bathroom at the gym. Then I thought about the noise it would make. I decided I could lock myself in the vacant office and do it there.

Categorized as Erotica

Such a Good Girl [FICTION]

“Mmm… You’re bad, get spanked.”
He said it as he unclasped my bra and I wiggled in his lap. I nibbled his bottom lip. Kissing one breast, he smiled.
“Please kneel.”
I squirmed and unfastened his first shirt button, but he pushed me off his lap. I kissed and played with his earlobe, but he pulled away and nudged me. Standing half-naked, I felt exposed.
Turn over, good girl.
He smoothed my skirt and slid an assessing hand from my waist to the curve of my ass where it met my thigh. An grateful “mmm” and pinch followed.
“Why wait? Kneel.”
I bent slowly despite his small impulses. He grabbed the nearest erect nipple. After playing, he gave me some light butt smacks.
He hauled back and dropped a heavier one as I wiggled. Winced and cried.
“You enjoyed that?”
He raised my skirt to my waist. He started with tiny tugs and eventually pushing it up with both hands. Two fingers worked beside my thong. He touched my nipple again as I moaned.
Sucking his fingers before spanking again.
“You’re wet and delicious, baby. Slut.”
Blushed. He gave me a few hard slaps above the thighs. I gasped and cried by the end. I relaxed and he fingered me again.
“Your butt has my handprint. You enjoyed that?”
My ass hurt and my eyes watered. He was smiling without looking.
“I hurt more than you.”
He slapped me gently and increased pressure. He stopped and ran his fingers through my hair as I was crying large ripe tears. He rubbed my back after wiping my eyes. I stopped breathing and my thong fell to my knees.
“You loved that more than you confess.”
I shuddered as he touched my clit. As I held his leg, he continued. I eagerly took his fingers, easing the spanking agony. Tensed muscles, I exhaled encouragement.
“You enjoyed that? I’ll add. It’s a teaser of your next bad girl act.”
He stood me up and pushed me to bed. I winced as he bent me again, grinding my ass.
“Don’t turn.”
I laid facedown on the sheets, motionless. His belt clinked softly as he removed it from the loops. He waited quietly. A draft shivered me.
I glanced.
The belt dropped three times. The quick welts made me scream. He unbuckled and undressed alongside me. I heard the linen ruffle on the floor. He opened and closed the bedside table drawer, leaving me confused. He lay beside me again.
He squeezed lubrication over his index finger towards my face. He moved closer and kissed my cheeks. He added, withdrew, and added again. He repeated it, stopping to tug my skirt up again.
“You love this baby. Quitting. Good girl.”
He placed me on my knees with my face on the blankets. He kneeled behind me, saying this was his favorite part. Biting my lip, he gently worked within me. Holding my cheeks apart, he dug his nails in. I relaxed, he groaned.
“Keep going baby.”
He sighed, allowing me time to adjust. His thrusts began lightly and deepened. He moved slowly but painfully. I looked in the closet mirror and saw it all. He flexed every muscle.
He gasped again. He kissed my back and brushed my hair away. I groaned as he thrusted again and paused. Afterward, he kissed me again.
I love God.
He stopped pausing and changed his pace. Deep thrusts that penetrated me entirely and then almost withdrawn. His occasional kisses grew into subtle bites escaped me.
He inhaled and collapsed on me, signaling his arrival. His hands moved from my breasts to my shoulders, forearms under me. Biting my shoulder, he pulled me down. Our sweat mixed, he shuddered, hurting me deeply.
His arms relaxed and he rested on my back. I twisted and gasped as he softened inside me. I only managed a few words since I thought he was ignoring me.
“Let’s pierce you. Tongue, clit, nips. Like that?”
Rolling off me.
“No idea.”
“We’ll finish tomorrow.”
Exhausted. I shut my eyes but couldn’t sleep. Adrenaline hadn’t finished. He fondled me, teasing my clit. I let him off easily.
He kissed my neck and talked into my ear as I descended.
“Something special. Join me.”
He stood, grabbing my hand. My ass blistered as I followed him to the restroom. I knew when he pointed to the bathroom. He plugged me in.
The first warm stream on my lower back made him smile. He let it sit on my ass before applying it to my hair. Though red, I didn’t move.
“Show your gorgeous face.”
My hands dripped urine. Closed my eyes and faced him. He ended there, the final drops on my lips. Inspecting his work, he smiled.
“Shower and sleep. Waiting.”

Categorized as Erotica

Lustful Desires [FICTION]

Lustful DesiresOn the scenic train, I wondered why I came. I didn’t like running kids down the aisle with strangers. I watched people quietly. She appeared. Evelyn, for privacy. Since 18 when I was propositioned, I’ve had bi-curious thoughts, but I’ve always been straight. I’ve often regretted not trying the other lifestyle.
Anyway, Evelyn entered the car at the other end and I saw her. I hope my instant lust wasn’t as obvious as it felt in my loins! The ultimate butch. Jeans, sweatshirt, and man’s watch. She looked at me curiously, adding moisture to my already wet thighs, then left. I stared at her. She was the image that would make me switch lifestyles, if only temporarily. Lust increased. I sat motionless, watching, wondering what about this woman made me lose all sanity. She approached me. I closed my eyes to hide my lust, knowing my thoughts were there, wanting to explore the possibilities!
Friends talking blocked her from throwing something away. I offered trash services because I could reach the canister easier. I offered nothing after our eyes met. Her beautiful eyes looked into mine as if she saw lust, which surprised her. She knew who I was, but we had not met. As she left, I tried to control my lustful thoughts and not watch her in the other end of the car. I listened to her talk to her kids and thought of an excuse to sit at the other end of the car. Just an excuse to be there with her, feel her sexual energy that surrounded her, and yet I quietly sat where I was. I watched her as she found several reasons to return to throw things away. My heart raced and my pussy dripped. Only lust.
As I sit here, my mind berates my growing shyness. I could have spoken, introduced myself, or just sat there and satisfied my hunger by being close. Instead, I dream of it happening.
I stay with friends in the seaside town again. I emailed Evelyn to let her know I’m back, hoping she’ll come by, talk, and get to know me better. I hear a car pull into the driveway while sitting on the patio porch with my host. Evelyn approaches the house. She finally enters the porch, my mind screams. She looks at me but greets Martha. I say hello despite my obvious lust. Martha brings drinks and disappears. Evelyn warms my flushed body. As she stares at me, we chat. I see curiosity, but I’m at a loss. Should I say that she’s so hot that my blood boils, my palms sweat, and my pussy soaks whenever I’m near her? Wish. Martha returned and we laughed about various events. I listen to Evelyn discuss local things with Martha. Will we stay while Martha runs to the store? We concur.
Despite small talk, the minutes when she drives out the driveway seem long. Evelyn returns from the house with more pop. She sets her glass on the table behind me. She places her hands on my shoulders and her face against my neck, saying,
“Why do I think I see lust in your eyes when you look at me, yet I know you are straight?”
I reply honestly, “I see you with lust because I feel it! I’m bi-curious, but you’re the first to turn me on. You drive my senses crazy, my sanity away, and my body ache for your touch!”
Straightening, she stays behind me. Her hands touch and rub my breasts. Instantly aroused, I press into her hands. She pinches my nipples through my shirt, making me moan. She walks around me, sits down, and looks into my eyes. Her mouth touches mine as lust fills my eyes. My hand tentatively touches hers as we kiss deeply. We kiss and passionately touch each other’s breasts, then put our hands under each other’s shirts and into the bra and touch skin. My skin flushes with lustful thoughts, and desires. I want this woman so badly my hand shakes with desire! We back away from each other as a car pulls into the driveway, our eyes showing our desire. Martha returns with groceries and cooks dinner while we try to resist! We eat and chat when her husband returns from work. We look at each other often, but not enough to be noticed. Evelyn asks if she can take me out on the town at night and promises I’ll enjoy it.
We both get up to go, and get into her mini-van quickly. We stop momentarily to look at each other, and then back out of the driveway and on into the night. We rush to her house because she doesn’t have the kids during the week. We enter the house and struggle not to strip each other before we reach the bedroom. Entering the bedroom, our mouths seek out the other and our hands anxiously unbutton, pull, and unsnap anything in our way until we stand naked before the other. Lust is all that is on our minds. I want to make love to a woman but don’t know how. We touched, stroked, and squeezed on the bed. I move my mouth from hers to her breast. It is almost ecstasy to me! I now crave her nipple. I stroke her pussy, admiring her inner beauty. As she rubs my clit, I orgasm. This lustful lovemaking is my greatest desire. She strokes and tastes my body putty. I suckle, stroke, and touch, then to satisfy my curiosity, I move my mouth down to her pussy and tentatively taste, then push my face in between her thighs and sucking, tonguing, and drawing out her nectar. Touch, taste, and love for hours. I’m complete here. Stay in my mind and lust for years. We lie in each other’s arms, satiated, wondering what’s next.

Em’s Christmas [FICTION]

Em woke up suddenly, in her Denver apartment. The night before she had smoked a joint and then got into bed wearing the Metallica t-shirt she had ‘borrowed’ from him. She often caught herself thinking about how she rode Rod’s cock as he played with her clit. Kiera was lying in bed thinking about Rod when she had an orgasm. She couldn’t help but cry out his name as her orgasm broke over her.It had been almost two years and she still couldn’t get him out of her head. Em woke up in a daze thinking about Ben. The dream had been so vivid, it felt as if they were together again. She knew where he worked and his address but never bothered to contact him. Her friends noticed something was up when they arrived at her apartment that morning.

She filmed them together and then left the next morning without saying goodbye. They were both so captivated by her story, they didn’t move a muscle. Em told them that she had thought it would be a one weekend thing. She never expected to still be thinking about him after such a short time. Layla missed being in a relationship, having broken up with her boyfriend just before meeting Em.

Categorized as Erotica