Special Screening

I rushed past the concession stand. Theater 6. That was where the movie was playing. Seat H10. This was a special screening of a horror movie I hadn’t heard of before. But having nothing better to do (and being a huge geek) I made a blind buy. Technically I had a good 15 minutes before the movie started, but I also liked to watch the trailers of upcoming films so I liked to be early. As I opened the door I start to worry if the room is packed. My seats were only held until the showtime (which was 5 minutes ago) and after that it would be free rain. I rushed to the front and looked back to see…no one. The whole place was empty. Not knowing whether I should be glad or mad, I made my way to my assigned seat. It was all in the was in the back. A few rows away from being under the projector room. A perfect seat.

The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 4

By the time I arrived it was around 7:20. I waited briefly outside before reaching into the glove compartment, where I put a small bottle of cologne, and gave myself a few puffs. Then, after practicing how to breath and controlling my imagination, I get out and head for the apartment building. She lived on the seventh floor in apartment 7 – 6 and the ride up was one of confusion. I still didn’t know how to act and react. In the final moments before I knocked on her door I decided I would act as if I was just visiting any other friend’s apartment.

She opens the door in a casual white tank top and baggy pajamas. Average Saturday wear. She smiled and stepped aside so I could enter. She had a small but comfy apartment. She had a couch and a love seat in the living room. A coffee table sat in the center of it all. Magazines, papers and her laptop are laid out on the table. In front of the couch was the forty-some inch television which was currently on the Conjuring 2 blu-ray screen.

The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 3


After awhile I realized that my fantasies would never be real. We’ve been talking for almost a month, but I haven’t even touched her. Not even her hand or something. Slowly my fantasies start to fade. For a week I went back to the simple form of satisfaction that every other single college student had. The internet. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for something that was literally impossible. But that train of thought didn’t stay long.

It was a Saturday night. I was crashed out on the couch watching a movie I was barely paying attention to. I had a notebook in my lap that I was writing in. That notebook would be the foundation for what would later be my first novel. On the side table my phone vibrated. I finished writing the paragraph and picked it up. It was a snap from Jennifer.

I waited for it to load and opened it. It was Jennifer looking at the camera with puffy eyes that looked like she’d been crying. The caption read “I think I’m going to get fired”. The picture caught me off guard and responded with a selfie captioned “Why do you look like you’re crying?” I saw the sent symbol appear and within seconds it turned into read. A few seconds later I get a reply: “It’s because I was crying”.

The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 2


Talking to Jennifer after class has become a regularity on both our schedules. We both had a lot in common and often spent the following hours once class was dismissed in conversation. Although we did get a few weird looks here and there, for the most part there was nothing weird about it. To my dismay, we were nothing more than a student and a professor talking. That is until one specific day on the third week of school.

We were walking down the usual path to her office. It took us about fifteen minutes to get there and once we were inside she would put on her formal voice and I would kick my feet up and we’d shoot the shit. Talking about games or books or movies. We just clicked. This particular day we were talking about an art house film when she pulled out her phone and started typing. I was in the middle of making my point when she cut me off.

“Oh my god,” she said as she sprang up. “I forgot to tell you. I finally got Snapchat.”

The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 1


My name is Tyler Kane. I’m a writer. And have been for a very long time. Since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with writing. Making stories out of everything from real life events to deep fantasies and often a combination of the two.

I write mostly horror or thriller novels now, but my love for writing started in high school. Senior year. When I started writing erotica. But not just run of the mill fantasies. I decided that I would keep a book for every relationship I have and, in it, detail the events of said relationship. Happy to say after all these years, I have had some truly euphoric relationships. Ones that I look fondly back on. And so I decided that writing them and keeping them to myself wasn’t enough.

I will publish my writings for free for the people of the internet. So you too can live life through my eyes. (At least the good parts.) But to keep it orderly I will release one book at a time. One for each relationship. Because I have to type out all these based on my notebook writings, I will not release them in order of occurrence. Rather the order in which I type them. The following chapters depict my relationship with Jennifer. Enjoy.