My partner [F] and I [M] started making porn after discovering our exhibitionist streak in the back of a taxi

My partner [F] 31 and I [M] 32 had known eachother for 10 years, through work but had only been in an exclusive relationship for a few months. Having both had controlling partners in the past, we both vowed right at the beginning, that we would celebrate eachother rather than letting jealous and possessive behaviour creep into what was turning out to be so good.

One night we did just that. We went out together for drinks with friends and by the end of the night it was just the two of us left, in a busy dive bar with a DJ and a sweaty dancefloor. At one point I noticed a guy flirting with my partner whilst I was on the dancing and she was sat alone at a table taking a break from her heels. For reasons I can’t explain, I felt something I’d never felt before. Instead of feeling jealous or angry or even a little bit irritated that this guy was trying it on. . . It felt great. My partner is a petite brunette with a pretty face and a killer body (check our profile for reference) so naturally she attracts male attention quite easily but, despite her good looks, until you know her well, she’s quite shy (which only makes her more attractive in my opinion).