The Price of being the Boss [FM]

There were two sides to her. Two very conflicting lifestyles with which she juggles tirelessly, trying to keep her life together while destroying it. Yes she had done very well in life… building up herself and her company from the ground. Though some might wonder if the price for power was too much. And for how long can one stack the achievements before the tower falls over.

“C.E.O. Mrs. Clove” read the golden placket which stuck on the double door of the grand office which sat on the top floor. The result of millions of dollars made it the tallest building in the busy city. The headquarters holding every ounce of grandness that a Fortune 500 company afforded.

As guests would enter down the lush hallways every other wall space would be framed a magazine of Mrs Clove herself. Time magazine, New York Times, and the like. Praising the ceo as ‘woman of the year’ and other achievements.
On chivelled pedestals stood awards for the speeches and achievements of her company. Yes a reversed champion of women power and a shining beacon for what one could become if you only put the work in…