Me(M25) and my best friend(F25) The perfect ending [MF]

Now It had been almost 4 months of me and Emma dating and quite frankly they had been the best 4 months of my life. Not just because of the fantastic sex we had but also because we were perfect together in every way. We made each other laugh and feel things we’d never felt for anyone before.

But there was a problem with our sex life. It wasn’t exactly a problem but a conundrum more precisely. Emma didn’t like to take birth control pills because she’d never took them before and when she tried because of me, she told me that she didn’t like it and they made her feel weird. And neither of us liked the feel of a condom. So whenever we had sex, I’d either pull out and cum on her face, tits or in her mouth and if I did cum inside her, she’d just get the morning after pill. We both knew that they weren’t a hundred percent effective and we had talked about what we’d do if Emma ever got pregnant. We were both adults who love each other and both of us have very well paying jobs so it wouldn’t be a problem for us to have a baby. We both would be very happy to have a baby too. We weren’t actively trying for a baby because it would be too soon but we weren’t exactly playing it safe either.

Me(M25) and my best friend(F25) Part-3 [MF]

Hey guys, this is the third part of the story about me and my best friend(or girlfriend’s more accurate at this point) Emma. Now before we start, I want to tell you guys some things

No I won’t be sharing any pictures of her or myself and I’m telling these stories in past tense that means the events have already happened so I won’t be needing any relationship advice on how to win her back, sorry. And I’ll be catching up to the present till my last story.

The next morning we both woke up together in each other’s arms and kissed in bed, we both showered and she made me breakfast. It was bacon and eggs with some toast, nothing special but it was the best food I’d ever had. Emma was a really amazing chef and she had made me taste her food before when she was making some changes to her restaurant menu and wanted my opinion on some dishes. ofcourse I wasn’t of much help because the most I could offer after tasting each dish was “fantastic” because I didn’t know what to say or how to offer real criticism to a chef and the food really was fantastic.

Me(M25) and my best friend(F25) Part-2 [MF]

Now it had been 7 years since me and Emma went our separate ways. I had seen her a couple of times when we were both back for Christmas and new year but nothing happened, we just talked and laughed and also the occasional face time. The last time we met was almost 3 years ago when she told me she had a boyfriend in France. I was happy for her. I didn’t really have a meaningful relationship throuhout college, just a bunch of hookups here and there, the longest I ever dated a girl in college was 2 weeks. It’s safe to say that I wasn’t the relationship type. Even after getting a job in one of the biggest corporations on wall street, I still wasn’t the dating type. I spent most of my waking hours working and going to the gym.

Me(M18) and my best friend(F18) Part-1 [MF]

Hi, I’m Michael and this is the story of me and my best friend Emily

It all started when I first laid my eyes on Emily when we were both 5 years old and Emily’s family had just moved across our house and we became best friends soon enough. We went to the same schools, some same classes and our parents were also very good friends. We used to hangout together all the time in each other’s house doing homework or just chilling.

We were each other’s first kiss when we were 12. It wasn’t anything romantic, I was just a curious preteen and wanted to see what all the fuss was about and Emily being the kind soul she is, let me kiss her.

During highschool we were both in relationships, nothing serious for both of us, until my girlfriend cheated on me and Emily broke up with her boyfriend for some reason she didn’t tell me. We were never together during our school time because we never thought of it and we were best friends so the idea never came to us.

So as prom was approaching, I decided to not go but Emily being as stubborn as she is decided we’ll go together.