[MF] Neighborhood Mom and Guy 10 years her junior

I can easily go through an ounce in a short amount of time, typically partaking on our deck. I met Addison through this pass time as she smokes too. I first met Addison who is 5’0 and 130-150? Not sure. She is chubby/curvy, she has a nice shape and is not a ball. Enough to satisfy me who is 21, 6’0 and 180 [swimmer’s body-ish]. Addison is around 28-35, not going to ask, she has some loose skin. Anyways – heres the story. I was smoking pot post work-out mixing endorphins with weed. My personal favorite altered state when I heard a bong! I immediately walked down to the end of our backyard [I am a little high at this point but enough to be in my own head enhanced but not have thoughts racing], so the way our houses are setup is that if you walk to the end of your backyard you can see into the the peering neighbor’s yard and up their deck a tad bit, I asked later and she did confirm she had been eyeing me for a little before walking down to meet another stoner lol, I smoke nightly and am on a routine sometimes leaving my deck just to walk in mindless circles so I guess mindless circles while looking down at my phone is an attraction. Addison’s best assets are her boobs. She has a big chest that shows itself in a way that you’d almost be forced to look if you were talking to her, especially with my height advantage. Here’s some free game for the guys reading here – If a woman has cleavage and wants attention, do not give it to her in any way. You will make her crave your attention and thus automatically creating some form of attraction. [Bro science, it has worked in the past but never scored with it before]. Anyway, we spoke about