45 [M]arried husband flirts with younger [F] co-worker on Zoom and a lunch turns into a hot lusty fuck

Do you know what it’s like to be in a dead end marriage? It’s awful. The physical intimacy disappears and then everything cascades from there. After 6 months without sex, I can only assume the following happened because I was sending out such strong I NEED TO FUCK vibes and my very flirty co-worker picked right up on them.

Like a lot of us I’m on Zoom calls every day. Large diverse team working closely together, often do breakout rooms for specific projects. I’ve always found this one woman incredibly funny and outrageously sexy, but since I’m married and she had a bf I never pursued anything. Flirted, but was always careful. Over the past month she’s casually dropped hints about being single again and sure enough in one of our breakout rooms, another woman asked if she had broken up with her bf. “Fuck yes, it was a long time coming and I couldn’t be happier. I’m free to do what I want.”