Realizing My Childhood Fantasy (M older Woman) pt 3

“Mike, I have no idea how experienced you are but tonight I’m going to teach you everything I know. You need to relax and slow down.”

I already knew this was going to be different. That was more communication than I had ever heard while having sex.

“Do you know what you like? Do you know what you would like to try that you haven’t?”

I was so use to racing to get my dick in a woman before she changed her mind I couldn’t speak.

“I know what I like so why don’t we start there? I want you to kiss and touch me like I’m the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Explore my body and feast on me. Show me that my body arouses you beyond your wildest dreams. Boys cannot believe their luck and race to a woman’s chest and pussy. Be a man. I’m all yours and we have all night. Own me.”

With that she gently guided my head to her feet. Confused and excited I hesitated. She raised her toes to my lips and looked at me like the next step was obvious. Maybe it was to her but nothing I learned watching porn, playing with myself or the two wham-bam-thank-you-Ma’am sexual experiences I had were helping. And do it began.

Realizing My Childhood Fantasy (M older Woman) pt 2

As we started bottle number 2, she finished explaining everything that lead to the divorce and the 4 years since. I suppose it was the 6th or 8th time she mentioned incompatible sex drives that my cock decided to shift into permanently hard mode.

“You know every kid on the street had a crush on you” just slipped out but elicited no response. So, I let my nervousness take over. Explaining to her poker-face how my friends and I thought she was a MILF. How we would make excuses to knock on her door. Why we cut through her yard at night to try and see in the windows. I could feel my pre-cum and she wasn’t reacting in the slightest. All she did was pour more wine and give me that “oh really, keep going” look. My heart was about to explode. Was I the world’s most immature ass?

Twenty minutes into my misadventure, just before I seriously thought about escaping drunk back to my own car, she saved me with an effortless smile and an “I know.”

Realizing My Childhood Fantasy (M older Woman) pt 1

Warning – this is a slow build. Be patient…and enjoy the ride!

“Just when you think it cannot get any stranger” is all I could think of. My day had gone from strange, to bizarre, to astonishing faster than I could keep up. Driving home I cannot decide if it would be better if I never experience anything like that again or would do anything to see Lisa as soon as possible.

Let me explain.

This morning I was dragged out of bed. I’m home from college due to a Covid outbreak. Dad explained a fire grew surprisingly fast overnight and might be threatening our family cabin in a couple of days. My parents are working and the cabin is a few hours away in the mountains. He asked if I would go and collect some family photos and irreplaceable things. How could I say no? Strange way to start my day, but okay.

I was 30 minutes from the cabin when things got bizarre. The fire shifted during the day and the road was closed. Worse, there was no turning around. A new fire had started an hour behind me and firefighters needed us to stay in place. Along with 20 or 25 others I was going to be stuck in my car overnight. We were safe, and the cabin would be too, but I wasn’t getting there until tomorrow.

1st Story – Daddy/Spanking Fantasy – feedback invited!

You have been an extremely naughty girl. Disrespecting your elders and being very selfish. You are not too old to be punished. It’s time to teach you to respect and serve. When I tell you to do something, I expect it done with zero talkback. Loosing track of time in your room texting your friends, watching videos and playing games is no excuse.
Baby, get over here. I have no idea who taught you to be so selfish but I’m going to help you unlearn that right now!! Stop looking at me like that. Do you think I want to have to teach you how to respect your elders? Don’t you realize how frustrating this is. I thought you were listening when I spoke and watching me as I showed you the right way to be. Have you ever seen me disrespect my patents or anyone from their generation? Of course you haven’t, because I’m not selfish. I serve my elders because they have done so much for me. 
Now take off your shorts. Don’t you start crying now. I’ll give you something to cry about in a minute. You are being selfish again. This is going to hurt me a lot more than it’s going to hurt you. The pain of failed parenting is nothing compared to a spanking. You are not even going to feel this tomorrow, but the sting of your selfishness is going to live on in me for a very very very long time.
Baby, your shorts. NOW!! Stop stalling. That’s it. Oh my!!! Where are your panties? Good girls wear panties, right? Forget it, I’m not talking about this anymore. Get over here. Lay down across my lap. I really thought we wouldn’t have to do this again. But you have left me no choice.
Obviously, 10 wasn’t enough for you to learn anything about respect. Today, we are going to do 15. And you are going to count them. If I cannot hear you counting and saying clearly, “sir, I have been selfish, and I promise to change” then it doesn’t count.
Baby, this really hurts me. Your bum feels really soft. I don’t want to have to turn it red, but you are just not listening. 
When am I going to start? What, do you think you are in charge here? I’ll start when I feel like it!! I’m going to keep rubbing this pretty bum of yours as long as I please. Right now, you need to stop asking me questions and start thinking about why you are over my knee. I’m really worried you are not learning your lesson. I don’t want to have to teach you this again. We both know I take no pleasure in this. We both know how much this hurts me. As I rub my hand over your bum do you know what I’m thinking about. I’m thinking about what I could have done differently so that you wouldn’t have turned out to be so selfish.
Don’t start crying now. What are you doing? Quit squirming so much. You are rubbing my shorts when you do that. Well, there you go not listening. I told you very clearly what you have to do. This is exactly why I don’t think you listen, and I don’t think you learn. Did you count? Did you remember what you are to say? Obviously not!! Baby, you know I love you, but this is really disappointing. Let’s try this again.
That’s better. That’s right, one and it’s nice to hear that you know you have been selfish, and you promise to change. But promises are just empty words. You need to start showing me you respect me and are ready to serve me and my generation with respect. Baby, you really need to stop squirming. Your making this very uncomfortable for daddy.