My wi[F]e and her [F]riend have makeup sex and invite [M]e to join.

To read about our previous exploits with Jessica click [here]( and [here](

It had been a few months since we last saw Jessica. She and Molly had had a falling out. I’m not sure what specifically it was about but I do know Jessica threatened to steal me away from Molly. Not a chance of that happening, I mean Jessica’s hot and all, but I’m not stupid. I’m in love with Molly and wouldn’t throw that away for anything. The point is they weren’t on speaking terms, so you can imagine my surprise when Molly told me Jessica was coming over that night.

I wasn’t really sure how the night was going to play out, but then again I never am. I decided we should just put on a movie and see where the nigh takes us. We were seated on the couch, Jessica in the middle and me on one side and Molly on the other.

My wi[F]e and her [F]riend have some Halloween fun with [M]e.

To read about our previous adventure with Jessica, click [Here](

It was Halloween. Molly thought t’d be fun to spring for a VIP pass to a local haunted house attraction and invite Jessica along. No argument here, Jessica and I always get along, especially since last time.

Jessica showed up at our place and I took her coat, which she made sure to note was pretty sweet. Since it was Halloween we were all in costume. I was dressed as Robin Hood. Molly was in her pirate get-up with half her face painted to look like a skull, and Jessica was dressed as Sansa Stark circa GoT season 5. I had a fire going on in the back yard, so we all hung out and had some drinks, and then we headed to the haunted house.

After the haunted house we went over to Jessica’s house, and she invited us in for a nightcap. Jessica is a very sex positive person, and her house shows it. Her bedroom has a large print of two girls getting it on hanging on the wall, and sex toys abound in the room. She gave us our drinks, and then disappeared to the back to slip into something a bit more comfortable. I mentioned to Molly that it seemed like Jessica was gunning for a replay of our previous excursion. Molly just grinned slyly.

My wi[F]e and her [F]riend surprise [M]e with birthday threeway.

Names have been changed to protect the innocent:

It was my birthday, initially I was content to spend it with just my wife, Molly, eating cake and watching movies.

“Hey, I’m gonna invite Jessica over, is that cool?” Molly asked. Jessica was Molly’s friend whom she had just met and hit it off with. She was about 5’10”, long reddish brown hair and stacked. A few inches taller than Molly who is a bit more proportional but has an ass that’s out of this world.

“Sure,” I said. I hadn’t really expected to have anyone else over but Jessica was cool and we got along.

When Jessica showed up, we cooked dinner, and I popped on a horror movie. I noticed Jessica and Molly giving each other sly looks all throughout the movie.

“Y’all want to watch another one?” I said when the movie ended.

Molly, sitting between me and Jessica, said, “I don’t know guys I’m getting kinda horny.”