[When I was 18, my girlfriend went to a rock concert without me. In the front row. (I had to work that night.) Below is an account of what may or may not have happened after the show. To avoid litigation for libel and slander, Billy’s last name has been scrubbed from the this written version, but it was definitely one of the 5 top touring rock musicians named Billy, and to this day, if you tune to any rock station for any length of time, you are likely to hear one of his songs…]
“Big After-party, Eh?” Said Melinda, glancing around the hotel room with a skeptical eye. It was a small hotel room, definitely not what would be called a hotel suite. And not even a particularly nice hotel. Not fit for Rock Royalty, or even a Knight’s stay, for that matter. Yet the man standing before her was most certainly a millionaire, multiple times over. And so it quickly dawned on her that this place was where he took his groupies, before going back to the real hotel, to be with his wife, or girlfriend, or whatever. But Melinda wasn’t a groupie! Was she?