The dietitian [MF]

Words of advice – dietitians are hot. Rotating through different hospitals allow me to come to this conclusion; the dietitians are always the hottest girls in the hospital.

My job entails moving to a new hospital service every 3 – 6 months; this tale arises from my latest rotation at a remote hospital. I’m an overworked, underpaid but loving every moment hospital officer, and Stace, my co-star is a thin, lean and cute blond in her 20’s that caught my eye on day one with her distinctive ass wiggle as she walked.
Nothing was out of the ordinary to begin with, we were professionals working as best we could as a team in a hospital with limited services. I really started to get to know Stace as the festive season approached last year. Stuck in piles of paperwork on the night Christmas Eve, Stace came by initially to bid a Merry Christmas. The topic of being unfortunate enough to be working over the festive season, alongside my lack of any food intake all day, lead to a frown before Stace walked out. I didn’t expect to see her again until the New Year had passed, but lo-and-behold she came back an hour later with take-out for two.