New possible series, looking for feedback

Had someone mention they were interested in me explaining something in more detail, give examples etc. While explaining the topic my creative side came out and inspired me to throw this together. Its been a looong time aince ive written any literature so feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you guys like it i might see about finding time to continue it. I hope you enjoy, and thanks in advance!

My True Fear – Ch.1

As the moonlight breaks across the sky, I glance at the clock in my dash. It reads 9:30PM. This is much later than any other meeting I’ve had with my Dom. His call during work left my mind racing with thoughts and anticipations. “Do you have time to meet after work tonight? I know you work late, but I have something planned you will never forget. It will push you to your limits, and push your trust in me to its limits as well….” The way he ended the question made my breath catch. I had to take a moment to steady myself, as what could possibly be planned that would push my trust of all things to such an extreme. “I will be there.”, I said simply, not knowing what was in store for me, and not knowing how else to respond as the thoughts flitted across my mind like comets.