[MF] How to end a dry spell: “stick it in and get on with it”.

Over 10 years ago I (25m) was living with my gf (22f) who we’ll call Anne. We had a good relationship and a good sexlife. In April when new semester started her work/study schedule increased to a point where she was always doing either one or the other for 12+ hours a day, including weekends. This stressed her our and started to kill her sex drive.

I took over much more of the household chores and tried to be supportive, but as May came and went we dropped from doing it daily to maybe once a week. The incident I’m about to describe took place on a Thursday evening in the middle of June about after about a 10 day dry period but let’s start on Monday evening. After cuddling on the sofa and watching an episode or two of something we brush our teeth and head to bed.

At this point it should be noted that we both sleep naked. When we got into bed and cuddled I also immediately began to poke her. That’s poke her with my erect penis if you need it spelled out for you. As my poking and caressing of certain areas (boobs, tummy, venus mound) went uncontested I started getting excited and edged closer to her clit, which unfortunately caused her to put her and on mine and stop me. She just wanted to cuddle and sleep but promised we could do more next evening.