Hot for Teacher [FF, Fdom, NC, MC] (part 3)


All three women were famished after their early evening of lovemaking. Lisa had earlier prepared a light meal of chicken salad on a bed of lettuce capped off with a chilled Sauvignon Blanc. Michelle felt strange as she sat at the table dining with the two women, totally nude as they required, while both Kim and Lisa donned the kimonos they had on earlier in the day. After a while she became relaxed as she enjoyed not only the refreshments but the conversation.

Lisa seemed genuinely interested as she asked probing questions about how Michelle had decided to become a teacher and in particular what her day was like with her sixth grade students. Lisa and Kim listened intently as Michelle talked about her students, the school, her best friend Denise, and even her relationship with Kyle.

Switching gears Lisa asked about other interest she had. Michelle appreciated art although she didn’t consider herself much of an artist. She enjoyed music and loved to dance.

“Dance? What kind of dancing do you like,” Lisa inquired.

“I don’t know,” Michelle replied. “I like going out to the clubs with my boyfriend. You know, just dancing,” she smiled.

Hot for Teacher [FF, Fdom, NC, MC] (part 2)


Lisa stood in the doorway watching as Kim helped Michelle out of the Altima. The young school teacher moved slowly, as she made her way up the walk with Kim’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

“I take it you had to drug her again?” questioned the older brunette.

“Yea, Karen helped just like you said she would,” Kim acknowledged.

“I hate using that stuff. Sort of takes the challenge away,” Lisa smiled back. “When did you give it to her?”

“Just after five. She should still be under for a couple of hours,” Kim shot back as they made their way into Lisa’s luxurious apartment.

“Go ahead and take her back. I want her cleaned up. Give her a shower and then put her in the spare bedroom. There are some restraints in the bottom drawer in my bureau. Secure her but leave a little play in the legs,” Lisa instructed as she inspected the young beauty. “Damn I’ve been looking forward to this,” she smiled, sipping on a wine she slowly brought to her lips.

Lisa joined the two women after hearing Kim guide Michelle into the back bedroom. When Lisa entered the bedroom, Kim was fastening the last restrain into place.

Hot for Teacher [FF, Fdom, NC, MC] (part 1)


Michelle glanced around the room trying desperately to gather her thoughts. She couldn’t remember going to bed and for a few seconds she had no idea where she was. Slowly it came back as she stared, somewhat disoriented across the hotel room. Michelle was attending a three day teacher’s conference and her head pounded as she pulled herself up, leaning against the headboard of her bed. Westin Hotels might think it a heavenly bed but Michelle’s whole body ached, particularly her head, which was throbbing.

She thought briefly about opening the curtain to let light into the room, but thought better of it with the dull throbbing behind her eyes. She wasn’t normally a drinker and really couldn’t remember much about the prior evening. After the banquet, she recalled going downstairs to the bar with some fellow teachers from back home. They had all had a few drinks and she remembered talking with some of the other women there but not much after that.

As she pulled herself out of bed, she saw that she was completely naked. But more startling to her was her pussy was shaved completely bare. While Michelle trimmed her bush, she didn’t shave it. She stared at her smooth pussy and tried to recall what she had done.

Maid to Order [FF, Fdom, NC, Humil] (part 3/3)


I finally arrived home at five Sunday morning. I remained in bed the entire day. I awoke with a headache and full blown depression. I became dangerously close to gulping down an entire bottle of aspirin. Fortunately I was a coward.

Arriving at work Monday morning my worst fear was realized. Sitting in the middle of my desk was a basket filled with cleaning items. Leaning against the basket was a sign…”Tool kit for a Maid.”

So now the entire office staff knew. Surprisingly, they were only aware of my role as a maid, not the sex involved. I spent the day going out of my way to avoid everyone.

After work, I went straight to Marlene’s apartment. She hadn’t asked me to drop by…I was drawn there by an inner need I didn’t fully understand.

The apartment was immaculate. Someone had cleaned up after the party. I changed out her bedding and cleaned her bathroom. I was cooking her dinner when she arrived home.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked. “I didn’t order you to be here did I?”

Maid to Order [FF, Fdom, NC, Humil] (part 2/3)


I didn’t talk to Marlene the remainder of the week. Just knowing she needed me for her upcoming party tempered my paranoia.

Saturday morning I showed up at her apartment early. I washed all of her dirty dishes and cleaned and straightened up the living room.

She was still asleep when I entered her bedroom. Being as quiet as possible, I tiptoed to the master bath to collect her dirty clothes. She was partially uncovered, her large natural breast fully exposed. I tried to look away…I couldn’t. They were awesome, like mine.

After collecting a handful of her panties, I tried to quietly slip back through the room. She heard me.

“Sandra, what are you doing in here?” she asked. “Oh, I see. You’re going to wash my panties. Come here a minute. I want to show you something.”

I approached her bed. She reached out, pulling a white pair of her thongs from my hand.

“See how soiled these are,” she said, holding the crotch up for me to see. “I cum in them last night…at least three or four times. They were soaked by the time I arrived home. Here, smell them…smell how nasty they are.”

Maid to Order [FF, Fdom, NC, Humil] (part 1/3)

She was tall and statuesque, her hair in a bun. I had met her type before, trying to appear strong and domineering by flexing their Executive muscle.

Management change was nothing new for me. I had watched new department heads come and go with regularity. I didn’t fear a new boss like the other employees did. The company needed me because I was their biggest producer. I made them money…lots of money. As long as I was one of their best sales people, I felt bullet proof, secure in my job.

When Marlene Nelson called me into her office for a cursory introduction, my haughty attitude was apparent. It initially had the desired effect…it clearly unnerved her.

It didn’t take long, however, for her to regain her composure. As she leaned back in her executive chair, I took notice of her physical attributes. It was obvious she was extremely attractive, hiding a voluptuous body under her conservative business suit. She was also relatively young for an Executive, early thirties I guessed. I sensed she wasn’t intimidated by me, not like the last two managers who sat at her desk.