Black Vinyl [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 1 of 2)


Lights and sound saturated the room. The lights pulsed and reflecting off mirrored walls and spinning balls, sending beams and spots swirling around the room in time with the music. The sound throbbed and rhythm moved through all the bodies. The nightclub was alive with an abundance of stimulus that threatened to overload the senses. And that’s exactly what everyone came here for.

Kathryn was engulfed in the music. She was dancing and throwing her head side to side with the beat, her long brown hair flew with the motion. Her body moved with a rhythm and style that showed off her shape and told anyone watching that she was there to enjoy herself.

She was there together on the dance floor with her friends, but each in their own worlds created by the rhythm. They all smiled at each other and smiled at the guys around them.

“Kathy, I think that guy is checking you out!” Angela yelled over the music. “You think so?”

Lesbian Garter Hypnosis [FF, MC, Fetish]

Denise placed the personal ad because she was bored, mostly.

Three months of living on her own in Benton Harbor, Michigan had not been a terrific boon to her sanity. It was crappy little town off the interstate with fast food chains and a couple of bars, but when you looked closer to find all the tremendous depth that always lurks in Small-town, America (at least, so she’d always been told) you found… nothing. The people here weren’t even all that different in an interesting sort of way. They were just like the people in every other place she had ever lived, except less social.

Denise couldn’t wait until this internship was over and she could leave this hellhole. Until then, though, she was making a last-ditch effort to find a friend to do something—anything!—with.

The voice-personal number she’d found advertised in the local rag looked geared towards people seeking to hook up, but there was a caption which said “Meet New Friends”, so it obviously wasn’t completely romance-oriented. When she called, though, the “Romance” and “Friends” categories weren’t explicitly split out. She wasn’t interested in any of the men around here, even as friends, so she ended up perusing the ads in the Women Seeking Women category. To her dismay, most of the ads turned out to be lesbian or “bi-curious” women out to meet and have sex with other women, which wasn’t what Denise wanted at all; she was comfortably heterosexual, thankyouverymuch.

At the Costume Shop [FF, MC, Inc, Fetish]

“What are we doing here?” Sara groaned.

“What do you think?” Molly answered, “We’re here to get some rockin’ costumes for Halloween.”

Sara looked up at the sign above the shop warily: *LE MARQUESS DE SADE – ADULT COSTUMERY*.

“I don’t know, guys…” she told them.

“Oh come on, Sara, lighten up for once.” This from Molly’s twin sister Melissa. “We’re eighteen years old. It’s time we stopped doing kid stuff for Halloween, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, well you guys are always talking about getting into porn, so I can’t go by anything you say, can I?” Sara shot back.

“We are in porn,” Molly told her casually.


“We hooked up with a company that does those eighteen year old sites,” Melissa told her. “We got our own site, and started filming last week.”

“You have a porn site?”

“We’ve already done a short of us showering together, and one with another pair of twins for their site. Tomorrow, we’re doing another spot with them for our site.” Molly added.

“I can’t believe you two!” She stood there on the sidewalk, her jaw hanging open, staring at her childhood friends. “You’re having sex together?”

Owned By A Beautiful Goddess [FF, Fdom, humil] (part 2 of 2)


She did take the rest of the day off. After I filled in her timesheet of ten hour days and turned it in, I sat there at my desk daydreaming about her and wondering what my ‘special gift’ could possibly be.

The day passed slowly indeed.


She walked in carrying something red and black in her hand. She closed the door behind her and turned to face me. She moved over beside my desk and then she pointed to the floor next to my chair.

“Get out of my chair.” She told me simply.

I dropped what I was working on and got on my knees. She brushed past me and sat down in my chair.

“Today is your lucky day Neenee. You’re about to get closer to my beautiful body than you’ve ever been before.” She told me as she sat down in my chair.

“Yes mistress.” I answered, my excitement threatening to make my heart burst out of my chest. Was she saying what I thought she was?

Owned By A Beautiful Goddess [FF, Fdom, humil] (part 1 of 2)


You never expect to meet God–or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o’clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that’s exactly what happened to me.

It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn’t believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a forty-something, angry little gnome of a woman who was near my diminutive height of five feet tall. Her replacement didn’t have anything in common with her at all. The woman HR had sent up to replace her was young, blond, and tall. And, she was also fantastically beautiful! Upon first seeing her I was practically stunned by her physical presence.

“Hi, I’m Hillary.” She said.

None of my coworkers knew it about me, but I’d known I was into girls since I was sixteen years old. I had a thing for tall voluptuous blondes. HR couldn’t have known it, but they’d sent me a girl right out of my fantasies. I stood there in shock for a moment before I managed to speak.

Dolly Molly [FF, MC, Mast, Fetish]


Halle was pretty pissed off at her boss, that morning. She’d taken the job as her executive assistant under the belief that she ran an Internet hosting service for small businesses. She’d thought the name Halle House Inc. had stood for empowerment of independent women. Well, it turns out that pretty much all of the business were run by independent women, all right, but most of them were porn sites, escort services, strip clubs, and sex toy stores. Halle House Inc. made most of its money from exploitation and degradation and she’d only found out a few days before. She would have stormed out right then and there but she needed the job, at least until she could find another, and she hadn’t been able to find one.

So there she was running to the boss’s house early in the morning to drop off her dry cleaning on her way to the office, and fuming over it terribly. She was furious, frankly, that a woman who ran an electrical smut-shop clearinghouse could live in a neighborhood like this, surrounded by green lawns, big mansions, swimming pools, and expensive cars. She had half a mind to tell her neighbors what her lying slut of a boss did for a living.

Shame On Me [FF, Fdom, Humil, Inc] (Part 2 of 2)


I awoke next morning with an odd thought…I never looked in on Sarah before going to bed. I always looked in on her, and it bothered me that I could be so thoughtless.

I immediately went to her room…her bed had not been slept in. Downstairs a note, she was good at leaving them.

>Mother where are you? You didn’t come home from work. Heather phoned and ask me to come over and stay the night…that’s where I’m at. Why didn’t you call? – Love, Sarah

Jesus, I didn’t even call. I totally forgot. And the groceries, I had left them in the car. Ice Cream, milk, all melted and spoiled.

I made myself a cup of coffee, downed two aspirin…finally allowing my previous night of lust, and its possible consequences, to play thru my mind.

As hard as I had fought my new found sexual cravings I feared I was losing the battle. But teachers and students at my daughter’s school fraternizing…having abnormal sex…I couldn’t afford to be a part of that. But I was a part of it! Somehow I knew, in my weakest moment, I would succumb, no matter how shameful and depraved it might be.

Shame On Me [FF, Fdom, Humil, Inc] (Part 1 of 2)


“Jack, where are we going?” I asked. “You said if I went to the movies with you tonight you would bring me straight home. This isn’t the way home.”

“This will just take a few minutes,” Jack laughed. “You’ll love this. I haven’t visited this place in years.”

“Jack, I have to work tomorrow. Unlike you, I work for a living.”

“Hey, don’t get personal bitch. I work. When I have a job I work. Anyway, we’re here.”

The car turned up a winding dirt lane ending in a wide opening overlooking the city. Four or five cars occupied the self made parking area.

“Jack, this is a make out spot for teenagers. Why the hell would you want to come here? Let’s go…I have to get home.”

Jack found a space and turned off the motor.

“Put out or get out baby,” he smirked.

“Wow, real juvenile Jack. Put our or get out? Real funny. Now take me home.”

“I’m serious Kelly. We’ve been going out for a month and you’ve put off every advance I’ve made. I’m getting a blow job tonight or you can walk out of here. I don’t give a damn. One or the other. What’s it going to be?”

The Idiot’s Guide To Making A Slut [FF, MC]


**Creating The Slut Mindset**

Over the course of several months, my anticipation had built up. From the moment we’d started sending each other e-mail and silly flirtations outside of it all, I just knew that she was going to be mine. I *had* to have her, and I didn’t even know what she really looked like. But none of that really mattered—she was my type.

Clay, begging to be molded.

Everything was going exactly like I wanted to, each detail had been painstakingly thought through, pre-arranged, and replayed in my head obsessively. Time was crucial, now, and I couldn’t afford a mistake.

I finally convinced her to visit me despite her protests of not having sufficient funds to drive, or fly out. So I played the role of the Good Samaritan, and offered to purchase them myself. I even arranged for her hotel accommodations.

Despite her insistence that she’d pay every cent of it back and repeatedly telling me that she couldn’t accept it as a gift, I knew she was more than grateful. She was in my debt. She knew it.

The game was starting out perfectly.

Sub Routine [FF, MC] (part 3/3)


My only conclusion was that I had to get some sleep. I knew that I wasn’t thinking clearly, and that that was almost entirely because of fatigue.

I’d spent the last three nights awake, watching Lily at the machine, and I was feeling the effects. If I didn’t get some sleep voluntarily, I was going to get it involuntarily. And although the thought of Lily moving my sleeping body over next to the computer and slipping the headphones onto my defenseless ears gave me an erotic tingle, I didn’t want to become infected by the virus in such a stupid fashion. So I needed to sleep tonight.

This left me with the problem of what to do about Lily. I considered hiding the key-card to the clean room, but then she’d spend the whole night looking for it. And the first place she’d look for it would probably be on me.

No, I’d have to let her do as she wished, unsupervised. But she’d done that before, and I was still myself. And she didn’t know about the camera.