The Laura Effect [FF, Fdom, Humil] (Part 4 of 5)


Over the next two days I was tormented by personal anguish. In terms of sex I had never felt so exhilarated but I was allowing it to seriously cloud my professional judgement.

I was rapidly coming to the conclusion that I might have to make some serious changes in my life. I knew that I should no longer represent Laura and that led me to re-examine my whole career strategy. More than once recently I had looked at opportunities in Australia. They were crying out for qualified professionals and the salaries reflected their desperate need.

If I made the move I could afford the house of my dreams, complete with swimming pool, for less than I was paying for my apartment. The stumbling block had always been my relationship with John. I had touched on the subject once or twice but he was lukewarm. His career prospects would be seriously prejudiced and he was not a fan of warm climates.

The big difference now was my whole attitude towards my engagement. John had finally caved in and called me leaving two messages on my answer phone. He sounded hurt and genuinely sorry but I had still not returned his calls.

The Laura Effect [FF, Fdom, Humil] (Part 3 of 5)


The following day I overslept and was almost late for my second interview with Laura. When I got there I was pleased to find that the session was to be monitored by a different warder which saved any embarrassment.

I gathered my papers together and waited for Laura to be escorted in and it was a further relief to see that she was dressed far more soberly than before. I hoped that the rigors of incarceration were finally coming home to her as it was more likely to make her cooperative.

Her school record indicated an aptitude for math and intelligence tests suggested that she had well developed problem solving skills. She could be well spoken when she wanted to, as evidenced by her trial, but usually chose to express herself in street argot.

One of the companies offering training places under the rehabilitation scheme was a large firm of Loss Adjusters. Personally I had my doubts about their motives, their chairman being pretty tight with high placed members of the government, but mine was not to reason why.

The Laura Effect [FF, Fdom, Humil] (Part 2 of 5)


As I left the room the insanity of what I had just done came home to me and I knew that it must never happen again but that thought brought with it a rueful realization that it had been one of the most exciting moments of my life.

Later I returned to my apartment and took a long shower but, even having had something to eat, my mind was still buzzing with the thrill of it and I desperately wished that John was with me.

It was a warm evening and I sat on my bed dressed in a short nightdress whilst I browsed the case papers for the following day. It took about an hour and I knew that I was simply avoiding the one job that needed to be done.

Finally, I could put it off no longer. I picked up Laura’s file and began to think about the case notes. In due course I would receive a transcript of the interview, and I was mildly amused at the thought of what some poor young secretary was going to be obliged to type up, but for now I had to jot down my impressions and initial conclusions.

The Laura Effect [FF, Fdom, Humil] (Part 1 of 5)


She sat arrogantly and her eyes conveyed an unspoken challenge. At eighteen years old she was my junior by fifteen years but, for her, it counted for nothing; I represented authority in name only.

She wore her blonde hair in a pony tail scraped back severely from a face that had a natural beauty which she seemed determined to disguise with crudely applied cheap cosmetics. It seemed perverse, therefore, that she was dressed in a manner that was guaranteed to draw attention.

When she walked in the room her skirt was so short that it threatened to reveal her underwear with every step she took and a blue lycra top strained to hold her ample breasts in check. I could have taken issue with her and cited the dress code but I did not want a confrontation before we had even started. She was my very first and I was determined to get it right.

I kept my expression impassive but my heart was beating fast and I looked down at my paperwork to hide my momentary anxiety. After a count of three I looked up again.

Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 5 of 5)


Back in our Editor Margarette Umberger’s office, we filled her in as Katie played her some of the secret tapes she’d made of the snippy little secretaries April Peterson and Tyler McCoy…



“Okay. Listen April, if anybody needs this, it’s YOU. So here’s how it works. I was making prank calls for laughs the other day, and I rang up Doris at her house…” Tyler’s voice whispered.

“Our Doris? Miss Price’s Doris?” April’s voice squeaked.


Umberger paused the tape. “Who’s Doris again?” She asked Katie. Irritated she was asking Katie and not me, I butted in:

“We heard her on the first tape. Remember, the marker? Her role at work’s something of a mystery still. Word is, all the secretaries snub Doris because she’s older, in her sixties and all, we figure the drug again….” I sighed.

Katie added; “Guess Grandma Doris only works there part time too. Bunny said she’ll introduce us to her later today.”

Umberger nodded, and I turned it back on.


“Yeah, I called her at her home. I started making all these sarcastic jokes about her being a young wife, and she got… into it!”

Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 4 of 5)


Katie and I had spent our first morning at Noricom as Katie grumbled along as my secretary. Bunny arranged it so I’d work in the Noricom office as something we called a ‘Personnel Evaluation Manager’. Basically, I got to go around and interview people and evaluate different policies.

On the other hand, Katie would stay at the newspaper and pretend to be working out of our company’s “main office”. This way Katie could write up my notes and tapes, and drop in on the other secretaries on this floor, like Tyler McCoy and the somewhat shyer April Peterson.

Katie showed me how she’d snuck in secretly the night before and started taping everything the two secretaries gossiped about that morning. I could tell Katie hated not publicly being my ‘equal’, even in this ‘undercover’ situation, but she put on a brave face and I made sure not to call her ‘Katie’ in front of the other ‘steno girls’.

Katie was in my office when Bunny walked in.

“So, you two ready for some introductions around here?” Bunny chirped.

“Jennifer, you’re not wearing your Noricom Blazer and business skirt, are you?”

Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 3 of 5)


We found the next name on the list and drove to the house. I walked to the front door and knocked. After waiting, the door was opened by a woman in her forties dressed as, of all things, a playboy bunny.

“Bernice Vallens?” I asked.

She moved to shut the door in my face, but I stuck my foot in the door just in time.

“Ow–you stupid dope!” I cried in pain. “What’s wrong with you? We just wanna talk with you a second.” I winced down at the scuff mark on high heel, and throbbing toe inside it.

“I’m sorry. I’m so stupid sometimes,” she whimpered, as she fetched a napkin.

Katie and I watched astounded as the woman dropped to her hands and knees and buffed the smear off my smudged high heel.

I exchanged a puzzled look with Katie, who was desperately trying not to giggle. Being around forty and a few pounds overweight, her large breasts pleasantly strained across her little pinky bunny suit, black pantyhose, pink high heels and matching pink bow tie and cuff links! I pretended shock, but I kept shamefully watching this grown woman kneeling on the floor with her cotton tail bobbing in the air.

Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 2 of 5)


“Now, where did you get this again?” I asked as we sat in Katie’s car.

“Don’t know. Found it in the same dumpster, where I found the other bottles, remember? Behind some advertising agency called Noricom. I’m betting it all ties back to them somehow.” Katie peered at it as we studied at tape in her hand. “So, that’s where you got this? Noricom?” I asked.

“Yup, and I already listened to some of it. Jennifer, It’s intense. I hope….well…listening to the rest of it….you know….doesn’t mess you up further, I mean after the ‘dose’ I gave you yesterday.” Katie warned sheepishly as she pushed the tape her car’s deck and paused, looked at me dramatically.

“Puullllease! Listen kid, I was doing this when you were young enough to be my…” I paused.

“…daughter?” She her eyes danced.

I poked out my tongue in mock anger. “…younger sister.” I shot back drying to disguise being a little miffed at her.

“You sure your ready?” She asked almost sounding like she hoped I wasn’t!

“Katie, I’m a professional reporter with twenty years experience, not some horny little freak, okay? What you slipped me yesterday’s… all…gone. Trust me. I’ll be fine.” I impatiently snapped, a little embarrassed by her kid gloves.

Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 1 of 5)


Name’s Jennifer Corbitt. When I started at twenty six at the local newspapers, everything looked bright. I was the new cub, the smart, sassy, street savvy reporter in sneakers and a T-shirt. Just a kid.

We Toung Turks cub made ceaseless jokes about all the ‘older timer’ , reporters behind their backs. ‘Hey, any woman over 35 still working at a paper this small, gets what she deserved’, we’d laugh. My mouth water for a shot at the big leagues. One by one, my peers took flight. Before I knew it, twenty years flew by, but I never took flight.

As I undress for bed, I realize how cheep I look in faded jeans and a tired T-shirt at my age. Just never caught a big break, that’s what I told myself. It certainly couldn’t be my refusal to play company bullshit games and dress up in perky little business suits, like all the other young ass kissers around here. The same ones I train, so they can go off and chase all those big stories that were supposed to be mine. It just be some sort of ‘character flaw’ that’s keeping out of the big leagues, but…what?

Black Vinyl [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 2 of 2)


Angela couldn’t figure out why Kathryn hadn’t come by with her car yet. She was expecting to make the car swap an hour ago. Then she’d have plenty of time to get to the salon for her nail appointment before her date.

Well, could it really be called a date. She was meeting up with the guy from last night. Surprisingly, because she never extended one night stands past a one night stand. But he was so hot, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity for an encore.

The only problem was she was supposed to me him at St. Jack’s bar, and currently she had no car.

Angela had called Kathryn at least a dozen times in the past half hour, and if she called anymore it would just serve to get her more worked up. Where could the girl have gone! She wasn’t even answering her cell phone.

In a haze of frustration, Angela calmed down enough that it occurred her that something may have happened to Kathryn. A part of her hoped it didn’t happen while Kathryn was in her car. But she had her own car, and there’s no reason for Kath to have been driving hers today.