A Psychological Turn of Mind [FF] (Part 1 of 5)

**Chapter 1**

The applause swelled as I stepped up to the rostrum to accept the award and my only regret was that my mother and father were not there to share the moment. Whilst I gave my short, prepared, speech I scanned the audience in the hope of seeing my sister but, in spite of her promise, it looked as if she had not made it.

It had been a long day and, as soon as it was polite to do so, I slipped away and took a cab back to my hotel. My mind was still buzzing as I unlocked the door to my room and let myself in but I was jolted back to reality.

It was not so much the surprise of finding a woman on the bed as the fact that she was gloriously naked with her hand purposefully between her legs. I took in the situation at a glance. The woman had propped up the pillows to make herself comfortable and was watching a porn film featuring two pneumatic German blondes who were theatrically fondling one another’s breasts.

For a moment I remained frozen in the doorway, unsure how to react, but then, without missing a beat, the woman turned to me.

My most evil creation [MF, MC, NC]

This is a start of a new story series maybe. Right now it’s a framework outline. It needs to be lengthened and expanded. More scenes and more some actual interaction.

My partner suggested the idea. It’s very, very dark.


My name is Doctor Franklin. I am sexually and criminally insane. Not that anyone with authority has ever figured that out. The one person who did figure it out became my greatest creation.

Lyra is the head nurse of the hospital. I’m one of the staff doctors. She is my wife. I love my wife. We met when I was first hired.

At the time, she truly cared for the patients of the hospital. Working to help them recover emotionally, physically, and near lovingly cared for even the worst of them. Those who would spit on her, bite her, etc. She learned how to handle them and calm them down and convince them to allow her to help them.

When I was hired I couldn’t help but notice Lyra immediately. She is one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. 5’10” tall, long light brown hair normally kept in a bun at work. But what really drew me were be pale blue eyes.

Nipnosis [FF, MC, Fetish]


“Hi, I’m—sleep!” the woman commanded as she shook Lana’s hand.

A puzzled look came across Lana’s face briefly, but almost instantly it melted away as the handshake sent a jolt through Lana’s body and she was pulled forward, pulled down deeper and deeper into the woman’s arms, and the soft whispers in her ear were making her realize how she was sinking, sinking deeper into the woman’s arms now and her eyes closed and then —

She was resting on a couch looking up at the woman, but there was a strange distant sense of herself, as though she were watching herself in a film. Her body was so heavy and relaxed, and she realized that the woman was still speaking but she couldn’t understand the words. It was just too much effort to think. She would much rather relax and obey, relax and obey, falling deeper and deeper, feeling her body growing heavier and heavier still. And in just a moment she would go even deeper, even deeper; she saw the woman snap her fingers and instantly she felt her eyes rolling upwards into her head; her eyelids were fluttering now as a great wave of heaviness washed over her and then —

Teacher’s Golden Rule [FF, Fetish, Water sports, Teacher, Student] (Part 2 of 2)


“Why don’t we leave,” Mrs. Oliver suggested. “I think the lovely aroma we’ve created may give us away.”

My skirt and knee socks were soaked and spotted. I didn’t care.

“My god Janet, the front of my skirt… look at it,” Nancy cried. What are people going to think.”

“Just walk out… quickly. Don’t worry about it. We don’t know anybody here. C’mon, lets go.”

We followed her, walking quickly. I stared straight ahead… Curiously, I was wondering whether any of the men were looking at me, wishing they could fuck me… If my dad were here, would he want to fuck me too? I shuddered at what my virgin mind could conjure up since falling prey to Mrs. Oliver’s sick and twisted idea of pleasure.

Professor Drew’s car was parked at the farthest end of the lot. Once there, I felt relieved. I didn’t know Mrs. Oliver had something else in mind.

Professor Drew wasn’t handling the nights events well. Sobbing uncontrollably, she was having difficulty finding her car keys in her purse.

Teacher’s Golden Rule [FF, Fetish, Water sports, Teacher, Student] (Part 1 of 2)


On my eighteenth birthday my Mother threw a surprise party for me. She invited all of my close friends as well as my favorite high school teacher, Mrs. Oliver.

It was a wonderful day and the world seemed so conquerable to me. Little did I know this day would eventually change my life forever.

When the party ended and everyone gone, I gave my Mother a big hug, thanking her for such a nice gesture. It was typical of my her… she and Dad had been spoiling me my entire life.

After carrying some of my gifts up to my room, I went into the upstairs bathroom. To my surprise, there, sitting on the commode was my teacher, Mrs. Oliver. Thinking all the guest had departed, I was momentarily startled. I stood just inside the door, completely taken aback… and naturally, quite embarrassed.

Apparently she wasn’t bothered by my intrusion al all as she looked up at me and smiled. Suddenly I heard the familiar hiss of peeing. I stood there, frozen, her urinating seemingly going on forever.

Recruitment [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 4 of 4)


The tense silence might have welcomed laughter, but Alexis merely stared.

Felicia Prime?

“You’ll forgive my skepticism, but I find that hard to believe.”

The gorgeous redhead wasn’t vexed at all. “I assure you it is the truth.”

Alexis nearly scoffed. “Then our positions would be reversed.”

She steeled herself and waited, unconvinced by this sudden, improbable twist. “Felicia” remained unperturbed. Delighted, even. She nuzzled Alexis’ nether lips, grinned when Alexis gripped the edges of her seat once more.

“Oh, how to convince you?”

The spark of mirth hadn’t gone away. She took a moment to compose herself, and closed her eyes

Her voice took on a dreamlike quality. “As we speak, Christine is in one of our processing nodes on level seven. She has already been secured to a table, and will be undergoing mind-wipe in a matter of moments.

“Drones sigma nine and seventeen are supervising the session. They have undergone reinforcement programming earlier, and have been directed to make Christine fully obedient. Sigma nine herself will then be slated back into the processing queue, to be reassigned as pleasure drone along with Christine. Seventeen will assist them both in their entrancement phase.”

Recruitment [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 3 of 4)


The ride in the service elevator was quick; Dr. Rhinde watched in silence as the flashing white light darted back and forth, illuminating numbers on the panel. Her mind reeled between the chaos of remembrance and the lust of obedience.

Christine stood perfectly still on the right, but Hannah leaned on Alexis, still floating in the trance that kept her focused. She was a good head shorter than the doctor; moaning against Alexis’ shoulder and repeating the words Christine had implanted in her mind:

“I am a slave, and I obey Mistress… I am a slave, and I obey Mistress…”

Alexis blinked, feeling her own awareness slip away again as the mantra filled her mind. It wasn’t the words that deepened her trance, so much as Hannah’s dreamy voice.

The cart slowed, stopped. The door slid open.

Alexis still wore the lab coat. Her eyes fluttered, and she gasped as air rushed between her legs, teasing her naked pussy underneath. Lingering thoughts vanished in a long, heavenly sigh, and she was back to being the loyal, submissive slave, too dazed to even question the moist heat that suffused her loins.

Recruitment [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 2 of 4)


Alexis shifted on the metal chair, uncrossing her legs casually and relaxing her guard for a moment. She inserted a fresh tape in her hand recorder, not bothering to keep an eye on Christine’s reclined form. The young woman remained docile under the glare of fluorescent lights, her breathing shallow, her smile empty, her relaxed expression betraying no thought. The heavy restraints around her ankles and wrists seemed almost superfluous.

Professional detachment gave way to a fleeting moment of jealousy. The girl was an instrument of Felicia Prime’s will, subdued by a device Alexis only now began to understand. Such dreamy lust, such perfection… a mind begging to be shackled, so lost in divine reverence to a Dark, unseen mistress that the utterance of her very name was bliss and heaven and light.

Alexis chased away her resentment by running a hand over her pussy, still glowing with the warmth of Christine’s probing tongue. This Felicia was a formidable woman, but even if her collar was the most advanced slave-maker Alexis ever seen, it was still only a tool. Something that could be used by others, for ends both similar and different.

Recruitment [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 1 of 4)


Dr. Alexis Rhinde’s fingers danced quickly over the keyboard, calling up enlarged snapshots of the collar, which instantly appeared on the large screen behind her. She waited patiently while directors and research personnel indulged in morbid curiosity, keeping her attention on the small terminal to her right. With a keystroke, she activated an imaging program, superimposing highlights over the digitally enhanced photos.

Even as she mentally went over the next step of her lecture, she moaned quietly to herself.

Assistant-director Wallace brushed the underside of his chin with his thumb as he spoke. “It strikes me as an item one might order from a fetish line catalog.”

His scrawny figure leaned forward to get a better look at the screen, his eyes devoid of the mild unease evident in the faces of the others huddled around the conference table.

“Very much so,” Alexis agreed. “It seems as though great pains were taken to insure that the device could pass a quick visual inspection. Make no mistake however, the degree of sophistication is unlike anything we’ve seen before, and preliminary tests indicate that it is far more than an electronic ‘leash’. I doubt Quixotix Systems—or any of our competitors, for that matter—have the expertise to engineer something like this.”

The Laura Effect [FF, Fdom, Humil] (Part 5 of 5)


Miranda and I fell to the floor together leaving Laura sprawled on the bed. Miranda, aware now of the two guards in the room, clung to me for protection whilst I tried to grab at the bed-cover.

In the next few seconds I saw not only my career in ruins but Miranda’s as well.

The guards stood with a look of astonishment on their faces, stunned to silence, and it was Laura who reacted first.

“Well the meeting was supposed to be convened in a spirit or reconciliation…”

Her words were a jibe aimed at me. I had used the same phrasing when I first mooted the idea to her.

She sat sublimely naked on the bed and the guards simply gaped. Her hair was disheveled and her skin was tinted by a post orgasmic blush but, in even in this wild state, her natural beauty shone through and she knew the power of it all too well.

Finally, one of the guards pulled herself together.

“If you ladies would like to get yourselves dressed…I will have to submit a formal report.”