The Runner [M/F] [NC] [rape]

**The Runner**

Every day he saw her run by. Like clockwork, everyday at 10AM he would look out and see her running by his window. She lived nearby but he did not know where. He wished he did, but alas he had no chance to meet her. This would all change though…

He first heard of the app on a comment board he frequented. He could not believe his eyes when he saw it. But it was there, and people were saying it worked. The app was called “Take me.” It existed as a way for people with certain types of fantasies to indulge in them in a somewhat “safe” manner.

At first he was put off by it. The app’s reason for existence was not something he was into. He, to be quite frank, found it to be abhorrent. Why would somebody even make this app, let alone be on it? Degenerates, that’s who.

He studied her as she ran by again. It was summer so she was wearing athletic shorts and a sports bra. She looks amazing, he thought. He thought of her every time he masturbated. He looked up porn stars that reminded him of her. But none of it really satisfied him. He really just wanted her.

My New Roommate P2 [M/F] [F/D] [inc]

**My New Roommate**

**Part 2**

I was still reeling from that revelation as I pulled into the parking lot at my office. I took a moment to try to calm down in my car before going in. I definitely did not want to go into my office with an erection. After a few deep breaths I had calmed myself enough to go inside.

“Morning Mister Jason,” said my secretary as I walked into my office. I nodded at her without thinking as my mind was already going over the Werner House again. The owner was trying to sell it since they moved out of state. I had a young couple that wanted to buy it but they were stalling for some reason. The husband owned a successful chain of car dealerships that ranged half up the state as well as into two of the neighboring states. The wife was a pretty standard stereotypical trophy wife. You know the kind, does squats religiously, has breast implants, kind of vapid, and does not seem to think much. A bimbo basically.

My New Roommate [M/F] [F/D] [inc]

I looked up from my phone as Emily walked into the kitchen. I still wasn’t used to having a roommate, let alone my estranged daughter.

“Good morning Daddy,” she said as she poured herself some coffee.

“Good morning Emily, but I thought we discussed your use of the phrase ‘Daddy’ when you address me?”

“We did,” she says as she smiles at me, “but you’re my daddy!” She then leaned down and pecked me on the cheek before retreating back to her room. I caught myself watching her butt as she retreated from the room. Shaking my head at myself I finished my coffee before walking back to my bathroom to get ready for work.

As I walked by her room I saw into her room through the open door. She was lying on her bed on her stomach with her feet up in just her tank top and panties. Her athletic shorts from a few minutes ago were laying on the floor at the foot of her bed. I had to catch myself from guffawing at her as I walked by.