Hot Tub Fun [MF]

*I embellished a little, but for the most part, it’s true.*

*We had been in and out of the pool most of the day, and Andre, Elizabeth’s boyfriend, and I were relaxing in the hot tub. Mom had taken the kids earlier to play miniature golf, and were not due back for a couple of hours still. My husband Michael and Elizabeth came out onto the patio, having changed out of their bathing suits.*

*”How does pizza sound?””asked Michael.*

*”Good by me!” said Andre enthusiastically.*

*”Alright then. I’m not familiar with this area, so Beth is going to come with me. Anything else we need to get while we are out?”*

*”More beer!” Andre said again, with a smile.*

*”I want some more Diet Coke,” I said, “and mushrooms on my pizza.”*

The Hike [MF]

A group of my coworkers decided to take a Wednesday off and take a hike in the hills. I had plenty of vacation time, and decided to take the day and go along with them. Dave picked me up at the house pretty early, about 7:00, just after my husband had left for work, and we drove up to the trailhead in Saguaro national park. Dave is the rugged man of the group, always camping and hiking on his weekends and in really good shape. If not for his cheesy 70’s mustache he would be really handsome. I have to admit, he looked really good in his cargo shorts and sweat resistant hiking shirt..

The others were waiting for us. Mary, looking cute as always, damn her. She was wearing this cute t-shirt that of course accented her breasts. While smaller than mine, she doesn’t carry as much weight as I do so they looked really good. Jon, the giant, with his oversized t-shirt and scraggly grey goatee looked a bit uncomfortable and sweating already. Omar and Michael had already started up the trail a bit. I decide not to wear my light hiking jacket and sling on my camelback over my yellow hiking shirt. My sports bra, already boosting my large breasts, boosts them even more when I snap the camelback strap under them, enjoying the sidelong glance both Dave and Jon give my chest.