The Harry Potter Sex Series: Part 7

Ginny ran out of Luna’s house quickly and made her way down the path towards the local village. She needed some time to think. She still couldn’t believe she’d just kissed Luna. Luna who looked so sad when she had told her about wanting to have sex with someone, and now Ginny had mislead her. And there was Harry. Was she going to have to tell him? Would he be angry if he found out? Would he leave her?

Her thoughts were spinning and she felt sick with worry when she noticed a flashing light through her pocket. Realising it must be the notepad Harry had given her she pulled it out and read a note from Luna.

*I hope I haven’t upset you and freaked you out. I’m always doing that to people, I’m a terrible friend. I understand if you’re angry at me for kissing you, I couldn’t help myself.*
*I promise I won’t tell Harry and hopefully we can just forget about the whole thing.*
*Luna x*

Ginny sighed. She could never be angry at Luna, she was just angry at herself for enjoying it and not stopping straight away.

The Dream Team: Threesome

I left college after my sophomore year and moved back home because I was offered a great job that I couldn’t turn down. My girlfriend Belinda was still studying law in Florida and Marcela was still studying Biology in Austin. Belinda and I had stayed together despite the long distance. I didn’t have much contact with Marcela anymore, but Belinda still talked with her regularly and she would tell me about what was going on in her life.

It had been two and a half years since that magical summer when Belinda and I had brought Marcela into our sex lives and it was now becoming a memory that I was always trying to keep fresh in my mind. I had almost completely given up hope that we might all be together (in that way) again.


I grew up in a small town in coal mining country where my father worked on the railroad. He owned a couple of houses that he rented to people who did not want to rent from the coal company that they worked for.

One couple moved into one of the houses in the spring of my sophomore year of high school. The husband’s name was Russ and his wife was Jane. Russ was about 30 years old and about six feet tall and 190 pounds with a shaggy beard. Jane was a tall lady, about 5 feet 9 inches and about 130 pounds with light brown hair and a cute pug nose. She was not beautiful nor real pretty, but she was cute in a way. She did have a pretty nice figure, with nice tits. Jane was younger than Russ, about 23 years old. Their best friends, Bart and Susan, lived in a nearby town.

The Harry Potter Sex Series: Part 6

Ron couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. The confusion and worry over Harry’s disappearance had caused him to forget all about the reward Hermione had promised him. His excitement growing Ron felt his cock begin to rise at the prospect of what he was about to do with Hermione.

Ron was still a little bit confused however.

‘What’s that bottle your holding?’ Ron asked curiously.

‘It’s lubrication, if your going to have anal sex with me then your going to need this else its going to be really tight.’ Hermione explained.

It still amused Hermione that Ron still didn’t know about muggle products. So promising herself that one day she will teach him some muggle studies she approached her boyfriend and sat down on the bed.

Ron was lost for words. He still couldn’t comprehend what he was about to do so he just sat motionless.

Hermione was becoming impatient. She’d been looking forward to this moment all day and now Ron was lingering. Was Ron having second thoughts about anal? She hadn’t exactly asked if he wanted to do it, she had just assumed that as a horny teenager he would be up for anything.

The Harry Potter Sex Series: Part 5

Sunlight crept through the bedroom window onto Ron Weasleys face causing him to wake up with a start. Ron’s eyes adjusted to the bright light as he took in his surroundings. He was lying in bed, Harry must have already woken up and gone for breakfast because his camp bed was empty.

Checking his bed side alarm clock he realised that his first quidditch match for the Chudley Cannons youth team was in 5 hours time. Normally Ron would be forced to spend the night before matches at the team headquarters but as it was his first game they had let him stop with his family to help with nerves.

And boy was Ron nervous. He always was when it came to quidditch matches, but this was a whole lot bigger. All his family and friends would be attending the match to watch him, amongst the other thousand dedicated Cannons fans that liked to go to the youth games to see up and coming talent. This match would be very important, he needed to make a good impression.

The Harry Potter Sex Series: Part 4

Ron pulled a plain black t-shirt of his head as he walked round to look into the mirror. Checking his reflection, he picked up a hairbrush and styled his hair neatly. When he had received his letter from the Cannons yesterday he had been excited at first, but now he had 30 minutes until his meeting started where he’d be discussing his contract.

This was a big deal in the quidditch world, the first contract was always the most important. He knew that it was standard procedure for teams to fill their youth teams with mediocre players on one year contracts, eventually releasing all of them.

Oliver Wood had spoken to him after the war about his years at Puddlemere United. He had told Ron that the club had offered him a 2 year deal for the youth team with the promise of a professional contract at the end of it.

So as Ron finally got his hair to lie flat he started to worry a bit. This meeting could potentially change his career and he just wanted it over with.

There was a knock at the door and Hermione walked in.

The Harry Potter Sex Series: Part 3

Harry looked at Ron in confusion. There had been nothing out of the ordinary about yesterday and he couldn’t see what Ron was possibly referring too. Was Harry forgetting something? Had he done something wrong?

‘Ron mate what are you going on about?’ asked Harry.

‘Look Harry I’ve been speaking to Ginny, and as much as I don’t want to, I think we need to talk about sex.’ said Ron.

Harry could see what Ron meant when he had said this was going to be awkward. They had over the years discussed girls, as best friends do, but this was his own sister. Harry wasn’t really an open person and this was the last thing that he wanted to speak with Ron about right now.

‘Why do you want to speak about this mate if its going to be awkward?’ he replied to Ron.

‘Well like I said I’ve been speaking to Ginny and she’s asked that I have a word with you.’ Ron said as he sat down on his own bed facing Harry.’Believe me I tried getting out of this telling her I didn’t want to know but she insisted, something about her having to listen to me and Hermione whilst she tried to sleep or something like that.’

The Harry Potter Sex Series : Part 2

Harry woke the next morning with his head pounding. He could feel the mixture of last nights drinks resting in his stomach and it made him feel sick. Although he had been drinking a lot recently he’d never really experienced a hangover before and he became worried that something was wrong with him. Not as worried as when he opened his eyes however.

‘What the fuck!’ he thought to himself as he realised a half naked Hermione was pressed against him. Not only that but his hand was still in her pants, a finger still inserted into her pussy. He panicked and tried to remove his finger from her, and as he pulled out she let out a small moan in her sleep.

‘Ohh that’s it Ron’ Hermione whimpered as she rolled over.

Holy shit Ron. What had he done?! His memories of the night before were blurred and he couldn’t remember how far he’d gone with Hermione, or how this had even happened. Guilt instantly pulsed through him as he realised that he had betrayed his friendship with Ron as well as cheating on his girlfriend whilst she slept upstairs.

The perfect morning

I hear you turn off the shower and within seconds I can hear you reach for the door to come out. You have no idea I’m in the room and in the mirror, I can see you wrapped in the towel. While you’re bent over to search for something on your dresser, I step behind you, lift your towel, to have your cute little ass ready for me. It’s obvious you’re not wearing any panties so I can’t not try to tease you.
I slowly go down on my knees and start to trail kisses. All the way from the ankle, to your calves, to your thighs and ending them just a little above your butt. I circle around your pussy, blowing in my warm moist breath and I sense your body warming up and you getting horny. I start to kiss your thigh, second by second, biting it, giving hickeys before I grab hold of your butt. I start to kiss to kiss your ass cheeks, kissing them, biting them before I give a small kiss to your pussy.
I get you up, we’re face to face and we can’t stop kissing each other. Our hands moving all over each other’s bodies. I put my tongue in your mouth and you start to suck on it and then you put your tongue in my mouth and I reciprocate. I lift you up and sit you down on the dresser. I slowly unwrap the towel from your body while I trail kisses down from your neck all the way to your stomach.