[M/F] My biology teacher

This story spans out over a couple of years. But I will try to do it justice the best I can.

I remember the first time I saw her with a sharpness of detail that isn’t matched by any of my other memories.
It was a friday afternoon in the spring of 2013. The last class of the day, the weather was sunny, everyone was full of energy, we were sitting in class and the principal came in and told us we had a substitute for today, I thougth: great, another class of someone scrolling through powerpoint slides.
Then she walked in, instantly every guy in the class got spellstruck. She was the perfect depiction of a hot substitute. She wore a pink summer dress and had the cutest smile ever.

Now at this point I suppose I should tell you what we actually look like.

She was about 5’7″ blonde,blue eyes, tanned, pretty, but her body was the amazing part, she had curves like I have never seen before and an ass deserving of a award.I am just over 6′ and pretty athletic, vains and abs, otherwise pretty normal looking guy I suppose. First time i saw her i was 17 and she was around 20.